
Turgenev, the great Russian writer

Why Lenin Liked Turgenev - Turgenev in Lenin's Biography

How Lenin viewed literature is a very interesting question. A leader's preferences affect the culture of his country. This is because his policies dictated "what is good," and new literature would be created or past cultures would be interpreted accordingly.

Knowing how Dostoevsky and his great literary contemporaries were received in the Soviet era gives us a glimpse into the context in which the image of Dostoevsky written in the Soviet era was created. This is a very interesting part of learning about Dostoevsky.

History of the Soviet Union under Lenin and Stalin

Robert Servis, "Lenin" - A masterpiece of Lenin's biography that has received worldwide acclaim.

ヴィクター・セヴェスチェンの『レーニン 権力と愛』と比べると、より硬派で伝記らしい語り口が特徴となっている1冊。

読み物として驚くほど面白かったヴィクター・セヴェスチェンの『レーニン 権力と愛』とはまた少し違った視点から語られるレーニンをこの本では知ることとなりました。



History of the Soviet Union under Lenin and Stalin

(16) Lenin's Mausoleum as a Temple of Lenin's Death and Still Living

Lenin himself may not have imagined that after his death, his body would be embalmed, preserved semi-permanently, and venerated. Lenin's family also wanted him to be buried in a tomb after his death.

But his body was crucial to the Soviet Union's leadership. The people who took notice of this, overcoming the opposition of his family, would make Lenin into the very immortal god that he was.

The preservation and "permanent" veneration of Lenin's body sounds very religious. In the atheistic Soviet Union, this was a paradoxical form of worship.

Lenin is dead, but he lives on in Russia. The existence of Lenin's Mausoleum is connected to Russia in a much deeper way than we can imagine. This is a very important issue for the study of religion, and even for the study of human beings themselves.

History of the Soviet Union under Lenin and Stalin

(15) Lenin and the Russian Orthodox Church: The harsh reality of the Soviet government's suppression of the church

No one should be trying to protect the church now that peasant discontent is at its maximum and starvation is at its height."

Lenin waited until it was now or never to destroy the church, and finally took action.

This was a policy typical of Lenin's thoroughgoing strategy for seizing power.

This led to the thorough suppression of the Russian Orthodox Church and its harsh fate during the long years of Soviet power.

This article looks at how Lenin suppressed the Church.

History of the Soviet Union under Lenin and Stalin

(14) Lenin's view of literature: How he viewed Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, and others.




History of the Soviet Union under Lenin and Stalin

(13) Lenin worship, the beginning of deification and corruption of the Soviet Communist Party bureaucracy





History of the Soviet Union under Lenin and Stalin

(12) Relocation of the capital from St. Petersburg to Moscow in 1918 and the food crisis

In March 1918, World War I was still raging and the Germans were closing in on the capital, St. Petersburg (Petrograd).

Lenin therefore decides to move the capital to Moscow.

また、第一次世界大戦と革命によって農村は荒廃し、輸送システムも崩壊したためロシアの食糧事情はすでに危険な状態でした。そしてそこに凶作が重なりさらなる危機が迫っていました。 政権を握ったレーニンは早くも重大な局面に立たされます。



History of the Soviet Union under Lenin and Stalin

(11) "Everything is permitted to us" - a world of Soviet violence where every means was justified for the sake of the end.






History of the Soviet Union under Lenin and Stalin

(10) A brief explanation of the Russian October Revolution and Lenin's seizure of power.





History of the Soviet Union under Lenin and Stalin

(9) World War I and Lenin: German Support and the Seizure of Newspaper Media




