
Learn about the life and thought background of Marx Engels

(33) Marx on "The Poverty of Philosophy" and Proudhon's Criticism

Proudhon was a socialist thinker active in France. He is known as a man who had ties to the Russian revolutionaries Bakunin and Gertzen, among others.



Learn about the life and thought background of Marx Engels

(32) Marx Engels, who at the time of 1845-48 rejected immediate armed revolution

Although Marx Engels has the image of having been willing to resort to armed revolution, he did not approve of the way workers suddenly started an armed revolution in the 1845-48 phase.

Is it here that reference books on Marxian thought rely on the commentary that "Marx was against armed revolution"? It is true that he may have opposed armed revolution by the workers until bourgeois society matured, but whether they were opposed to armed revolution all their lives is another matter. We must read their biographies with caution on this matter as well in the future!

Learn about the life and thought background of Marx Engels

(31) What is Marx's Utopia, which develops from idealism to materialism - from "German Ideology.

In this article, I will discuss the German Ideology, which was co-authored by Marx Engels.

This is also where the often heard terms "superstructure" and "substructure" come from.

And in this work Marx Engels concluded that revolution was necessary to change history!

It also brings up a very important point when considering the thought of Marx Engels

The utopia of the communist world envisioned by Marx and Engels in 1845 was described here

Learn about the life and thought background of Marx Engels

(30) Marx Engels' 1845 research trip to England and Engels' mistress problem

One word of bourgeois is made into a curse word, which they repeat to the point of disgust, but they themselves are soaked in bourgeois from head to toe.

Perhaps nothing more accurately describes the lifestyle of Marx Engels than these words of Bakunin.

We will continue to see them throughout their lives, and in fact, they will never abandon their bourgeois lifestyle after this.

I think that these contradictions are also important when considering Marx-Engels.

Learn about the life and thought background of Marx Engels

(21) Robert Owen, a visionary socialist - What a great Scottish manager who worked to improve the working environment.

Robert Owen was called a fantastical socialist by Engels, but he is clearly different from the other two (Saint-Simon and Fourier).

As a result, his socialism failed, but his principles and actual activities were not fanciful.



Learn about the life and thought background of Marx Engels

(20) Young Engels suffers from the contradiction that he has become the hated bourgeois.

The young Engels was forced to confront his own contradictions.



But later on, they would also reopen and act in an imposingly bourgeois manner. The same is true of Marx. Marx, too, had a contradictory life, yearning for a bourgeois life and suffering from lack of money when he actually spent money in this way.

Learn about the life and thought background of Marx Engels

(19) Hellscape of Manchester, the center of the Industrial Revolution - What did Engels see there?




Learn about the life and thought background of Marx Engels

(18) The beginnings of communism and how German communist Moses Hess influenced Marx and Engels

When we think of communism, we tend to think of Marx, but this idea itself is not Marx's original creation.



Learn about the life and thought background of Marx Engels

(16) The Ideas of the Imaginary Socialist Saint-Simon - Economic thinker who had a huge influence on the later Second Empire of France.

Imaginary socialist is a famous term preached by Engels in From Imagination to Science, published in 1880.

Engels described three famous pre-Marxian exponents of socialist thought, Saint-Simon, Charles Fourier, and Robert Owen, as "fantastical socialists."

He then declares that Marx's theory is "scientific" as opposed to their "fanciful" theories.

In this article, we will first talk about the person, Saint-Simon.

Recommended Marx-Engels Biography

List of 12 recommended Marx biographies - to learn more about the life and thought of Marx Engels.

I am not a Marxist.

But I believe that studying Marx is a very important way to learn about religion and human beings.

Why did Marx's thought attract so many people?

How was Marx's thought developed?

Who was Marx in the first place, and under what historical background did he live?

The biographies we will present hereafter will be a great help in learning such things.