
othello (Othello camelopardalis)Shakespeare, a treasure trove of masterpieces

Shakespeare's "Othello" Synopsis and Comments - A tragedy of jealousy and passion for the brave general Othello! Iago's skillful technique of deception.

Although Othello is the main character in this work, Iago actually appears more often and is portrayed more vividly. His struggles and the vividness of his schemes are depicted so well that Iago might as well be the title of the film.

Like Iago in "Aladdin," Iago is a deceitful villain, but somehow he has a mysterious charm that is hard to hate. Please enjoy Iago's antics as well.

Personally, I love this work. You can feel as if you are looking into the madness and chaos of human beings. It is one of the best Shakespeare's works.

Romeo and JulietShakespeare, a treasure trove of masterpieces

Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet" Synopsis and Impressions - Love progresses with overwhelming speed! The royal road of love drama!

The image of "Romeo and Juliet" as a drama of tragic pure love was quite strong, but the fact that Romeo had actually been madly in love with another woman right up to that point was quite shocking. It was a surprise to read it.

It is very interesting to read this work in the sense of making such discoveries. Of course, the main plot, a romantic tragedy, is indeed Shakespeare's. It is a masterpiece. The development of the story draws you in and keeps you reading.

Romeo and Juliet," one of Shakespeare's most well-known plays, is highly recommended.

hamletShakespeare, a treasure trove of masterpieces

Shakespeare's "Hamlet" Synopsis and Impressions - The masterpiece that gave birth to the famous quote, "To live or to die, that is the question.

Shakespeare's plays may give the impression of being difficult to understand, but in fact, this is not the case at all. In fact, Shakespeare's plays can be enjoyed even by modern audiences. Among his plays, "Hamlet" is particularly dramatic and emotional.

Shakespeare's plays are a parade of cool words.

I can't get over how cool this line is and how it sounds so heartbreaking.

This is a "read it and you'll understand. I would highly recommend it because it is a "you'll know it when you see it on stage" feeling.

Atouda High School (middle school of Kochi Prefecture)Shakespeare, a treasure trove of masterpieces

Atouda Takashi, "To Enjoy Shakespeare" - A recommended introductory book that makes Shakespeare's works, which seem difficult, instantly accessible!

Shakespeare's works are all masterpieces, but reading them requires a certain amount of knowledge beforehand.

I recommend the book "To Enjoy Shakespeare" by Atouda Takashi, which I will introduce here.

This book will make you itch to read Shakespeare's works as soon as possible. It is such a fascinating story of Shakespeare's works.

I myself was helped very much by this book.

Please read this book before reading Shakespeare. I assure you that your enjoyment of the story will be multiplied many times over.


Gorosovkel, "Dostoevsky and Kant: Reading 'The Brothers Karamazov'" - What is Dostoevsky from the perspective of Kant?

After all, Kant may be an unavoidable path for Western literature.

I must confess, however, that I am not very good at Western philosophy, including Kant, Hegel, and Plato. I have tried and bounced back easily and still have not been able to read them properly.

But this book gives some idea of what it is trying to say. Perhaps it is best to read this book after knowing Kant, but even if you don't, you can still read it.

It was an interesting piece that gave me a different perspective on Dostoevsky.

Berger FFDostoevskyism

Berdyaev, "Dostoevsky's Worldview" - A classic in the study of Dostoevsky's thought by an exiled Russian philosopher.

In the suffering of life, there is light, there is salvation. Taking on suffering as suffering, that is where the salvation of Dostoevsky's works lies, according to Berdyaev.

Dostoevsky is a writer with a strong image of having written only heavy and dark works, but he clearly states that this is not the true Dostoevsky. Herein lies the distinctive feature of his view of Dostoevsky.

It is even more interesting to read the book in contrast with Kudryavtsev's "Revolution or God: Dostoevsky's Worldview," which highlights the differences in their respective ideas.


Kudryavtsev, "Revolution or God - Dostoevsky's Worldview -" This is the book to know the Soviet image of Dostoevsky

This book, along with the previously mentioned "The Watcher and the Seeker: Turgenev and Dostoevsky" by Seiro Sato, was a terrific book. I highly recommend reading the two books as a set. I highly recommend you to read the two books as a set, which will deepen the meaning of this book.

It is very easy to understand how Dostoevsky became Sovietized during the Soviet era. And you can also learn how the theory that Dostoevsky was a non-believer came about. This was very interesting to me as I wanted to learn about Dostoevsky and Christianity. It was so interesting that it made me fall asleep much later at night. I couldn't possibly cut off the book in the middle of reading it. That's how great this book is.

The Viewer and the SeekerDostoevskyism

Seiro Sato, "The Viewer and the Seeker: Turgenev and Dostoevsky" A masterpiece that allows you to learn the characteristics of both in one book! Compare and understand their individuality!

It is still easy to compare them. In particular, Turgenev and Dostoevsky are two men with diametrically opposed lives, temperaments, and literary styles.

The bigger the difference, the clearer what we can see.

Reading this work, it is easy to see why Dostoevsky wrote such chaotic and extreme stories and why Turgenev wrote orderly and artistic stories.

Hamlet and Don QuixoteTurgenev, the great Russian writer

Turgenev's "Hamlet and Don Quixote" Synopsis and Comments - Recommended for an introduction to Turgenev's literary views.

This piece is a paper in which Turgenev expresses his thoughts on Hamlet and Don Quixote.

For Turgenev, these two characters were a very important influence in the creation of his works, and their faces are everywhere in his works.

Turgenev's juxtaposition of Hamlet and Don Quixote highlights the two characters.

Turgenev sees the Hamlet type, who is always fretting about himself, and the Don Quixote type, who always acts for the good of others.

virgin soilTurgenev, the great Russian writer

Turgenev's "The Virgin Land" Synopsis and Impressions - A great film about the Narodniki youth of the 1970s in Russia.

It was exactly around 1870 that Dostoevsky's "Evil Spirits" was written.

This overlaps exactly with the youth of the 1970s that Turgenev was trying to portray.

Turgenev described a stream of militants who believed in socialist ideology infiltrating rural villages and starting riots.

In contrast, Dostoevsky depicted the havoc and gruesome events of socialist revolutionaries in a certain city.

Although the stage is different, the two share a common awareness of the issues.

Although "Evil Spirits" is by far the more outstanding in terms of the seriousness and gruesomeness of the story, the perspective of "The Virgin Land" is also very interesting. I feel that by looking at the works of two people with different literary styles, we can learn more deeply about the human spirit of this era.