
Nietzsche and Dostoevsky

Yuichi Higuchi, "Wagner: The Twilight of Western Modernity" - A recommended reference for understanding the characteristics of Wagner!

The book will also mention Marx, Dostoevsky, and Nietzsche.

The author will also talk about the relationship between Wagner and thought, literature, and philosophy, so the various genres are connected and very interesting.

The book is very interesting not only because of Wagner's life and characteristics, but also because of the history of Western culture. I was not familiar with classical music, but I found it very easy to understand and engrossing to read.

I struggled a lot with music classes in middle school and high school, but this book was a quick read for me. I thought I would have liked music more if these books had been textbooks, lol.

Nietzsche and Dostoevsky

Nietzsche's Encounter with Wagner - Wagner's enormous influence on the formation of Nietzsche's thought.

Nietzsche had been a music lover since his youth, but his definitive encounter with Wagner came in 1868, when he was 24 years old. He attended a concert where Wagner's masterpieces "Tristan und Isolde" and "Die Meistersinger" were performed.

Wagner's music brought Nietzsche to a place where his entire nervous system was in convulsions and he was in a state of unceasing ecstasy. A chaos that was completely beyond the power of reason. Nietzsche was astonished by this overwhelming sensation. Nietzsche's thought is a struggle for the absolute. Nietzsche's tendency to seek the absolute and Wagner's music were a perfect match. This is how Nietzsche's debut work, "The Birth of Tragedy," was born.

Nietzsche and Dostoevsky

J. R. Rosenhagen, "Nietzsche in America: A Story of an Idol" - A History of Nietzsche's Reception in America

In this book we will look at how Nietzsche has been received in the United States. As I mentioned in my previous article, Nietzsche's image changes depending on who reads it. In other words, each person's interpretation of Nietzsche is unique. Knowing how Nietzsche was received will also lead to understanding the thoughts of the people of the time.

I feel that saying "Nietzsche is ~~" is nothing more than a statement of one's own thought. I realized that Nietzsche is such an enigmatic figure.

This book provides a very good example of the feeling that Nietzsche changes his appearance depending on the reader. A very interesting book.

Nietzsche and Dostoevsky

Does Nietzsche change his appearance depending on who reads him? What kind of person is Nietzsche?

There are countless views on Nietzsche. He is such a difficult and multifaceted figure.

Nietzsche is a being that is too esoteric to be touched upon very often. But despite this, Nietzsche is a figure that pops up in a variety of places. I think the general image of Nietzsche is "I don't know what he is, but he is just an amazing person. I was one of them. To be honest, I don't really know what Nietzsche is.

In this article, we will look at four passages from the reference books we have introduced so far that discuss what Nietzsche is all about.

Nietzsche and Dostoevsky

McIntyre, "Elisabeth Nietzsche: The Woman Who Sold Nietzsche to the Nazis" - Nietzsche had a horrible sister! Unprecedented shock!

This book is terrific. It is shocking.

You're kidding!" I can't help but think, "What an amazing series of facts.

I picked up this book to find out how the world came to accept Nietzsche, and I found it far more interesting than I had imagined.

Nietzsche himself was an extraordinary person, but his sister was also an extraordinary person. She and her husband established a pure Aryan village in the interior of Paraguay in South America, where she reigned as the ruler and deceived the villagers. After Nietzsche's madness, she falsified his writings and letters to create a "Nietzsche the Great" to suit her own purposes, and finally joined the Nazis.

The book also reveals Nietzsche's character through the life of his fearsome sister.

Nietzsche and Dostoevsky

R. Zafransky, "Nietzsche: A Biography of His Thoughts" - Recommended reference book to learn how Nietzsche's ideas came about.

What makes this book unique is that it is not just a biography, but a "biography of thought. The book traces Nietzsche's life and looks at his thought process.

Moreover, I appreciate the fact that he explains Nietzsche's ideas, which are representative of difficult philosophers, without using small, difficult words as much as possible.

This book is an easy-to-understand but essential reference book. Explaining something difficult in easy-to-understand language carries a certain danger. There is a danger that by using simple language, the author may be distracted from what he is trying to convey. In this book, however, the author has taken great care to avoid such a situation.

Nietzsche and Dostoevsky

Jiro Watanabe and Kanji Nishio (eds.), "The Nietzsche Story: Its Abyss and Multifaceted World" - A groundbreaking reference book to know Nietzsche from various perspectives.

Who is Nietzsche?"

This may be an eternal theme.

Nietzsche appears differently depending on the time period in which he is read and the differences among the readers.

This book is a reference to think about Nietzsche, who is supposed to be such a "polymath".

The book is also a concise summary of Nietzsche's life and ideological aspects, making it a very useful reference book in times of need.

Nietzsche and Dostoevsky

W. Schubart, "Dostoevsky and Nietzsche: What Their Lives Symbolize" - Recommended reference book to read from the two men's understanding of Christianity!

The author looks at both pursuers of absolute truth in terms of their relationship to God.

The book will also discuss the parallels between Nietzsche and Raskolnikov, the protagonist of Crime and Punishment, and Ivan of The Brothers Karamazov. We will look at the typical intellectuals of Dostoevsky, who pushed reason to its limits, and Nietzsche's madness overlaid on their downfall. This was also of tremendous interest to me.

There are so many interesting passages in this book that I honestly feel like quoting the entire book itself. But that would be a big problem, so I'll give that up.

However, the book was also very shocking to me personally.

This book is a very useful reference for considering both Dostoevsky and Nietzsche.

Friedrich NietzscheNietzsche and Dostoevsky

Comparison of Nietzsche and Dostoevsky - What are the characteristics of each thought - A word about future Nietzsche articles

From this article, I would like to consider the German philosopher Nietzsche. Nietzsche is a philosopher famous for his esoteric ideas and the phrase "God is dead.

To be honest, I have always hesitated to introduce Nietzsche on our blog.

This is because Nietzsche is a powerful influence on the reader, for better or worse.

There is a demonic strength to Nietzsche's words. Their infectious power is tremendous.

Recently, however, after reading Nietzsche-related reference books and re-reading Nietzsche's works, a different Nietzsche has appeared before me. I have realized that studying Nietzsche has given me a very useful perspective to further deepen my understanding of Dostoevsky and, moreover, to study Shinran Shonin, the founder of Jodo Shinshu.

The World as Will and RepresentationLearning from the Philosopher Schopenhauer

Read Schopenhauer, The World as Will and Representation

The World as Will and Representation is a rather large work. It would be extremely difficult for the people of the time, as well as for us today, to fully understand it.

What's more, surprisingly, the author himself, Schopenhauer, makes a tremendous statement in his preface.

He begins by saying. You have to read this book twice to understand it.

He wants us to read such a difficult and long book twice. And he declares from the very beginning that you need patience because you won't understand it the first time. Schopenhauer is indeed a very different man.

Other words of surprise keep coming. After all, this work is not a simple one!