Learning from the Bosnian Conflict and the Tragedy of the Rwandan Genocide: International Conflicts after the Cold War

Learning from the Bosnian Conflict and the Tragedy of the Rwandan Genocide: International Conflicts after the Cold War

7 recommended reference works to learn about the Rwandan genocide - there was a hell there that made me want to turn away...

The Rwandan genocide is so shocking. It could be a traumatic read. It is such a hell. One can only be horrified that human beings can be so cruel.

I learned about the Rwandan genocide this way because of the Bosnian conflict, but reading these books reminded me that Bosnia, Rwanda, and Somalia are not each unique and abnormal, but that we all have something in our nature that allows such things to happen and that we all could have done it. I was reminded once again that human nature is such that such things can happen, and that we all have the potential to do them.

It is a history that we would like to turn away from, but if we do not pass through it, history will repeat itself in a different form. To prevent this from happening, we must learn about the tragic human history.

Learning from the Bosnian Conflict and the Tragedy of the Rwandan Genocide: International Conflicts after the Cold War

Zen Senda, "The Yugoslav Conflict" - Recommended reference book with a compact overview of why the Yugoslav conflict happened.

In this book, the author states, "Two years have passed since the collapse of the former Yugoslavia, and the war situation is still mired in a quagmire, but the responsibility of the leaders of each ethnic group, who have no choice but to unnecessarily stir up nationalism, must also be questioned for repeatedly adopting confrontational measures focused on expanding the territory they control by force. I was very much impressed by his statement in 1993.

Why did the Yugoslav conflict happen, what triggered it, and why did it become a quagmire? The words of the author, who covered it in real time, are very heavy.

Learning from the Bosnian Conflict and the Tragedy of the Rwandan Genocide: International Conflicts after the Cold War

Where are you, Ida?" Synopsis and Impressions - Academy Award nominated film about the reality of the Bosnian conflict.

Where are you, Ida?" is a film about the Srebrenica massacre in the Bosnian conflict. It was nominated for an Academy Award this year and is currently the talk of the town.

The land of Srebrenica was one of the most memorable places of my trip in 2019. Watching the film made me shudder again to think that this was what was actually happening in that place.

Learning from the Bosnian Conflict and the Tragedy of the Rwandan Genocide: International Conflicts after the Cold War

Hisao Yanagisawa "Resonate from the Balkans! Song of Joy" - An amazing story of a Japanese conductor who survives in the Balkans

The author's account of the complex post-conflict political situation, the devastated infrastructure, and ethnic sentiments are extraordinary hardships.
But even in such a situation, I was really numb to this story where he believed in the power of music and pushed forward and created a miracle......!
There is salvation in this book. It conveys a strong message of reviving peace and hope through the power of music in a world of misery and hatred.

Learning from the Bosnian Conflict and the Tragedy of the Rwandan Genocide: International Conflicts after the Cold War

Black Hawk Down: The Combat Record of America's Finest Special Forces - Based on the blockbuster movie! Recommended to learn about the Somali tragedy.

This film was the basis for Ridley Scott's hit movie Black Hawk Down.

The fighting in Somalia was to have a major impact on later U.S. military intervention.

It is said that the UN peacekeeping operations that became dysfunctional in the Bosnian conflict and the Rwandan genocide, both of which have been discussed in this blog, were also greatly affected by this very incident.

Until then, the United States and other industrialized nations believed that conflicts in developing countries could be easily put down if they intervened with overwhelming force. However, Black Hawk Down was the event that destroyed this optimistic view.

At this point, the final countdown to the Rwandan genocide and the Srebrenica massacre may have begun...

Learning from the Bosnian Conflict and the Tragedy of the Rwandan Genocide: International Conflicts after the Cold War

When Neighbors Turn into Murderers: The Road to Reconciliation - Testimony of the Rwandan Genocide" - A Hell of Coexistence with the Butcher. What exactly is forgiveness?

This book is the last in the "When Neighbors Turn Killers" trilogy. As befits a last work, this book is also a terrific one. Personally, this is the most memorable book in the trilogy. The harsh reality of the situation was brought home to me in this book...
What is peace? What is man? What is sin and punishment? Good and evil, the problem of God. The problem of forgiveness.

The fundamental problems in human beings are packed in here. There are no answers. But the voices of people who have lived in extreme conditions are here. What do you think about when you listen to their voices? I think this is very important.

Learning from the Bosnian Conflict and the Tragedy of the Rwandan Genocide: International Conflicts after the Cold War

When Neighbors Turn Murderers: Testimonies of the Rwandan Genocide, Perpetrators' Edition - What do perpetrators say after the genocide?

While the previous book featured interviews with survivors of the Rwandan genocide, in this work, on the contrary, we hear the voices of the perpetrators.

Frankly, it is dark and heartbreaking to read... The victims have lost everything, and those who survived continue to suffer hopelessly. But what about the perpetrators? That is what you will find out in this book.

Learning from the Bosnian Conflict and the Tragedy of the Rwandan Genocide: International Conflicts after the Cold War

When Neighbors Turn Murderers: Testimonies of Rwandan Genocide Survivors - A shocking trilogy! Recommended for those who want to know the reality of the Rwandan genocide.

This trilogy is just shocking.

What is peace? What is man? What is sin and punishment? Good and evil, the problem of God. The problem of forgiveness.

The fundamental problems in human beings are packed in here. There are no answers. But the voices of people who have lived in extreme conditions are here. What do you think about when you listen to their voices? I think this is very important.

Learning from the Bosnian Conflict and the Tragedy of the Rwandan Genocide: International Conflicts after the Cold War

P. Rusesabakina, "The Man from Hotel Rwanda" - The genocide began with "words"... The reality of the horrific ethnic genocide

The story of a hotelier who risked his life to save the lives of approximately 1,200 people during the Rwandan genocide. The event was made into a movie, which became a worldwide hit. This book is also a very valuable book for those who want to know more about the Rwandan genocide.

Why did people turn into butchers so quickly? He says the cause is "language". When I first read this book, I got goosebumps. The word "language" reminded me of Keisuke Ito's "Slaughterhouse Organ".

Learning from the Bosnian Conflict and the Tragedy of the Rwandan Genocide: International Conflicts after the Cold War

R. Rurangwa, "Rwanda Massacre: The Memoir of a Young Man Who Saw the Saddest Scene in the World" - Why God Did Not Save Us from the Massacre...

This book is an unusual book. It is not an ordinary history book. It is not a book that follows and explains the flow of facts. It is a book about the author's real experience of the genocide and the inner soul of the people who experienced it. It is so shocking that I felt my blood boil when I read it.