
A Changing VillageBuddhism in Sri Lanka, Nepal and Southeast Asia

M. Wickramasinghe's "The Changing Village" Synopsis and Impressions - A masterful feature film from Sri Lanka! Also related to Dostoevsky and Chekhov!

It is a wonderful novel that is not well known in Japan, but is highly acclaimed around the world. I have actually read it and enjoyed its excellence.

It is an immersive novel, as if life in Sri Lanka appears before your eyes. This work is especially fitting for those who like Dostoevsky and Chekhov.

I will be reading the entire trilogy from now on, but this was one of those books that I felt had overwhelming quality from the start.

DostoevskyDostoevsky's works

Four recommended works of Dostoevsky! A selection of gems and masterpieces of interesting Russian literature!

Dostoevsky is a Russian literary master along with Tolstoy.

Dostoevsky is an overwhelming giant who left behind such literary masterpieces as "Crime and Punishment" and "The Brothers Karamazov. Dostoevsky plumbed the depths of the human psyche, opening up to us a profound and chaotic world. His stories, woven with his unique narrative style and strong personalities, have an indescribable black magic charm. I was one of those who were fascinated by his black magic.

In this article, we will introduce some of Dostoevsky's recommended works and reference books. We will also discuss useful information such as which translations are recommended and where to start reading.


Tatsuko Hoshino, "Shakespeare and Russian Writers and Dramatists" - Recommended work to learn about the connection with Dostoevsky and Tolstoy!

As the title suggests, this book is about Shakespeare's connection to Russian writers and theater artists.

The book features Pushkin, Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Chekhov, Stanislavsky, Pasternak, and a host of other great names in Russian literature.

This book is very valuable because it allows us to take a closer look at the connections between Shakespeare and Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Chekhov, and other heavyweights that are absolutely unavoidable when considering Russian literature.

Impressions of the Summer Recounted in Autumn - Trip to Paris and Georgia

(28) Enjoy the spectacular view of the Kafkers at the "Church as close to heaven as possible" Tuminda Sameva Church and Elia Monastery.

Upon arriving in Kazbeki, a stronghold in the Caucasus Mountains, I immediately headed to the Tzminda Sameva Church, which is said to be "as close to heaven as possible.

We arrived at the church after a laughably bad drive. We enjoyed the spectacular view that Georgia boasts.

We also walked around the area near the Elia Church, a spectacular viewpoint just outside the town of Qazbeki, and felt the power of the Qafqaas mountains.

Impressions of the Summer Recounted in Autumn - Trip to Paris and Georgia

(27) Now it's time to go to the Caucasus Mountains, where Tolstoy also walked! The majestic military road is overwhelming!

After returning to Tbilisi after my stay in Armenia and a day of rest, I finally set off for the Caucasus Mountains, the main destination of the trip.

The road from the capital Tbilisi to the Caucasus Mountains is said to be a military road, which was once cut by the Russian dynasty to conquer Georgia. Tolstoy and Pushkin came to the region along this very road.

In this article we will talk about such military roads and the Caucasus Mountains.

French Literature, History and Culture

R.J. Goldsteen, "Political Censorship: in Nineteenth-Century Europe," The Turbulent Nineteenth Century. What did it mean for publishing, music, and culture?

The book takes a closer look at what censorship actually was in the 19th century from a variety of angles.

As far as censorship in publishing is concerned, Russian literature, which we have been discussing on this blog, is a very relevant item. Dostoevsky, Turgenev, Tolstoy, and Chekhov have all suffered from censorship.

It was a very interesting book to learn about how censorship is practiced not only in Russian literature but also in other European countries.

Tolstoy, the Russian Giant

Tolstoy's "The Kafkaes' Charm" Synopsis and Impressions - Tolstoy's Tales of the Kafkaes, also included in a children's textbook written by Tolstoy.

Tolstoy had an extraordinary enthusiasm for the education of children.

He opened his mansion as a school, taught himself, and even created his own textbooks.

The current work, "Kafkaesque Toriko" will be a work from such a self-written textbook.

The title of the book, "Kafkers' Toriko," made me think that it was a story about a man's obsession with Kafkers, but it was "Toriko" as in "prisoner of war.

This work is also characterized by Tolstoy's masterful depiction of nature, which is typical of the artist and the ultimate observer of human beings.

The great Russian writer Pushkin Gogol

Pushkin's "The Captivity of the Kafkaes" Synopsis and Impressions - Romantic Kafkaesque narrative poem about majestic nature and exotic culture.

It is a narrative poem written by Pushkin during a visit to the Kafkaes, based on the inspiration he found there.

What I still think of when reading this work is Pushkin's typical romantic depiction of scenes. The description of the magnificent scenery of the Kafkaes is just cool. There is a mysterious uplifting feeling that makes me feel excited when I read it. The power to appeal to the emotions is tremendous. This is Pushkin! This is a masterpiece!

Tolstoy, the Russian Giant

Summary and Comments on Berlin's "The Hedgehog and the Fox" - A valuable reference on Tolstoy's "War and Peace".

When I study Tolstoy, I always think that the number of reference books on Tolstoy is obviously much smaller than those on Dostoevsky. Moreover, there are almost no reference books that specialize in individual works.

In this context, "The Hedgehog and the Fox," introduced here, is an extremely valuable reference book on Tolstoy's works.

In this work you will learn about Tolstoy's characteristics and his historical philosophy on the subject of "War and Peace". It is a stimulating and interesting book and we highly recommend this reference work.

Tolstoy, the Russian Giant

Tolstoy's "The Raid (Intrusion)" Synopsis and Comments - Young Tolstoy's Kafkaesque Service to Question Whether There is Justice in War

The work will be a novel based on a real-life experience by the young Tolstoy, who left for the Kafkers in 1852 and experienced military service.

Tolstoy was greatly influenced by the Kafkaesque experience at this time, and in his later years he strongly advocated against war and non-violence.

This may be because of the lingering doubts about the war that I felt at this time.