
History of the Soviet Union under Lenin and Stalin

(3) Stalin grieving over the suicide of his beloved wife - An unexpected side of Stalin

Stalin was a workaholic and did not care first about his family. However, Nadja and Stalin often quarreled, but they were able to have open conversations. For Stalin, she was the only partner he felt comfortable with.

However, the bizarre situation at the heart of the Soviet Union - the political machinations and Stalin's unrestrained attitude - caused Nadja to become mentally ill. Finally, she committed suicide by shooting herself in the heart.

As expected, Stalin was shocked by his wife's suicide. The dictator who killed millions of people with impunity also shed tears and suffered severe shock at his wife's death.

If there had been even the slightest bit of mourning for the deaths of millions of people, history might have been different. Or perhaps it is precisely because he did not that he was able to become a dictator...

History of the Soviet Union under Lenin and Stalin

(2) What is the relationship between Leninist Bolshevism and religion that led to the disastrous famine in Ukraine in 1932?

Religion was taboo in Soviet society, but the very structure of the Soviet Union was based on religious beliefs. I have been thinking a lot about the theme of what religion is, and this was a very thought-provoking scene.

And under Stalin's regime, at least 4 to 5 million people died of starvation. And that too by man-made means...

These things were happening during the Stalin era. And under Stalin's regime, even this was justified in order to create a "wonderful new world"... It has now become a story of unimaginable proportions...

History of the Soviet Union under Lenin and Stalin

(1) Who was Stalin - What is the significance of studying Stalin now?

Stalin himself stated, "Even I am not Stalin.

I think this is a very important word.

Stalin has been considered the dictator of the Soviet Union. However, Stalin himself may have been only one cog in the Soviet system. It was very interesting to see how Stalin, who seemed to be running everything, was actually being driven by the system.

I think this passage is very important in considering what a dictator is.

History of the Soviet Union under Lenin and Stalin

Montefiori, "Stalin, the Red Czar and His Courtiers" - A recommended reference book to learn who the Soviet dictator Stalin was!

What makes this film unique is the way it tries to get as close as possible to the real image of Stalin as a human being. Not only Stalin, but also his family and the courtiers around him are described in detail.

Who was Stalin, what was he thinking and what was he trying to do? And how did he rise to dictatorship?

This book is a huge work, about 1200 pages in both the upper and lower volumes. But you will not get tired of reading it at all. The novel-like narrative draws you in as you read.

It's a big book that is quite a pain to read, but it's worth it. It's interesting!

History of the Soviet Union under Lenin and Stalin

H. Carrère-Dancourse, "What was Lenin?" - This is the book to learn more about Lenin.

The book is characterized by the major question posed by the title of the book, "What was Lenin?" The book explores the question of why Lenin was Lenin and what were the factors that made him Lenin.

As the title suggests, the book takes the stance of "Who was Lenin really, although he had been idolized and worshipped until now? We will come to know a completely different Lenin from the image we have had of him during the Soviet era.

Turgenev, the great Russian writer

Why Lenin Liked Turgenev - Turgenev in Lenin's Biography

How Lenin viewed literature is a very interesting question. A leader's preferences affect the culture of his country. This is because his policies dictated "what is good," and new literature would be created or past cultures would be interpreted accordingly.

Knowing how Dostoevsky and his great literary contemporaries were received in the Soviet era gives us a glimpse into the context in which the image of Dostoevsky written in the Soviet era was created. This is a very interesting part of learning about Dostoevsky.

History of the Soviet Union under Lenin and Stalin

Robert Servis, "Lenin" - A masterpiece of Lenin's biography that has received worldwide acclaim.

ヴィクター・セヴェスチェンの『レーニン 権力と愛』と比べると、より硬派で伝記らしい語り口が特徴となっている1冊。

読み物として驚くほど面白かったヴィクター・セヴェスチェンの『レーニン 権力と愛』とはまた少し違った視点から語られるレーニンをこの本では知ることとなりました。



History of the Soviet Union under Lenin and Stalin

(16) Lenin's Mausoleum as a Temple of Lenin's Death and Still Living

Lenin himself may not have imagined that after his death, his body would be embalmed, preserved semi-permanently, and venerated. Lenin's family also wanted him to be buried in a tomb after his death.

But his body was crucial to the Soviet Union's leadership. The people who took notice of this, overcoming the opposition of his family, would make Lenin into the very immortal god that he was.

The preservation and "permanent" veneration of Lenin's body sounds very religious. In the atheistic Soviet Union, this was a paradoxical form of worship.

Lenin is dead, but he lives on in Russia. The existence of Lenin's Mausoleum is connected to Russia in a much deeper way than we can imagine. This is a very important issue for the study of religion, and even for the study of human beings themselves.

History of the Soviet Union under Lenin and Stalin

(15) Lenin and the Russian Orthodox Church: The harsh reality of the Soviet government's suppression of the church

No one should be trying to protect the church now that peasant discontent is at its maximum and starvation is at its height."

Lenin waited until it was now or never to destroy the church, and finally took action.

This was a policy typical of Lenin's thoroughgoing strategy for seizing power.

This led to the thorough suppression of the Russian Orthodox Church and its harsh fate during the long years of Soviet power.

This article looks at how Lenin suppressed the Church.