
Modern Russia and the Russo-Ukrainian War

W. Shabłowski, "Dancing Bears: People Struggling with Regime Change after the Cold War" - Freedom came suddenly to the people of the former communist bloc. Is freedom a burden?

This book is about the "dancing bears" of former communist Bulgaria and looks at the lives of people living in the former communist bloc.

This book is also amazing..!

There are plenty of books on Russia, but books on the former communist bloc and its aftermath are quite rare to begin with.

Moreover, the "bear dance" that has been handed down in the region is an exquisite symbol of the very drama of the transition from the former communist bloc to "freedom.


Learn about the life and thought background of Marx Engels

(6) Engels, "Wuppertal Dayori" - 18-year-old journalist Engels denounces the poor conditions at the factory.

Wuppertal Dayori" was published when Engels was 18 years old.

As we will discuss later, this style of "Wuppertal Dayori" was carried over into the later "The State of the Working Class in England," which in turn was directly connected to Marx's "Capitalism.

Although Engels was expelled from Gymnasium and was unable to go to university, there is something different about the genius who changed history. Although he is often overshadowed by Marx, glimpses of his genius have already appeared here.

Learn about the life and thought background of Marx Engels

(3) What is the religious situation in Wuppertal, the industrial area where Engels was born?

The religious situation in Barmen, the German industrial city where Engels grew up, coincides exactly with that described in Weber's "The Ethics of Protestantism and the Spirit of Capitalism.

It was surprising to learn that Engels grew up in such an environment in Germany.

This article will discuss the religious situation in Barmen, Engels' family environment, and the young Engels' views on religion.

Learn about the life and thought background of Marx Engels

(2) Engels' privileged family environment and the social conditions in his home town of Barmen (now Wuppertal)




Recommended Marx-Engels Biography

Tristram Hunt, "Engels: The Man Marx Called General" - A recommended biography to learn about the life and thought background of the genius who supported Marx!

This biography does not take the position of overly glorifying or attacking Marx or Engels. It distances itself from such excessive ideological bias and is based solely on historical facts.

And this book showed me how much Engels had influenced Marx's writings.

It was such a great biography that I think you will learn more about Marx by reading this book than by reading a biography or commentary of Marx. I would highly recommend reading this book in addition to the biography of Marx.

Recommended Marx-Engels Biography

Kanji Tamagawa, "'Capitalism' and the Age of the Industrial Revolution: Marx's View of British Capitalism" - An attractive reference book with realistic articles based on on-site reporting.

There are many books written about the Industrial Revolution, but a book that takes a closer look at the Industrial Revolution from the perspective of "as Marx and Engels saw it" is quite rare. I also appreciate the many photos and illustrations.

Marx and Engels actually lived through and witnessed the Industrial Revolution era. It is because of their actual experiences that their ideas and works were born. I think it is very important to know what the Industrial Revolution was like and how they thought about it in order to learn about their ideas.

Recommended Marx-Engels Biography

Ulrike Hermann, "Smith, Marx, and Keynes: A Revived Prescription for Crisis" - Recommended for an introduction to the flow of classical economics!

What is the difference between pre-Marx and Marx? What is the difference between post-Marx and Marx?

This book is very easy to understand because you can compare and see such things. After all, some things can only be seen by comparing them.

This book is a wonderful way to look at Marx in the context of history and the historical background. It is a gem written from a very broad perspective.

This is a book that I would highly, highly recommend. I recommend it to anyone who wants to learn not only Marx, but also Adam Smith and Keynes.

Is Marx a religious phenomenon?

Historian E. H. Carr's Views on Marxism - Why Marxism Attracts People

In this biography, E. H. Carr will point out the problems in Marx's "Capitalism. He then discusses such contradictions as the famous "surplus value theory" and the "value of labor," and analyzes why Marx is believed by so many despite these problems.

It may be said that E. H. Carr, as a historian, takes a step back in his approach, not only in terms of economics, ideology, and ideology, but also in terms of his relationship with the world as a whole.