
Learn about the life and thought background of Marx Engels

(12) What is the connection between the free-spirited and radical young beer intellectuals and Marx Engels?

Up to the last article, we looked at the flow of "young Hegelian" and anti-establishment thought, from Strauss to Bruno Bauer to Feuerbach.

And in this article, we will talk about the "beer intellectuals" that the young Engels was dating during his Berlin days.

In fact, Marx was also a member of this beer intelligentsia, and although he and Engels were swapped and never met, they spent their younger days in the same group.

Modern Russia and the Russo-Ukrainian War

J. Montague, "Billionaire Soccer Club" - Recommended to learn about Russian oligarch Abramovich and Chelsea.

Russian oligarchs (emerging conglomerates) that we came to know through the Russo-Ukrainian War.

Among those in the news recently is Abramovich, owner of the prestigious soccer club Chelsea.

I too was shocked by the news that economic sanctions have frozen Abramovich's assets and that Chelsea will not be able to operate as a result.

This book is a work that will give you an insight into who Mr. Abramovich is and why he became the owner of Chelsea.

Modern Russia and the Russo-Ukrainian War

D. E. Hoffman, "Reaper's Retaliation: The Reagan and Gorbachev Arms Race" - Recommended for learning the horrifying facts about the nuclear and biological weapons race at the end of the Cold War.





Modern Russia and the Russo-Ukrainian War

W. Tobman, "Gorbachev: His Life and Times" - Gorbachev's Perestroika. A biography recommended for learning about his life and the historical background of the collapse of the Soviet Union!

The book traces Gorbachev's enigmatic life from 1931, when he was born, to after the collapse of the Soviet Union, along with its historical background.

Gorbachev's own life is very interesting, but what I really appreciate about this book is the historical background of the Soviet Union. In particular, I found the process of the Soviet Union's collapse to be so confusing that I wanted to wrap my head around it. It shows how the Soviet Union was lost in a maze with no way out.

Modern Russia and the Russo-Ukrainian War

Yohei Ishikawa, "Imperial Suicide: Putin vs. Emerging Zaibatsu" - How did President Putin fight the oligarchs? Future Developments.

Oligarchs have emerged through the turmoil following the collapse of the Soviet Union.

As we have seen in the books we have looked at, the Russian people were becoming increasingly angry at their arrogance.

And the composition of Putin fighting against such oligarchs. This was one of the main reasons for the public's support.

However, the book tells what the reality of the situation was and what its side effects were.

This work is recommended to learn more about the relationship between Putin and oligarchs that led to the annexation of Crimea and the current invasion of Ukraine.

Modern Russia and the Russo-Ukrainian War

M. I. Goldman, "The Robbed Russian Economy" - How Oligarchs (Russian Emerging Conglomerates) were born. Recommended for learning about economic trends after the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Despite the rather radical title, "The Robbed Russian Economy," this book is not a conspiracy theory.

This book will be a work by an expert on the Russian economy. When you read this book, you will understand the meaning of the title very well. You will learn about the situation in Russia, which can only be described as "the Russian economy that has been robbed". It is quite shocking.

Kafka's City of Prague and Czech Literature

Ten recommended reference books to learn what the "Prague Spring" is all about - and to consider the Russian and Ukrainian invasions.

In this article, we recommend some reference books to learn about the 1968 "Prague Spring" Soviet military invasion (Czech Incident), which we have previously discussed in this blog.

Although the Russian invasion of Ukraine is currently at a critical juncture, the "Prague Spring" incident is also very important for understanding the history of the Soviet Union, Russia, and Eastern Europe.

I think it is very meaningful for us Japanese to learn about the Czech Republic, a country that has spun out a proud culture and history despite being surrounded by major powers.

Modern Russia and the Russo-Ukrainian War

Kazuo Ogawa, "Eastern Europe: The Search for Revival" - Recommended for an overview of Eastern European economies after the collapse of the Soviet Union, including Ukraine.

This book was written in 1995, but in terms of understanding the situation in Eastern Europe at that time, it is a work that is not at all faded even if you read it now.

The many photographs make it easy to visualize what the site looks like, and the compact size of the new book is very much appreciated.

We recommend this work to learn about the economic situation in Eastern Europe, which is not often known.

You can see how each Eastern European country has its own unique culture and economic situation. It was very interesting to read and compare each of them.

Modern Russia and the Russo-Ukrainian War

Takayuki Nakazawa, "Capitalism Russo-Russian Search and Confusion" - Recommended commentary book to learn about the disparity between rich and poor in Russia and the horrific economic mafia.

After reading this book I am afraid of Russia anyway.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the struggle for interests and the deterioration of security were far greater than I had imagined.

Although this book was written a long time ago, in 1994, Russia today is basically connected to the political and economic situation at that time. It was a reality that changed my view of Russia.

We are keenly aware that Russia's political economy is not as simple as "communism collapsed and went to capitalism.