
Impressions of the Summer Recounted in Autumn - Trip to Paris and Georgia

(15) Why didn't Raskolnikov in "Crime and Punishment" become Rastignak in "Old Gorio"?

Our week-long stay in Paris is finally coming to an end.

The idea was to follow Dostoevsky's lead in describing my own impressions of the summer in "Impressions of Summer in Autumn," but I could not say much about Dostoevsky himself.

Dostoevsky himself rarely talked about the sights and art of Paris, but I would still like to write about what I thought of him at the end of the Paris section.
The main theme of this article is about Raskolnikov, the protagonist of Crime and Punishment, and Rastignak, the protagonist of Balzac's Old Gorio.

Impressions of the Summer Recounted in Autumn - Trip to Paris and Georgia

(14) To Zola's house in Medan, a suburb of Paris - with the gentle stream of the Seine loved by the great writers of France.

This article introduces Zola's house in Medan, a suburb of Paris.

Zola, which had amassed assets thanks to the blockbuster success of "Nana" and other films, spent many years to complete this mansion.

A quiet residential area on the banks of the Seine loved by the great writers of France.

This article will also introduce the atmosphere of the beautiful Parisian suburbs where people are said to have spent time floating small boats.

Impressions of the Summer Recounted in Autumn - Trip to Paris and Georgia

(13) I can't get enough of Monet's "Impression, Sunrise"! Enjoy its masterpieces at the Marmottan Monet Museum!

Monet's "Impression, Sunrise" is a truly magical painting. Although the entire picture is hazy, it is pleasant. The depiction of the setting sun and the reflection of its light is truly a masterpiece. For some reason, this painting has a mysterious charm that draws you in. I cannot put it into words any better than this.

Without a doubt, this is the painting I fell in love with the most in Paris.

Thankfully, unlike the Louvre and Orsay, this museum is not so crowded. So you can take your time and immerse yourself in your favorite works of art to your heart's content. I highly recommend this museum as well. And I would be more than happy if you could take your time to enjoy "Impression, Sunrise".

Impressions of the Summer Recounted in Autumn - Trip to Paris and Georgia

(12) Have you missed "Nike of Samothrace"? An explanation of the Louvre's greatest treasure, which is often overlooked!

The Louvre's greatest treasure, "Nike of Samothrace". This sculpture was discovered in 1863 on the island of Samothrace in the Aegean Sea, and the word "Nike" means "goddess. And this Nike is thought to have been created around 190 B.C. during the Hellenistic period. This sculpture became the most impressive work of art I saw in Paris. I was completely mesmerized by its beauty. In this article, I will talk about the fascination of Nique.


G. Lukács, "Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky" - "Dostoyevsky is a writer who gives questions, not answers."

The task of the literary writer is not to give answers, but to ask questions," said Lukács. He cited Dostoevsky as one of the most successful in this regard.

Indeed, Dostoevsky does not give us answers. He drags us into a complex and bizarre world, as if he were knocking the reader into chaos.

But that is also Dostoevsky's greatest appeal.

As mentioned in the translator's afterword, there may be some problems with the work, but I think that what is being discussed in this work provides a good opportunity to look at Dostoevsky from a different point of view.

Impressions of the Summer Recounted in Autumn - Trip to Paris and Georgia

(11) Claude Lorrain, Dostoevsky's favorite ideal landscape painter, is discovered at the Louvre Museum. Introduced together with Poussin, a genius of the same period.

Many people still think of the Louvre when they think of Paris.

However, as someone who is interested in Dostoevsky, this museum was actually not on my radar. To be honest, there was nothing in particular that I really wanted to see. I just thought, "Well, it's the famous Louvre, so I might as well go.

However, when I actually visited this museum, I was very ashamed of myself for thinking such a thoughtless thing. This is a wonderful museum that deserves to be recognized. It is a bit presumptuous of me to say so at this late date, but I will say it. The Louvre was amazing after all! I am sure you will agree with me.

Impressions of the Summer Recounted in Autumn - Trip to Paris and Georgia

(10) Familiar with "Phantom of the Opera"! We went to the Opera Garnier in Paris - we also found the 5th box seats for the Phantom!

Paris is famous for its Opera House. In this article, we will talk about the Opera Garnier, or the Opera House.

It is definitely the place to be for fans of "Phantom of the Opera." This article will also talk about that Phantom box seat.

Of course, even if you are not familiar with "The Phantom of the Opera," this stunning Napoleon III style is a must-see!

This is definitely a must-see point of interest in Paris. I highly recommend this spot.

Impressions of the Summer Recounted in Autumn - Trip to Paris and Georgia

(9) A panoramic view of Paris from the Sacré Coeur: a huge church on the hill of Montmartre, associated with Zola's late masterpiece novel "Paris".

In our previous article, we introduced the places associated with Emile Zola's "Lugon Makkar Series".

And in this article, we will introduce the Sacré Coeur Abbey, the main setting of "Paris," the final volume of the "Three Cities Twins," which Zola wrote in full after completing the "Lugon-Macall Series.

This church is famous for its spectacular view of Paris, but from a Zola fan's point of view, it has a completely different meaning. What Zola thought about this church will be introduced in this article.

German-Soviet War: The Soviet Union and the Nazis' War of Extermination

S. McKay, "The Bombing of Dresden 1945: From the Tragedy of the Air Raid to the Rebirth of the City" - What a tragic bombing that annihilated a beautiful old German city.

Dresden was billed as the jewel box on the banks of the Elbe. This book tells in detail about the bombing of that ancient city.

The conflict between the British and American leaders, the mental state of the soldiers, and the lives of the people who lived in Dresden before the bombing of Dresden. And the inferno that ensued after the bombing began...

This is a terrific piece of work.

Frankly, I am scared. The more I learn about history, the more I fear. I felt fear again after reading this book about what will happen to the world we live in in the future.

The issues raised in this book may also be important for Japan, which experienced the atomic bombings and air raids.

Impressions of the Summer Recounted in Autumn - Trip to Paris and Georgia

(8) A roundup of sites associated with Zola's "Lugon MacCarl Series" in Paris - set in Paris under the Second Empire of France.

In this article, I will introduce the places associated with "The Lugon Makkar Series," a masterpiece by Emile Zola, a writer I respect and admire.

The "Lugon McCall Series" is just fascinating. And I suspect that nothing has exposed the workings of the modern society we live in as much as this group of works.

We encourage you to first pick up a copy of even one of the masterpieces by the genius that is Emile Zola. And please be shocked by its powerful blow.

I would highly recommend "Izakaya" and "Nana" as they are available in paperback.