
Second Indian Expedition - Travels to Buddhist sites in India and Sri Lanka

(16) Why have the Buddhist sites in India been buried in the ground and forgotten - notice the meaning at Khajuraho

Many Buddhist sites, including the Khajuraho site, have long been forgotten in India.

They were buried in the earth and did not see the light of day until the English discovered them in the 19th century. But is it really possible? How is it possible that no one knew about such huge ruins? I had such doubts.

India Sri LankaSecond Indian Expedition - Travels to Buddhist sites in India and Sri Lanka

(12) Beginning of the Second India-Sri Lanka Expedition: Pilgrimage to Buddhist sites in south-central India and the Buddhist holy city of Sri Lanka

India in August was too severe. I had to learn from that lesson and complete the itinerary successfully this time. I carefully rethought my plan and prepared for the second expedition to India and Sri Lanka, which was to begin at the end of October. In this article, I would like to describe the general itinerary and objectives of this expedition to India and Sri Lanka.

IndiaFirst Expedition to India - Visit to the Holy Land of the Ganges River

(10) India was India to the end. The driver of the car accident that happened right in front of me took me by surprise on the last day.

Finally, the last day in India. Although I had an accident on the way to India where I collapsed from the Indian baptism, it was an intense and exciting India.

Although I thought on the way to the airport, "There will be no more of this," India still showed me some interesting things. In this article, I will tell you about the last incident I saw in service-rich India.

RishikeshFirst Expedition to India - Visit to the Holy Land of the Ganges River

(7) To Rishikesh, the holy land of yoga - Visit the holy land of the upper Ganges, made famous by the Beatles' stay in the city.

Rishikesh, the holy city of Rishikesh, further upstream from the Hindu holy city of Haridwar in the Ganges.

It is known as a sacred place for yoga and is also famous for the fact that the Beatles once wrote a song here.

I also came to such a holy place of yoga. I stayed there while feeling the difference from Haridwar.