Buddhism Column + α

patriotismYukio Mishima and Japanese Literature

Yukio Mishima's "Melancholy Country" Synopsis and Impressions - Anticipating his later suicide by split throat? A recommended masterpiece full of Mishima's extracts!

If a busy person wants to read one of Mishima's novels that is an extract of all that is good and bad about Mishima, he or she should read one of his novels, "Melancholy.

The book is so well written that Mishima himself has described it as "The Land of Melancholy. I read this work after "The Temple of the Golden Pavilion," which was my first Mishima experience, and I was finally possessed by Mishima's magical power after reading "Melancholy Country.

Melancholy Country" is one of Mishima's works that I highly recommend, as it concentrates the essence of Yukio Mishima in its 30 or so pages of storytelling.

Kinkakuji TempleYukio Mishima and Japanese Literature

Yukio Mishima's "The Temple of the Golden Pavilion" Synopsis and Impressions - "The Temple of the Golden Pavilion Must Be Burnt". A Young Monk's Ruin and Inner Vortex

We must burn the Golden Pavilion."

Why did the young monk have to think so? That is what we will see from his childhood to his decision.

And as I was reading this work, it occurred to me that "The Temple of the Golden Pavilion" might be a counterpart to Dostoevsky's "Crime and Punishment.

I once called Crime and Punishment "Dostoevsky's black magic. Dostoevsky's work strikes us with a strange and inspirational force.

And I was convinced that "The Temple of the Golden Pavilion" by Yukio Mishima is just such a work. This style. This heat...! It is a fearsome work. I look forward to reading more of Yukio Mishima's works.

Well - it was a tremendous piece of work.

The Zenkyoto Generation as an IdeologyYukio Mishima and Japanese Literature

Shuhei Kosaka, "Zenkyoto Generation as an Ideology" - Recommended work to feel the spirit of the times from the 60's through the author's personal narrative.

What was the student conflict?

For me, a stranger to that era, they were so mysterious and complex that I did not know how to understand them.

The book looks at the Zenkyoto and even the Red Army through the author's personal narrative.

I highly recommend this book as an introduction to Zenkyoto and the student conflict. I believe that we, the younger generation who do not know about this era, should read this book. Why not pick up a copy?

Reading PragueDiary of a Monk

24 novels recommended by book-loving monks - a quick look at recommended works at each level from introductory to advanced!

In this article, we will introduce novels that we highly recommend for each level of readers, from beginners to advanced readers.

Basically, the books introduced here are all great books that I recommend with confidence. All of them are extremely interesting works, so please take a look at the linked pages for the books that interest you, regardless of whether they are categorized as introductory or advanced.

Special Investigator QDiary of a Monk

J.A. Olson's "Special Investigator Q: The Woman in the Cage" Synopsis and Comments - A recommended foreign mystery with a naïve and awesome protagonist!

This is indeed a mystery that is currently receiving a great deal of attention!

Mystery unfolds into mystery. The tension. This is a quick read. I devoured the book as if I were devouring it. It is impossible to read it little by little. I can't stop reading because I am curious about what is going to happen next.

I don't have to tell you how wonderful the author's storyline is, but I think the translation is also excellent. It is just so easy to read! This is a great foreign mystery.

This work is a must-read for those who like Haruki Murakami and Keisuke Ito. Conversely, if you like this work, "Dance Dance Dance" and "Slaughterhouse Organ" will surely be a hit. Highly recommended!

Improve your observation skillsDiary of a Monk

Overview and Impressions of "Sharpening Your Observational Skills: Reading Famous Paintings" - If you change the way you look at things, you can change the world! A great book that I highly recommend students to read!

In this book, you will complete a number of practices through various paintings and works of art.

The practice through that famous Vermeer is extremely stimulating and interesting.

The details that can never be noticed by just looking at it casually. What is actually depicted in these paintings? This book will make you understand how we cannot see anything. Please read this book first to try it out. You will be shocked at how vague your view of the world is.

I was shocked at how big a difference there was between "seeing" and "watching.

This is an important skill for study, for work, and even for all of life. This is an amazing program that I hope many people will experience.

Organizational ThoughtDiary of a Monk

Shigehiko Toyama's "Organizing Thoughts" Summary and Comments - The best reference book for thinking about how to study! A great book for an introduction to reading!

You may think that studying and reading are rigid and difficult, but this book turns those stereotypes upside down. This book will help you understand the meaning of "learning" and how fun it can be.

I also feel that reading this book has made my reading much more enjoyable. I feel that I am now able to "organize my thoughts" and lead a richer reading life, rather than just reading unnecessarily. Most importantly, I can now read more books with confidence. This book has taught me how to appreciate books and various studies more deeply.

It is a wonderful work that invites us to be active learners rather than passive learners. I would recommend this book to all, not just students.