
Gorio old manFrench Literature, History and Culture

Balzac's "Old Gorio" Synopsis and Impressions - The Story of the Rise of a Young Frenchman - What is the Connection to Dostoevsky's "Crime and Punishment"?


When I read this novel, I was amazed.

The situation of the young man Rastignak, the protagonist of the film, was similar to that of Raskolnikov, the protagonist of "Crime and Punishment.

Reading "Old Gorio" also made me think about why Dostoevsky created Raskolnikov, whose path is similar to Rastignak's but very different.

FranceFrench Literature, History and Culture

A quick look at the flow of France after Napoleon - French July Revolution and February Revolution




NapoleonFrench Literature, History and Culture

Napoleon's Expedition to Egypt and Accession to the Czar's Throne - A Study of the Relationship between Dostoevsky's Crime and Punishment and Napoleon





NapoleonFrench Literature, History and Culture

Who was Napoleon? His origins and underbelly: A study of the relationship between Dostoevsky's "Crime and Punishment" and Napoleon



calamudineRussian History and Culture and Dostoevsky

Karamzin, "Paris in the Eighteenth Century as Seen by Russians" - What was the shock of the Russian humanist scholar who saw Paris, the city of his dreams?

In this book by Karamzin, he candidly describes the overwhelming charms and negative aspects of Paris, the city he admired from a Russian perspective, and his impressions of the Parisian people as he saw them.

It was another version of the glamorous and beautiful city of Paris, a stench and filth-ridden Paris.

Paris was the most prosperous city of its time, but at the same time, the negative aspects of that prosperity were not uncommon.

This is a surprising fact.

It was very interesting to see Paris from the perspective of a Russian, Karamzin!


Zweig's "Three Masters" - Balzac, Dickens, and Dostoevsky, their characteristics as seen by comparison

The book's author, Stefan Zweig, was born in Vienna in 1881 and is best known as a world-renowned biographer, having written international bestsellers such as "Marie Antoinette" and "Balzac.

Why is Dostoevsky so difficult and what makes Dostoevsky's literature so unique?"

Zweig highlights this through comparisons with Balzac and Dickens.

It is really easy to understand when you compare the two. You are indeed one of the best biographers in the world. It was truly an eye-opener.