
Abhayagiri Avalokitesvara (bodhisattva)Second Indian Expedition - Travels to Buddhist sites in India and Sri Lanka

(49) Why did Mahayana Buddhism die in Sri Lanka - What happened to the Buddhist community in Sri Lanka, which was also a center of esoteric Buddhism?

In my previous article, I talked about the existence of a Mahayana Buddhist tradition in Sri Lanka, and in this article I will give a brief overview of such a Mahayana Buddhist tradition in Sri Lanka.

A very important point about what Buddhism is all about will be discussed in this article. I am sure readers will be surprised.

Second Indian Expedition - Travels to Buddhist sites in India and Sri Lanka

(46) Thinking about the 1971 armed uprising by Marxist students at the University of Peradeniya in Kandy.

I have been in the process of studying Dostoevsky for the past few years, mostly European history. And now I am learning about India and Sri Lanka.

But I wondered, "What do I really know about Europe, India, and Sri Lanka? What do I think I know about Europe, India, and Sri Lanka?" Coming to the University of Peradeniya made me aware of this question once again.

Dambulla.Second Indian Expedition - Travels to Buddhist sites in India and Sri Lanka

(37) The Impact of Dambulla, a World Heritage Site in Sri Lanka! ~I will never forget this Buddhist site!

Our destination for the day was Dambulla. This is another World Heritage Site, and I will never forget it. I am sure that I will never forget this place in my life, and I am even sure that I will never encounter another World Heritage site that surpasses it in my life. I would like to show you a shocking sight.

colomboSecond Indian Expedition - Travels to Buddhist sites in India and Sri Lanka

(32) A Brief History of Sri Lanka's Colonial Period - The Historical Background of the Emergence of the Dharmapala

Dharmapala had a decisive impact on the Sri Lankan Civil War.

He did not suddenly appear out of thin air either. He came into existence because of the historical background of Sri Lanka at that time.

In this article, I will briefly discuss the colonial period in Sri Lanka, which is also important for the history of Dharmapala and Sri Lankan Buddhism.

Second Indian Expedition - Travels to Buddhist sites in India and Sri Lanka

(29) Why I could not be moved by the holy places and Buddhist sites in Sri Lanka - thinking about religion and "life context".

Why did I become so numb in Sri Lanka?"

This was actually directly related to the question, "What is religion for me?

It would fully reveal itself to me later when I visited the "Sree Maha Bodhi Tree," the holiest of the holy places in Anuradhapura.

I will talk about my "religious numbness" through this Bodhi Tree in this article. This is not only my problem. It is an unavoidable problem for human beings.

Sri LankaSecond Indian Expedition - Travels to Buddhist sites in India and Sri Lanka

(25) How is the climate in Sri Lanka? I thought about the relationship between climate and religion. A word about Japanese Buddhism as well.

In this article we will talk about the climate in Sri Lanka.

Sri Lanka, a tropical tropical country, has two main climatic zones. The wet zone with high rainfall and the dry zone with low rainfall exist in this small island nation, and this has greatly influenced Sri Lanka's history. And the relationship between this climate and religion will also be considered in this article.

Sri LankaBuddhism in Sri Lanka, Nepal and Southeast Asia

A list of recommended books to learn about the Buddhist country of Sri Lanka - Buddhism, history, literature, and other unknown attractions!

I studied Buddhism in Sri Lanka and was left shocked. I keep coming across things that I never thought possible. I would say that it has overturned my view of Buddhism from the very foundation.

Sri Lanka is interesting! I have become completely absorbed in the very country's Buddhism, its history and culture. In this article, I will recommend some books about Sri Lanka.

The Life of Buddha (Sakyamuni) as Seen in Local Photographs

(10)Buddha attains enlightenment after winning a confrontation with Mara (the devil). What does he have in common with Jesus Christ?

Buddha's six years of asceticism were conducted with unimaginable stoicism. A look at the famous fasting Buddha of Gandhara will give you an idea of the grandeur of his life.

Buddha's strength is restored by Sujata's milk porridge, and he is finally on his way to enlightenment. In this article, we will look at Buddha's enlightenment.

Indian Buddhist siteBuddhism in India

Recommended books for those who want to know more about Indian Buddhism - From introductory to specialized books, here are some of the best books I would highly recommend.

This article will recommend some works as an introduction to the Buddha and Indian Buddhism, followed by a selection of reference books for those who want to learn more about Buddhism.

My selection of reference books is an unusual lineup for a Buddhist book, but I am sure that they will help you to discover something new.