Buddhism Column + α

motivate a personDiary of a Monk

D. Carnegie's "Motivating People" Summary and Impressions - Lost in a book title! A masterpiece that makes you reflect on your own inadequacies. A classic that can be called the originator of self-help books.

In this book, you can learn the subtleties of human nature and the depths of human psychology with plenty of examples. The book is very easy to read, so even those who are not good at reading will be able to read it easily.

This book is a work that asks us to be ourselves. I think that the title of the book, "Moving People," is a bit of a misnomer.

It is not just a small life technique. It is not just a small life technique. It is not like a book that says, "Read this book and you can use it in business," or, "Let's move people around and make things happen. Of course, you can use it that way, but I think it is the exact opposite of the true value of this book.

WILDHOODDiary of a Monk

Summary and Comments on "WILDHOOD Wild Adolescence" - Why do youthful indiscretions happen? Are the problems of youth common to the animal kingdom? A pleasant work that should be read by young people!

This is a work that should be read by young people. It is during adolescence and young adulthood that we encounter and worry about many things, and it is also the time when we are searching for ourselves. Reading this book at such a sensitive time is very significant in terms of confronting oneself.

This book is also highly recommended for those involved in education and for parents who are raising children. When you have the perspective that humans are also animals, it will change the way you see the world.

Well - it was a wonderful book! This is interesting! This is a great book that you should definitely pick up!


Announcement】The top page of the blog has been renewed.

Hello everyone. I have an announcement to make today.

Yesterday, September 29, we renewed the top page of our blog.

The previous pages were in the style of a blog, with new articles being updated as they came in, but the new version is in the form of a series of category pages.

I will continue to learn with the same spirit of "reading everyday," and I hope you will continue to follow along with me.

Thank you for your continued support.

Buddhist Columns & Dharma Talks

Reggie's "Fast Culture: People Who Want Answers in 10 Minutes" Impressions - The Dark Side of Modern Japan from the Perspective of Culture. A stimulating work that cuts to the mechanisms of influencer popularity.

What is the darkness of modern people who try to consume culture as if it were fast food?

I was really interested in this book when I saw it on my Twitter timeline!

This book is not simply a work written to criticize "Hiroyuki, Atsuhiko Nakata, Kazu Laser, DaiGo, Yusaku Maezawa, Takafumi Horie" and other influencers.

Rather, the work carefully follows the mechanisms of modern society as to why we are attracted to such influencers.

I really appreciate this book for my love of reading. I recommend it!


〔Announcement〕Hakodate City Aoyanagi Junior High School, Hakodate, Japan, July 8, 2022, for a lecture.

If you want to ask the question, "What is religion?", why don't you just go to India, Israel, Italy, etc.?

So why was the first place I visited Tanzania, Africa?

In fact, Tanzania was the most important place I visited on my round-the-world trip and the core of this trip.

In this talk, I would like to share with you the inspiration for my journey and what I would like my students to feel from it.


Shinran Shonin Shinran Shonin Shinran Shonin's New Year Memorial Service at Nishikiori-ji Temple, the head temple of the Shinshu Kibe sect of Shin Buddhism

On June 16, 2022, I gave a talk at the Shinshu Kibe sect head temple Nishikiori-ji in Yasu City, Shiga Prefecture, for the Shinran Shonin Shinran Shonin New Year Memorial Service.

It was my first visit to the head temple in two years. Moreover, this time I was very nervous to visit the temple because I was a missionary.

We will continue to devote ourselves to this project and look forward to working with you in the future.

Dreamland Disneyland Research

Lewis Carroll's "Alice in Wonderland" Synopsis and Comments - Disney's original story! A masterpiece fairy tale also loved by Magritte!

I read "Alice in Wonderland" because of its relationship with Magritte, but it was deeper and more interesting than I had imagined.

I found the book's imagination, outlandish worlds, and fast-changing developments that turn our rational worldview upside down, and I found it fascinating to enjoy them.

Along with Disney films, I would recommend this film now that you are an adult.

Dreamland Disneyland Research

Andersen's "The Snow Queen" Synopsis and Comments - Consider the differences from the Disney film in "as it is".

This article will consider the differences between Andersen's original story and the Disney film, particularly with regard to "as it is".

In a sense, "Anna and the Snow Queen" is a mirror of the historical background and spirit of the times we are in. In other words, it is a projection of the demands, anxieties, and worries of our hearts.

I will discuss in this article what may be surprising to you.

AndersenDreamland Disneyland Research

Andersen's Masterpieces: The Little Matchmaker / The Little Mermaid" - Andersen's fairy tales that only adults can read!

The first Andersen fairy tale since I was a child was far more profound than I had imagined.

There is a subtlety to the stories that only an adult can understand. The flavor of Andersen's fairy tales comes to us only when we have grown up, experienced many things, and have various thoughts about life.

Please enjoy this sadness and delicate sensitivity. It is really interesting. I recommend it!