
Masafumi JonoFrench Literature, History and Culture

A brief introduction to what the French Revolution was all about - with reference to "Sekai Shishi Gekijo, Theatre of World History, The French Revolutionary Upheaval" by Masashi Jinno.

What exactly was the French Revolution?

The textbook explanation would be "the revolution that overthrew the absolute monarchy by the citizens of Paris in 1789," but this does not really tell us much.

In this issue, continuing from the previous issue, I would like to talk about what kind of event the French Revolution was, referring to Masashi Jinno's "World History Theater: The Torrent of the French Revolution" published by Beret Publishing.

Masafumi JonoFrench Literature, History and Culture

Masashi Jinno, "World History Theater: The French Revolution's Torrent" - If you want to know the whys and hows of the French Revolution, this is the introductory book for you!

This book is really easy to read and understand. It gives you an idea of the history of why the event happened and how it unfolded from there.

This book is an excellent introduction to the French Revolution.

When I was a student, my study of history consisted mainly of memorizing year numbers and people.

This is not a good way to discover the true interest and significance of history, is it? This book also destroys preconceived notions of history.

calamudineRussian History and Culture and Dostoevsky

Karamzin, "Paris in the Eighteenth Century as Seen by Russians" - What was the shock of the Russian humanist scholar who saw Paris, the city of his dreams?

In this book by Karamzin, he candidly describes the overwhelming charms and negative aspects of Paris, the city he admired from a Russian perspective, and his impressions of the Parisian people as he saw them.

It was another version of the glamorous and beautiful city of Paris, a stench and filth-ridden Paris.

Paris was the most prosperous city of its time, but at the same time, the negative aspects of that prosperity were not uncommon.

This is a surprising fact.

It was very interesting to see Paris from the perspective of a Russian, Karamzin!

Recommended ChristianityDostoevsky and Christianity

List of recommended commentaries on Dostoevsky and Christianity - Dostoevsky's religious views in his novels.

Dostoevsky and Christianity are inseparable.

When we think of Christianity, we tend to think of Catholicism or Protestantism, but Dostoevsky's faith was the Russian Orthodox Church.

When you read Dostoevsky with such background knowledge, you will see a completely different view of the novel's world from what you have seen before.

Knowing Christianity is very helpful in enjoying Dostoevsky.

ChristianityDostoevsky and Christianity

Justo González, "History of Christianity" - A recommended reference book for learning the general framework of Christian history!

The nuance of "Christianity is absolutely right and the pagans are wrong" is not present in this book in the first place. It is felt that the book tries to be as objective as possible in its viewpoint of why the events happened historically.

Also, this book is very interesting to read in the first place. Textbooks on the history of Christianity tend to conjure up images of stiff, difficult books, but Justo González's "History of Christianity" is different in more ways than one.

RussiaDostoevsky and Christianity

Belyustin, "Life of a Russian Rural Priest in the Nineteenth Century" - A rural priest's plaintive cry lamenting the state of the Russian Orthodox Church in the nineteenth century.

The author, I. S. Belyustin (c. 1820-1890), was born into a family of Russian Orthodox priests and entered the priesthood himself.

This book is just so intense. You can hardly believe your eyes that the churches in rural Russia were in such bad shape.

The author then goes on to tell why this is so.

I felt that this book helped me to see more clearly how important the Optina monastery was and what Christianity meant to Dostoevsky.

RussiaDostoevsky and Christianity

Sergey Bolshakov, "Russian Mystics" - History of Great Russian Monks

The book is unique in that it carefully introduces the life and thought of each of the great Russian monks.

Of particular importance is the chapter written about St. Tikhon, who was renowned in the 18th century. St. Tikhon's ideas greatly influenced later monks and elders, and Dostoevsky was also impressed by his ideas and life, an impression reflected in his writing of "The Brothers Karamazov" and "Evil Spirits.

Opuchina MonasteryDostoevsky and Christianity

S. Chetvednikov, "Opchina Monastery" - "The Brothers Karamazov" Elder Zosima was born here.

In "Opetina Monastery" you can learn about the history of this monastery and the life and thought of its famous elders. The book is richly illustrated with photographs and drawings, making it a very useful tool for visualizing what the monastery is like.

If you are interested in learning more about "The Brothers Karamazov," especially the relationship between Elder Zosima and the main character Alyosha, I highly recommend this book.