
Second Indian Expedition - Travels to Buddhist sites in India and Sri Lanka

(63) Visiting the grave of Yukio Mishima at Tama Cemetery - Thoughts on Mishima, who continued to question life and death

After visiting the site of Yukio Mishima's suicide at the Ichigaya Memorial Museum, I headed directly to the Tokyo Metropolitan Tama Cemetery.

The purpose is, of course, to visit the grave of Yukio Mishima.

Yukio Mishima has become a huge presence in my life. I wanted to leave for India after greeting Yukio Mishima, who had died a spectacular death.

Birth of the department storeFrench Literature, History and Culture

Shigeru Kashima, "The Birth of Department Stores" - Why Do We Want to Buy? What is the secret of learning from the long-established department stores in Paris?

According to Kashima, "department stores are not only a purely capitalistic institution, they are its ultimate expression.

Why is this, he says, because "the inherent capitalist process of buying things not by necessity but by desire is precisely the one triggered by department stores.

In other words, the birth of the department store was so significant that the capitalist system we live under today began here. Why do we "want things"? In this book, we can learn the origin of the desire capitalism that stimulates it.

This book is a very valuable work as a business bible. It is a very stimulating and interesting work of cultural and world history, but it is also an extravagant book in which you can learn about the mechanics of business.

The Truth About CoffeeBuddhism in Sri Lanka, Nepal and Southeast Asia

Antony Wilde, "The Truth About Coffee" - A book that sounds the alarm about the history of coffee and the unequal trade system that continues today!

What an ease it is to innocently drink deliciously without knowing anything about it.

It is clearly less psychologically burdensome that way.

But what would happen if all people became like that? No, what has happened to the world today with neoliberalism?

It may be harsh, but I think this book is one that you should have the courage to read because you are a coffee lover.

Impressions of the Summer Recounted in Autumn - Trip to Paris and Georgia

(16) Visiting Waterloo, the site of Napoleon's defeat - an ancient battlefield that Hugo went to great lengths to visit in order to complete his Remisée.

After leaving Paris, I headed for Waterloo, an ancient battlefield in Belgium.

It is known as the place where Napoleon was defeated in the final battle in 1815, ending his glory.

And this was also a very important place for Hugo, who wrote "Les Miserables.

In this article, we will talk about Waterloo, the place associated with Napoleon and Hugo.

Impressions of the Summer Recounted in Autumn - Trip to Paris and Georgia

(15) Why didn't Raskolnikov in "Crime and Punishment" become Rastignak in "Old Gorio"?

Our week-long stay in Paris is finally coming to an end.

The idea was to follow Dostoevsky's lead in describing my own impressions of the summer in "Impressions of Summer in Autumn," but I could not say much about Dostoevsky himself.

Dostoevsky himself rarely talked about the sights and art of Paris, but I would still like to write about what I thought of him at the end of the Paris section.
The main theme of this article is about Raskolnikov, the protagonist of Crime and Punishment, and Rastignak, the protagonist of Balzac's Old Gorio.

Impressions of the Summer Recounted in Autumn - Trip to Paris and Georgia

(10) Familiar with "Phantom of the Opera"! We went to the Opera Garnier in Paris - we also found the 5th box seats for the Phantom!

Paris is famous for its Opera House. In this article, we will talk about the Opera Garnier, or the Opera House.

It is definitely the place to be for fans of "Phantom of the Opera." This article will also talk about that Phantom box seat.

Of course, even if you are not familiar with "The Phantom of the Opera," this stunning Napoleon III style is a must-see!

This is definitely a must-see point of interest in Paris. I highly recommend this spot.

Impressions of the Summer Recounted in Autumn - Trip to Paris and Georgia

(9) A panoramic view of Paris from the Sacré Coeur: a huge church on the hill of Montmartre, associated with Zola's late masterpiece novel "Paris".

In our previous article, we introduced the places associated with Emile Zola's "Lugon Makkar Series".

And in this article, we will introduce the Sacré Coeur Abbey, the main setting of "Paris," the final volume of the "Three Cities Twins," which Zola wrote in full after completing the "Lugon-Macall Series.

This church is famous for its spectacular view of Paris, but from a Zola fan's point of view, it has a completely different meaning. What Zola thought about this church will be introduced in this article.

Impressions of the Summer Recounted in Autumn - Trip to Paris and Georgia

(8) A roundup of sites associated with Zola's "Lugon MacCarl Series" in Paris - set in Paris under the Second Empire of France.

In this article, I will introduce the places associated with "The Lugon Makkar Series," a masterpiece by Emile Zola, a writer I respect and admire.

The "Lugon McCall Series" is just fascinating. And I suspect that nothing has exposed the workings of the modern society we live in as much as this group of works.

We encourage you to first pick up a copy of even one of the masterpieces by the genius that is Emile Zola. And please be shocked by its powerful blow.

I would highly recommend "Izakaya" and "Nana" as they are available in paperback.

Impressions of the Summer Recounted in Autumn - Trip to Paris and Georgia

(6) Tour of Paris and Balzac's places of interest: Boulogne Forest, Balzac's House, Pere Rachaise Cemetery.

This article will introduce the places associated with Balzac, the French literary giant famous for "Grandpa Goriot.

We will look in turn at the Boulogne Forest, which is significant in the novel, and Balzac's house and the Pere Lascheuse cemetery, where his grave is located.

It was especially satisfying to see his favorite walking stick and coffee pod at Balzac's house.

Impressions of the Summer Recounted in Autumn - Trip to Paris and Georgia

(5) Visit the Invalides where Napoleon's tomb is located - The more you know about Napoleon, the more charismatic he became.

After visiting the graves of Rousseau, Voltaire, Zola, and Hugo at the Panthéon, I headed to the Invalides. This is where Napoleon is buried.

Still, the imposing standing of the Invalides is enough to make one sigh. In a sense, such an architectural structure is Napoleon's tombstone. It reminds us of how huge a person Napoleon was.

In this article we will talk about Napoleon.