
Don Quixote, the beloved itinerant knight.

(5) Cervantes' amazing satirical skills! What is the connection between the rowing sentence in the galleys and "Don Quixote"?

When I read the passages preached within this article, I felt a chilling sensation throughout my body.

This is because rowing in the galleys is also mentioned in Cervantes' "Don Quixote," and the episode of the rowing prisoners and Don Quixote had a very large impact on me.

I was struck once again by the sheer brilliance of the film "Don Quixote. It is littered with terrible satire and irony. And it is a marvel that you can read it as a funny novel even if you don't know about it. It has become my favorite novel even more and more.

Knowing the history of the Inquisition changes the way we see literature. This was very interesting.

Don Quixote, the beloved itinerant knight.

(4) Social distrust due to rampant secrecy and snitching during the Spanish Inquisition: Into a hellish world of doubt and suspicion

What we will see in this article is the process by which what was thought to be simply a system for judging heresy has become a disease of society as a whole.

At first, we only punished those we suspected.

However, this escalates and turns into a world of doubt and suspicion, where one can no longer be sure who is being tipped off by whom. In such a world, how can there be warm human interaction? Will there ever be the joyful connections we used to take for granted?

Once surveillance and snitching have become so entrenched, trust between people is broken.

Once this happened, there was little each individual citizen could do. Spain gradually lost its vitality...

Don Quixote, the beloved itinerant knight.

(3) Torture is used to defeat the enemy and realize ideals - The psychology of not treating victims as people



Don Quixote, the beloved itinerant knight.

(2) The political speculation and true purpose of the Spanish Inquisition




Don Quixote, the beloved itinerant knight.

Maria Rosa Menocal, "Culture of Tolerance" - Recommended to learn about medieval Spain, where Muslims, Jews, and Christians coexisted.






Don Quixote, the beloved itinerant knight.

(1) Why did the Spanish Inquisition begin?




Don Quixote, the beloved itinerant knight.

Toby Green, "The Inquisition: The Reign of Terror that Undermined the Great Spanish Nation" - Terrifying similarities with the Soviet Union and totalitarianism - and the Karamazov connection.




History of the Soviet Union under Lenin and Stalin

Ziid's "Soviet Travels" - The moment when the French Nobel Prize-winning writer realized the reality of the Soviet Union, which he admired.

Ziid visited the Soviet Union, a country he had longed to visit, and had high hopes for how wonderful the country would be, but there he found out the reality of the situation. He wrote about his feelings in the book "Travels in Soviet Russia.

Ziid's "Travels in Soweto" was a very interesting book. This article will introduce some parts of it, but really there are many more parts that I would like to introduce! It is that interesting!

I urge everyone to pick up a copy for themselves. It is a very interesting book and I highly recommend it.

The content is also very closely related to Dostoevsky, so we highly recommend this work to Dostoevsky fans.

History of the Soviet Union under Lenin and Stalin

The Island of Cannibalism: Stalin's Unknown Gulag" - The reality of the Soviet Union's disastrous starvation policy where cannibalism was rampant.

The book tells the story of why starvation was so great that such cannibalism occurred, and why Russia has become such an unregulated and lawless country.
The book is quite shocking, but it gives an insight into what was going on at the scene of the mass murder, the interactions between Moscow and Siberian bureaucrats, and the sloppy planning.

And above all, what happens to human beings in a situation of desperate hunger.

The book is full of very important insights not only into Russia, but also into human history. I highly recommend it.