
Second Indian Expedition - Travels to Buddhist sites in India and Sri Lanka

(59) After all, Yukio Mishima was exceptional! The overwhelming power of his brush strokes gives the impression of Dostoevskian black magic.

After visiting the University of Tokyo's Yasuda Auditorium, I finally returned to Hakodate and continued reading furiously without a break.

Finally, I picked up Yukio Mishima's masterpiece "The Temple of the Golden Pavilion". This was my first Mishima work....

I once called "Crime and Punishment" "Dostoevsky's black magic. And I am convinced that Yukio Mishima's "The Temple of the Golden Pavilion" is just such a work!

Yukio MishimaYukio Mishima and Japanese Literature

List of 15 recommended works of Yukio Mishima and commentaries - Interesting works of Yukio Mishima, one of Japan's most famous writers, and his epic life.

This article will introduce recommended works and commentaries by Yukio Mishima.

It was my blessing to have met the extraordinary giant that is Yukio Mishima.

Mishima literature may seem obscure, but if you start with a solid introduction, you will be able to enjoy its charms more than enough. It is truly the black magic of Mishima literature. I highly recommend this author.

Sea of FertilityYukio Mishima and Japanese Literature

Yukio Mishima's "Sea of Fertility" Synopsis and Impressions - What is Life? What is life? An amazing feature-length tetralogy that contains the soul of Mishima!

I have previously written an article on this blog entitled "Ten Novels to Use as Your Business Card," and this "Sea of Fertility" will be a new addition to that list.

The Mishima extract has had a very strong influence on my travels to Buddhist sites in India.

I consider "The Sea of Fertility" to be a major event in the history of world literature beyond Japan. It was such a huge work.

Kelaniya TempleSecond Indian Expedition - Travels to Buddhist sites in India and Sri Lanka

(56) Experience the bustle of the full moon holiday (Poya Day) at the Kelaniya Temple near Colombo!

Here in Sri Lanka, the custom of visiting temples on this Poya Day, which falls on the full moon day of each month, has taken root.

It was a very gratifying experience for me to see the Kelaniya temple crowded with people on Poya Day. It was a very gratifying experience for me to see the Kelaniya temple bustling with people on Poya Day. It was an experience that made me truly feel that there is a different way to deal with Buddhism than in Japan.

Second Indian Expedition - Travels to Buddhist sites in India and Sri Lanka

(55) Interview with AFP Colombo Bureau Chief on Sri Lanka's Civil War and Future Situation in Sri Lanka

There is one thing I particularly enjoyed about my stay in Colombo.

That was the meeting with the Colombo Bureau Chief of the AFP news agency.

AFP is a global media company based in France, and I had the opportunity to meet with its Colombo Bureau Chief. I asked him some questions about the situation in Sri Lanka.

WickramasingheSecond Indian Expedition - Travels to Buddhist sites in India and Sri Lanka

(54) Sri Lanka's Dostoevsky! Do you know the world famous writer Wickramasinghe?

Sri Lanka's world-renowned author Martin Wickramasinghe. Here was a tremendous writer!

The psychological descriptions are reminiscent of Dostoevsky, the storytelling is like Chekhov's, and the social observations are thorough, Zola-like. This is amazing.

Wickramasinghe's novels will be your best guide to the picture of Sri Lanka. I highly recommend this author.

Second Indian Expedition - Travels to Buddhist sites in India and Sri Lanka

(53) Arrival in Colombo, a major city in Sri Lanka! Impressed by the beautiful seaside scenery! Introducing its cityscape!

Colombo is the largest city in Sri Lanka, with a combined population and urban area of over 2 million. The city, which is also the center of business in Sri Lanka, is developing remarkably, and high-rise buildings are being constructed one after another. I was surprised as soon as I arrived at the city that it is almost as developed and beautiful as Japan's metropolitan area.

kataragamaSecond Indian Expedition - Travels to Buddhist sites in India and Sri Lanka

(51) Buddhistization of the Hindu holy city of Kataragama and nighttime pujas - Amazing difference from India.

Although originally a Hindu deity, Lord Katharagama himself came to be worshipped as the guardian deity of Buddhism in Sri Lankan Buddhism. This is quite similar to the Japanese term "kamibutsu shugyo," which means the union of Shintoism and Buddhism.

Kataragama has been an object of worship for both Hindus and Buddhists, but this began to change in the mid-20th century.