
The Zenkyoto Generation as an IdeologyYukio Mishima and Japanese Literature

Shuhei Kosaka, "Zenkyoto Generation as an Ideology" - Recommended work to feel the spirit of the times from the 60's through the author's personal narrative.

What was the student conflict?

For me, a stranger to that era, they were so mysterious and complex that I did not know how to understand them.

The book looks at the Zenkyoto and even the Red Army through the author's personal narrative.

I highly recommend this book as an introduction to Zenkyoto and the student conflict. I believe that we, the younger generation who do not know about this era, should read this book. Why not pick up a copy?

Stalin's LibraryHistory of the Soviet Union under Lenin and Stalin

Jeffrey Roberts, "Stalin's Library" - A novel biography of Stalin from the perspective of reading. How did he view Dostoevsky?

Hating him doesn't explain why and how he went to such lengths."

This is a very important point made by the author. If we put Stalin away as just a big bad man, that is where our thinking ends.

This is a very stimulating book that looks at Stalin from the perspective of "reading" to find out why he was able to become a dictator and what was behind his success. The author's courage to attack from a minor angle, "reading," which in a sense is not easily associated with dictatorships, is nothing short of amazing. It is very innovative.

Dostoevsky and Christianity

Yasuyuki Takahashi, The Russian Church under Persecution: 70 Years of Orthodoxy in an Atheistic State - What was the state of Christianity in the Soviet era?

The Soviet era may be difficult for those of us living in the modern world to imagine. Even for those who lived in the Soviet Union during the same period, information was limited, so they were able to learn about the actual situation only to a limited extent.

In such a situation, religion, which was a taboo subject under the Soviet regime, was a particularly secretive matter.

The relationship between the Soviet Union and the Russian Orthodox Church can be known only now that the Soviet Union has collapsed.

This book is a very valuable book to learn about this.

I think this book is a very significant work in terms of knowing Dostoevsky.

Marx Engels Writings and Related Works

Yohei Nakajima, "The Eve of Socialism: Saint-Simon, Owen, and Fourier" - Was Marx's label of imaginary socialists unjustified?

Saint-Simon, Owen, and Fourier were labeled "fantastical socialists" by Marx Engels. This book looks at whether these three men were really fantastical socialists.

As stated in the book introduction above, this is a stimulating work that provides an insight into its reality, which is "neither fanciful nor socialist".

Don Quixote, the beloved itinerant knight.

Che Guevara, "Marx-Engels Sketch" - What does Guevara think of Marxism? That Guevara wrote a biography of Marx!

This work is very much about where Che Guevara stands on Marxism.

First, when we think of Marxism, we think of the Soviet Union, but from Guevara's perspective, Soviet-style Marxism seemed to be distorted from the original Marx. The Soviet Union had become a rigid bureaucracy, and its reality was different from Guevara's ideal of Marxism.

In this article I will tell you what Guevara thought of Marxism and what I think of it!

Marx Engels Writings and Related Works

Plato's "The State" Synopsis and Comments - The prototype of state management by the elite. Managed society had already begun here.

The main reason I wanted to read this book is that his view of the nation was a precursor to utopian thought.

It was very interesting to see how Plato's "The State" had a profound impact on the European psyche, leading to Thomas More's later "Utopia," and from there to the world of the visionary socialists, Marx, Lenin and Stalin.

This book used to frustrate me, but it is totally different when I have a sense of purpose that I have to read it now.

This reading made me realize that "having a purpose" is a good spice in reading.

Marx Engels Writings and Related Works

Thomas More's "Utopia" Synopsis and Comments - Dystopia already from the beginning of Utopia?

Utopia" is a word that is familiar to us today, and the man who coined it is Thomas More.

In utopia, a day's work is six hours and no more. However, the daily schedule, including work, is managed under strict supervision, which is quite dystopian in our sense of the word. It is exactly like Big Brother in 1984.

Yes, the utopian novel was dystopian from its very beginnings. This was a surprise to me when I read it.

Marx Engels Writings and Related Works

Engels' masterpiece "From Imagination to Science" - A best-selling introduction to Marxism! Is Marxism a religious phenomenon?

The difficult and large "The Theory of Capital" and the easy and compact "From Imagination to Science.

It may be said that it was this combination that led to the explosion of Marxism.

I will state my conclusions in this article on the subject of "Is Marx a Religious Phenomenon?" Engels has accomplished something tremendous in this work.

This work is as decisive as "Capitalism" in considering Marx's thought. We hope you will read this article!

Learn about the life and thought background of Marx Engels

(69) Thinking about the Marxism of Lenin and Stalin - Is Marx Engels guilty?

Now, it is time for the general summary of this book.

The author began the book by pointing out that while Marx has been reevaluated around the world in recent years, there is a tendency to hold Engels responsible for the politics of fear in the Soviet Union, China, and other communist countries.

In response to this trend, this book traces the life and ideological background of Marx Engels in order to examine the question, "Is Engels really guilty?" In this book, we have traced the life and ideological background of Marx Engels in order to examine the question, "Is Engels really guilty?

In this article I will also share my thoughts on such Marx Engels.