
Don Quixote, the beloved itinerant knight.

Toru Miyoshi, "Che Guevara Biography" - Biography recommended to learn about the life and thought of Che Guevara, the leading revolutionary of the Cuban Revolution.

It was Guevara who inspired me to read Don Quixote. It was because of Guevara that I decided to read "Don Quixote" for the first time.

Now "Don Quixote" is like my life's work. I will continue to read this work for the rest of my life.

For me, Che Guevara was the great benefactor who connected me to Don Quixote.

This work, "The Biography of Che Guevara," is a wonderful biography that allows us to learn about the man to whom we owe so much.

Marx Engels Writings and Related Works

Shuntaro Kondo, "Shinran and Marxism: Struggle, Ideology, and Universality" - Recommended reference book for understanding the relationship between the Shinshu cult and Marxism.

In the book, it is pointed out that "Marxism may also be religious," and this is precisely what we have been thinking about for a long time on this blog.

It was very interesting to read this book, as it seemed to link what is discussed in the book with my own thoughts that Marxism also has a religious aspect.

I guess you could say that I am just the opposite of the book's approach, as I did not go to Marx from the study of the True Religion cult, but rather from Marx himself, his ideological background, and the historical background to religion.

Marx Engels Writings and Related Works

Daniel Kahneman, "Fast & Slow" Summary and Comments - A recommended film to learn that humans are irrational beings!

Human behavior is mixed with uncertainty. It does not work according to logic.

Understanding such things anew and knowing the mechanism of such things may reduce misunderstandings and illusions. We may also be able to have more tolerance for others.

I think this book will be very beneficial in that aspect. It is a very interesting and stimulating work. I recommend this book for learning behavioral economics.

Marx Engels Writings and Related Works

R. Saylor, "Behavioral Economics Strikes Back" Summary and Comments - Recommended work to learn what makes behavioral economics different from conventional economics.

Thinking everything rationally, understanding the economy through mathematical formulas, and trying to apply it in practice does not work so well. If it were possible, shouldn't the economy run better? If it doesn't work, then maybe the premise was wrong in the first place.

So you can learn about the author's years of research and the path taken by a group of behavioral economists.

It has given me a very interesting perspective on Marx that I have been updating on my blog. This was a much appreciated piece.

Indian thought, culture and history

Satish Kumar, "You Are, Therefore I Am" - A Jain Perspective on the Philosophy of Coexistence and Symbiosis in Life



Indian thought, culture and history

Schumacher, "Small is Beautiful" - Advocates Buddhist economics! A work that sounds a warning about the modern state of supremacy of economic growth.




The Industrial Revolution and British and European Society

Watt and Stevenson, Engineers of the Industrial Revolution" - Recommended biography of the inventors of the steam engine and railroad!

The book is a biography of James Watt, famous for his steam engine, and George Stevenson, inventor of the railroad.

Watt was associated with the invention of the steam engine, but honestly, it was surprising to learn when that was and what it was like.

I was honestly surprised that the book was able to summarize the lives of both men in less than 100 pages.

The Industrial Revolution and British and European Society

C. Wolmer, "The History of World Railroads: The Global Transformation of Blood, Iron, and Gold" - Did railroads bring war? Recommended reference book to learn about the history of railroads on a global scale.

As the title suggests, "The History of World Railways: World Transformation in Blood, Iron, and Gold" looks at the history of railroads, not only in Europe, but extending its scope to the rest of the world. Naturally, the United States is also mentioned, as well as Japan, China, and even Africa. This book is a very useful work for learning the flow of world history because it allows us to look at the history of railroads from a global perspective.

This was a gratifying book. It is very helpful in following the history of the Industrial Revolution.

The Industrial Revolution and British and European Society

W. Siverbuche, "History of Rail Travel" - The invention of the railroad changed human consciousness! A famous book highly praised by Shigeru Kashima, a French literature scholar!

This book is highly praised by Mr. Shigeru Kashima, a French literature scholar who is already well-known on this blog, who says, "This book is very interesting. This must be interesting!

I was excited to open this book, and I must say, Dr. Kashima is amazing! This book is truly "meh" and interesting.

The book shows that the birth of the railroad was not merely about the creation of a convenient means of movement and transportation, but that it fundamentally changed human values and worldview.

The Industrial Revolution and British and European Society

Marx's Miscalculation? What life was like for Victorian Londoners, I think in 19th century London!

Victorian London was the era in which Marx lived. Marx was living in London at this very time, watching the people, and immersing himself in his research in the library of the British Museum.

I found "Everyday Life of Victorian Britons from the Aristocracy to the Working Class" extremely interesting from the perspective of what kind of world Marx saw when he wrote "Capitalism" and what kind of life Londoners, his contemporaries, led.