
Yoshio YoshimuraDostoevskyism

Yoshio Yoshimura, "Dostoevsky: A Record of Overcoming the Modern Spirit" - This is the book to study Dostoevsky and Christianity!

Yoshio Yoshimura's "Dostoevsky: A Record of Overcoming Modern Spirituality" Overview and Impressions - If you want to learn about Dostoevsky and Christianity, this is the book for you! Today we would like to introduce Yoshio Yoshimura's "Dostoevskii: Record of Overcoming Modern Spirituality" published by Shinkyo Publishing House. The author, Yoshio Yoshimura, is a Shinshu University...

Anna's Diarybiography of Dostoevsky

Dostoevskaya, "Diary of Mrs. Dostoevsky, Anna" - A first-class source of information about Dostoevsky's miserable life due to his gambling addiction.

This diary describes Dostoevsky's madness to the hilt.

Dostoevsky is a gambling maniac who gambles all his money and loses, and eventually pawns his wedding ring and runs off to the gambling hall.

In her diary, Mrs. Anna's sadness, frustration, and resentment at seeing off such a husband are recorded along with her tears. Dostoevsky at this time is truly the ultimate bad person.

It can no longer be described as spectacular. It is far more dramatic and shocking than reading an ordinary novel.

DostoevskyShinran and Dostoevsky

What should I read in the Dostoevsky materials? -Who is Dostoevsky after all?

In this article I will discuss future directions and what I think about Dostoevsky research.

I started reading the complete works of Dostoevsky in August 2019, but the first problem I had in trying to learn about Dostoevsky was that I did not know where to start reading.

Dostoevsky is too famous, too huge a writer.

This is why there are so many reference books, and why they are so different from each other. Why does this happen? What should we do? This article will consider these questions.

About ReadingShinran and Dostoevsky

Numbed by Hideo Kobayashi's "On Reading! This is how I started reading Dostoevsky - my encounter with Dostoevsky⑷.

I was surprised to find myself rereading The Brothers Karamazov for the first time in nine years, since I was a student.

I still think this novel is amazing..!

I was newly impressed by the passages that shocked me when I first read them, as well as by passages that did not catch my attention that much the last time, saying, "I didn't know this was written.

Another book I was reading at the time, "On Reading" by Hideo Kobayashi, would define my path.

It was this book that led me to become completely absorbed in Dostoevsky.

Shinran and Dostoevsky

My Round-the-World Journey, Don Quixote's Ideals, and Dostoevsky: My Encounter with Dostoevsky (3)

After returning from my trip around the world in 2019, I met many children through temple events.

And they led to my reunion with Dostoevsky. This was my second encounter with Dostoevsky.

From this time to the present, I have continued my research on Dostoevsky.

As I studied him, it became clear that Dostoevsky and Shinran Shonin, the founder of Jodo Shinshu, had remarkable things in common. The meaning of studying Dostoevsky is becoming more and more significant.