Why "Don Quixote" is a Masterpiece - Explanation of Points to Enjoy "Don Quixote" More ⑫

Don Quixote Spain (ed.)

Why "Don Quixote" is a Masterpiece - Explanation of Points to Enjoy "Don Quixote" Even More Takahiro Ueda, a Buddhist Monk, Travels Around the World - Spain ⑫

In my last article, I discussed the synopsis of the novel "Don Quixote" and the adventures of the windmill.

After learning about the synopsis and the novel's highlight, Windmill Adventures, some of you may finally want to read the book.

But the giant that is "Don Quixote" is not a one-trick pony.

Perhaps, even if you read it, it is quite difficult to receive more than the impression of a crazy, weird uncle who causes trouble everywhere he goes and gets hurt badly.

It was the same two years ago when I first read Don Quixote.

The first book is certainly amusing and makes me giggle, but after that, there are not many scenes like that.

It just goes on and on, with Don Quixote causing trouble and the angry people beating Don Quixote and his friends to a pulp.

I honestly remember that right after I finished reading all of them, I had no idea why this novel was called the best literature in the world.

But that's just as well, because, as I mentioned in an earlier article, author Cervantes uses a technique that allows plenty of underlying messages to creep into his seemingly strange and entertaining adventures.

In other words, if you cannot read the hidden message behind the novel, you will simply read endlessly about the troubled adventures of the madman Don Quixote.

So it is not surprising that I have no idea what is so great about this novel.

This makes it very hard to read.

Therefore, when reading "Don Quixote," we recommend that you read the commentary in advance.

Among them, I especially recommend Nobuaki Ushijima's book published by Chuko ShinshoThe Journey of Don Quixote, Itinerant Knight Against the Gods.The book is called.

I have read various commentaries on "Don Quixote" and this book is the easiest to read and most importantly, understand.

Now, I would like to talk about the hidden message of "Don Quixote" and Cervantes' skills with reference to this book, albeit quite roughly.

first of allDon Quixote" is a parody and satire on parade.About that.

The author, Cervantes, uses his natural sense of humor to parody everything and anything.

In fact, the protagonist Don Quixote himself is a character created as a parody of many layers.

By making Don Quixote the protagonist and having him go on adventures, Cervantes' style is to satirize the world in a tongue-in-cheek manner behind the scenes of what is ostensibly a madman's slapstick drama.

Through Don Quixote, he satirizes the fictional existence of chivalry and even the current state of Spain. (He satirized the fact that Spain, which had enjoyed a golden age in the first half of the 16th century, had fallen by the end of the 16th century.)

Moreover, surprisingly, he even satirizes Christianity, which was absolutely taboo in that era.

And as mentioned in the previous article, the message to the way humans view the world is also parodied and implicitly hinted at through Don Quixote's madness.

Cervantes doesn't make it clear.

He only hints at it surreptitiously.

His unique phrasing also removes the barbs exquisitely.

His satire, wrapped in the obverse of an exquisite sense of humor, can never be sensed by those who do not pay attention to it.

That is why if you read the book without knowing the explanations, you will have no idea what is so great about it.

And secondly, I would like to mentionDon Quixote" is a book of adventure and philosophy of lifeThis is the point.

Let me give you an example.

Don Quixote begins to narrate the following in the work.

As for myself, I can say that since becoming an itinerant knight, I have become brave and modest, generous and nurturing, generous and courteous, fearless and gentle, patient and able to withstand hardship, bondage and magic.

Don Quixote: The First Part ㈢, p325-6.

If you suddenly see these words, you may wonder how egotistical Don Quixote is, but if you actually read on and get to this point, you will nod your head that Don Quixote's character is surely exactly this kind of person.

In a word, he is a very nice man. Don Quixote is.

He is a character that one cannot help but love, even though his outlandish behavior can annoy those around him.

Don Quixote admired a knight named Amadis de Gaula in a book of chivalry, faithfully imitated him, and set out on an itinerant journey.

Don Quixote says that as he imitated him in his actions, he found within himself the same advantages that he had developed in his own life.

It is easy to laugh this off as an impossible story.

But can we deny that those who practice virtuous ideals will also be imbued with a virtuous spirit?

Cervantes asks that question behind the scenes.

It is both funny and buoyant because the madman Don Quixote says himself, but Cervantes cleverly hides important questions in the shadows and hints at them at the same time.

Don Quixote" is full of such questions about life.

It was also so cleverly contrived that the novel's fame was only enhanced.

Don Quixote set out on an itinerant journey to uphold noble ideals and to put them into practice.

And although he suffers terrible hardships wherever he goes, he rises with fortitude and continues his adventures.

That is what it means to live the ideal.

Don Quixote tells us that to live an ideal life is to embark on a difficult adventure and persevere, no matter how miserable it may be.

That is why the world's great writers regarded "Don Quixote" as the world's greatest literature, and it is said that they themselves treasured the book as a traveling companion.

According to Nobuaki Ushijima, Russian literary giant Dostoevsky,

It is "the greatest and most melancholy of all books ever created by genius," the best and last word uttered by the human spirit to date.

From "Don Quixote's Journey: Itinerant Knight Against God," Chuko Shinsho, p. ii

He praised the company.

Other tributes to "Don Quixote" by the world's literary giants are too numerous to mention.

In addition to the two points mentioned above, there are many secrets hidden in this novel that make it a masterpiece.

Not only is it a simple and highly accomplished adventure story, but it also has a vast amount of hidden messages behind it and Selvandes' skill in intertwining them with the story in an exquisite manner.

That is why this novel is hailed as the world's greatest work of literature.

In "Don Quixote's Journey: Itinerant Knight Against God," the charms of "Don Quixote" that could not be introduced in this article are introduced in an easy-to-understand manner.

We encourage anyone interested to pick up a copy.

Now that we have discussed why "Don Quixote" is a masterpiece, what do you think?

Some of you may be feeling that it is getting kind of difficult to do the opposite.

But rest assured.

Read on and you'll see."

If you read it, you'll find it easy to read and interesting." I want to say this out loud.

Even when there are difficult philosophical issues, Cervantes parodies them and shows them to us in a funny way.

One might have the impression that classics are meant to be read with a wrinkled brow, but in "Don Quixote" the opposite is true.

I read "Don Quixote" when I want to cheer up or feel cheerful.

They rush forward with burning ideals and continue to move forward cheerfully, undaunted by the hardships they face.

Reading such a "Don Quixote" is a strange and powerful experience.

I had "Don Quixote" on my Kindle as my travel companion on this trip as well.

And what gave me strength when I was feeling hard after being robbed in Bosnia was "Don Quixote".

Don Quixote is having such a hard time. If that's the case, it's only natural for me to go through hardship as well! If you go on a journey and try something, it is natural that you have to go through hardships. That's what's important in itinerant chivalry! I can still do it! I must emulate Don Quixote and continue my journey with a positive attitude!

I vividly remember being encouraged to do so.

It was the moment when "Don Quixote" became a definitively important book for me.

Perhaps "Don Quixote" should be read only when traveling.

Perhaps it is something that should be read only when you are trying something and encountering a difficult wall.

I am sure that each person has his or her own chance to encounter "Don Quixote".

However, I believe that "Don Quixote" has a mysterious power to attract and encourage readers at any time.

For me, this is one of the reasons why this book is the best literature in the world, and above all, it is the main reason why I love "Don Quixote.

I have spoken at length, but I hope I have conveyed the charm of "Don Quixote" to you.

be unbroken

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