tai (species of reddish-brown Pacific sea bream, Pagrus major)

New Asian Buddhist History 04Buddhism in Sri Lanka, Nepal and Southeast Asia

New Asian Buddhist History 04: Sri Lanka and Southeast Asia: Buddhism in Stillness and Motion" - A reference book with useful information for visiting sacred sites in Sri Lanka.

The book provides information on the history of Buddhism in Sri Lanka and the local situation. It also talks about the Buddhist holy places in Sri Lanka, so it is a useful book for those who actually visit Sri Lanka. I found it very useful as I am also planning to visit Sri Lanka soon.

Of course, this is a reference book that looks not only at Buddhism in Sri Lanka, but also at Buddhism in other regions, so it can be read according to the interests of each.

It is rare to find a book that offers a comprehensive study of Southeast Asian Buddhism in a single volume. Although this work is not an easy introduction to Buddhism, it is a recommended book for those who want to learn more about Southeast Asian Buddhism.

Buddhist orthodoxy and heresyBuddhism in Sri Lanka, Nepal and Southeast Asia

Baba Noritoshi, "Buddhist Orthodoxy and Heresy: The Establishment of the Pali Cosmopolis" - An exciting book to learn about Sri Lankan Buddhism and its relationship with India and its history!

This book is extremely interesting! It seems unlikely that there has been a look at Buddhism in India and Sri Lanka from the perspective of international and domestic politics.

I was also planning to visit Sri Lanka this year, so this was an extremely gratifying book. What I have described in this article is only a small part of the contents of this book. It is just a lot of exciting content. The beginning of the book is a bit complicated, and for a beginner of Buddhism, it can be tough to read, but in the middle of the book, it becomes easier to read as it goes into the history of Sri Lanka.

I would highly, highly recommend this book. Well, it was an interesting book! You should definitely pick up a copy.

Nepalese BuddhismBuddhism in Sri Lanka, Nepal and Southeast Asia

Kimiaki Tanaka/Kazumi Yoshizaki, "Nepalese Buddhism" - A country where wife-oriented Buddhism has taken root, just like in Japan! Recommended to learn about its teachings and history.

This book is a tremendously valuable gem.

For us Japanese, Nepal has a strong image of the Himalayas, but in reality, we know very little about the religion of this country. I myself knew almost nothing about this country until recently.

However, the more one learns about the religious situation in this country, the more interesting it becomes...!

First of all, although Hinduism is the main religion in this country, Buddhism is still alive and well. Moreover, some of the Buddhists in this country are wife-oriented, just like ours in Japan. This is interesting.

This book provides a unique history of Buddhism that is different from India, Sri Lanka, Thailand, or China! Highly recommended!

Become a fatalist in Sri LankaBuddhism in Sri Lanka, Nepal and Southeast Asia

Yoshio Sugimoto, "Becoming a Fatalist in Sri Lanka: An Island of Buddhism and Caste" - recommended for learning about Theravada Buddhist funerals and local religion and life!

The author actually goes to the region and meets with the people there to see the local religion and lifestyle culture itself. The fascination of this book is that it allows the reader to see the subtle issues and ambiguous aspects of the region that cannot be seen in the literature alone.

It was especially interesting to hear about funerals, marriages, and other rituals in Sri Lanka.

It was very interesting to see from the perspective of fieldwork that Buddhism is deeply connected to the issue of "life and death" in Sri Lanka as well.

Another gratifying aspect of this book is that you can learn about Sri Lanka's religion and real life not only from a religious perspective, but also from a political and economic one. If you look at Sri Lanka only as "a devout Buddhist country," you will be mistaken. In fact, the background of Sri Lanka is quite complex. It is also fascinating to learn about the complexity of the society.

Introduction to Thai BuddhismBuddhism in Sri Lanka, Nepal and Southeast Asia

Yoneo Ishii, "An Introduction to Thai Buddhism" - A recommended introduction to Buddhism in Thailand, where Theravada Buddhism still lives and breathes.

The appeal of this book is that it provides a realistic picture of Buddhism in Thailand, as only the author, who has spent a long time in the country and conducted research and surveys, can provide.

The book does not discuss esoteric philosophies and doctrines, but rather, as an introductory book, describes the daily lives of the local people and Buddhist monks.

You can also learn what Thai Buddhists consider salvation and why they are so devoutly devoted to Buddhism.

This book is a very exciting glimpse into a different Buddhism from Japanese Buddhism. We encourage you to pick up a copy.

Invitation to Theravada Buddhism in Southeast AsiaBuddhism in Sri Lanka, Nepal and Southeast Asia

Invitation to Southeast Asian Theravada Buddhism" - Recommended to learn about Southeast Asian Buddhism, which is different from that of Japan!

Rather than taking a detailed look at the Buddhist doctrines of each Southeast Asian country, this book takes the form of a look at what the lives and faith practices of Buddhists in those countries are like.

Of course, the first chapter of this book provides an easy-to-understand explanation of what Theravada Buddhism is in the first place, making it friendly to those with no specialized knowledge. This work is extremely valuable because it explains the differences from Mahayana Buddhism in an easy-to-understand manner. Moreover, since it is taught in a narrative style that even beginners can read with ease and familiarity, it is highly recommended for those who want to learn not only about Buddhism but also about culture itself.

This book was very exciting to learn about Theravada Buddhism and what it is and what it is like at the level of the lives of the people living there. It was very interesting to read it while thinking about the differences and similarities with Japanese Buddhism.