From the U.S. to the Cuban beach resort of Varadero, Cuba (1)

Cuba Cuba Edition

From the U.S. to Varadero, a beach resort in Cuba: Monk Takahiro Ueda's Circumnavigation of the World - Cuba (1)

Afternoon, June 4. From Washington to Havana, the capital of Cuba, via Toronto, Canada.

Due to diplomatic issues, direct flights from the U.S. to Cuba are not possible.

Therefore, he decided to enter the country via Toronto, Canada.

23:30 pm. Arrival at Havana Airport.

The moment I landed at the airport, I felt the sweltering heat and the smell of the Caribbean.

It feels distinctly different from the countries I have visited so far.

If you look at a map, it is really just a stone's throw from the U.S. mainland.

Because of its proximity, the country is considered a threat by the U.S. and was on the brink of all-out nuclear war during the Cuban Missile Crisis.

That is Cuba.

And the reason I came here was Che Guevara's presence.

Che Guevara is a Cuban hero who played a decisive role in the Cuban Revolution.

And Guevara is someone I am very attached to.

Guevara inspired me to read "Don Quixote," and as a result, I decided to stay in Spain for this trip.

I began reading "Don Quixote" with a simple question: "What kind of a book is 'Don Quixote' that someone as famous as Che Guevara loved to read? I started reading "Don Quixote" from such a simple question.

andPrevious ArticleAs I mentioned in my previous article, "Don Quixote" became an important book for me as well.

I would like to see in person the place where Guevara, who gave me the opportunity to do so, was active. I want to know more about the country of Cuba.

It was with this in mind that I chose Cuba as my final destination.

After one night in Havana, I left in the morning for Varadero, a beach resort in Cuba.

Along the way, we asked the driver to take us through Havana's most famous landscape, the Malecon Street.

The photo above shows the Malecon Street.

Many people from all over the world travel all the way to Cuba to see this landscape.

The roads with classic cars, the intense Caribbean sunshine, and the blue sea.

If you want to feel Havana-like atmosphere, this is the best place.

The sunset view is also superb.

Furthermore, when I think of Cuba, I think of this.

Monument to Guevara in Revolution Square in Havana City.

You realize that you are in Cuba.

Now, driving along the Cuban coast, we are on our way to Varadero.

It takes about three hours to reach Varadero by car.

The resort is known as the Pearl of the Caribbean for its beautiful sandy beaches.

I decided to stay in Varadero as a base to visit Santa Clara, where Che Guevara's mausoleum is located.

On the way, we took a break at the Bacuna Yagua Bridge, a spot recommended by our driver.

Cuba is known for its pina coladas.

They make it in front of your eyes with a whole pineapple in a very bold way.

Although I was slightly worried that I might get food poisoning, the food was extremely tasty.

And my stomach was safe.

After running for a while, the scenery begins to change. It started to feel like a resort.

Now, we arrive in the city of Varadero.

Checking into the hotel, we immediately went to the beach.

White sandy beaches and clear waters.

Dusk was approaching, so the heat was soft and comfortable.

Spend some time idly looking at the sea for a while.

Speaking of resorts on this trip.The Dead Sea in IsraelandTel Aviv BeachesSince.

It's not bad to take it easy once in a while.

In the following article, I would like to give you a rough idea of what kind of country Cuba is and what kind of history it has gone through.

be unbroken

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