Russian Orthodox Church

RussiaRussian History and Culture and Dostoevsky

Kaori Kawabata, "Russia: Its People and Its Mind" - A recommended introduction to the spiritual climate of Russia!

Every item in this book "is accompanied by interesting content and fresh perspectives that are hard to find in other books.

There are many books on Russia that discuss literature and ideology, but surprisingly few books like this one that delve into the spirit of the Russian people from their simple life, climate, and climate.

It is very interesting to know where the spirit of the Russian people has its roots. And it is very easy to understand because you will talk about it further from there and intertwine it with Russian literature.

PyotrRussian History and Culture and Dostoevsky

The Man Who Created St. Petersburg, Peter the Great: A Close Look at the Unconventional Czar Who Led Russia's Version of the Meiji Restoration

It takes a man of that magnitude to rule over such a vast area of Russia.

They take it in stride to do things that no ordinary person could ever accomplish.

The Russia of Dostoevsky and Tolstoy was created by these substandard czars.

Peter the Great, the man who modernized Russia and created St. Petersburg, was also a very interesting figure.

Ivan the TerribleRussian History and Culture and Dostoevsky

Tyrant? A tyrant! What is the chaotic spirit of Ivan the Terrible? The key to the mystery of Russia!

It was gratifying to learn about this man in considering the enigmatic works of Dostoevsky.

I highly recommend "Ivan the Terrible" simply because it is a very interesting read and historical tale. To know him is not only to learn about the "old history of the past", but it is also a clue to our world today.

He is that suggestive.

I hope everyone will experience the overwhelming scale of Ivan the Terrible.

KremlinRussian History and Culture and Dostoevsky

Catherine Meridale, "The Kremlin: A History of the Red Walls" - The "Moscow Kremlin" as Ideology

To know history is to know the present.

How was the history compiled and what was its intent?

Although this book is about learning the history of the Kremlin, it is actually a work that reveals the "present" of present-day Russia, or rather, not only that, but of people around the world. This is very interesting.

This book is a great way to learn about the history and spirit of Russia through the Kremlin. It was a very thrilling and interesting book. I highly recommend it!

RussiaRussian History and Culture and Dostoevsky

A brief history of the mysterious country of Russia is explained using a timeline!

To be honest, I knew very little about Russia until I studied Dostoevsky.

"A dreary, cold, dingy, dreary country."

I only had such an image in my mind.

I had no idea when the country of Russia was established and what kind of history it had gone through to get to where it is today. Or, to be honest, I might say that I was not even interested in it.

Russia, a country of mystery.

However, when I started to research the country, I found that the history of the country is actually very interesting.

The Brothers KaramazovDostoevsky's works

The Brothers Karamazov Synopsis and Comments - Dostoevsky's greatest work! What is God? What is life? What is freedom?

It has been 120 years since "The Brothers Karamazov" was first published. There is a good reason why it continues to be loved by many people even after such a long time has passed.

I think it is because of the charm of this story, something that appeals to readers, that it continues to be read in this way.

The Brothers Karamazov is one of my favorite Dostoevsky works and one to which I have a strong emotional attachment.

Although it is difficult to pick up this work because it is a full-length novel, I heartily recommend it.

evil spiritDostoevsky's works

Dostoevsky's "Evil Spirits" Synopsis and Impressions - Dostoevsky's masterpiece exposes the gruesome reality of revolutionaries.

The magical power of this work is immeasurable.

Strong-willed characters clash and assert themselves on a single stage.

As if possessed by an "evil spirit," the villains cleverly and cruelly plunge society into chaos. The process is so realistic that it made my stomach churn with emotion.

The story soon progresses to an ultimate showdown between life and death, and one cannot take one's eyes off what will happen next, or what is going on in their hearts.

This is a terrific piece of work.

crime and punishmentDostoevsky's works

Synopsis and Impressions of Dostoevsky's Masterpiece "Crime and Punishment" - Experience Dostoevsky's black magic in this work.

When Dostoevsky wrote this novel, he was "burning like a fever," mentally and physically in extreme conditions, locked in his room from morning to night to write.

It is now the realm of madness.

This work, written in one fell swoop by such a monster Dostoevsky, has a black-magical magic.

Seeing is believing. Please feel cheated and read it first. It is worth it. I am sure you will understand the meaning of black magic. This will be a rare reading experience for you.

Recommended ChristianityDostoevsky and Christianity

List of recommended commentaries on Dostoevsky and Christianity - Dostoevsky's religious views in his novels.

Dostoevsky and Christianity are inseparable.

When we think of Christianity, we tend to think of Catholicism or Protestantism, but Dostoevsky's faith was the Russian Orthodox Church.

When you read Dostoevsky with such background knowledge, you will see a completely different view of the novel's world from what you have seen before.

Knowing Christianity is very helpful in enjoying Dostoevsky.

ChristianityDostoevsky and Christianity

Justo González, "History of Christianity" - A recommended reference book for learning the general framework of Christian history!

The nuance of "Christianity is absolutely right and the pagans are wrong" is not present in this book in the first place. It is felt that the book tries to be as objective as possible in its viewpoint of why the events happened historically.

Also, this book is very interesting to read in the first place. Textbooks on the history of Christianity tend to conjure up images of stiff, difficult books, but Justo González's "History of Christianity" is different in more ways than one.