Russo-German War (1941-1945)

History of the Soviet Union under Lenin and Stalin

The Soviet Union and Dostoevsky - Why I Study the Soviet Union - Future Blog Updates

Dostoevsky predicted the coming totalitarian misery in "Evil Spirits" and "The Brothers Karamazov."

Is literature powerless in the face of overwhelming power? Is thought meaningless in front of a gun?

I still have to learn the history of the Soviet Union as well. I felt that I could not pass this place by. That is why I also tried to learn about the world after Dostoevsky's death.

KrakowPoland (ed.)

Auschwitz and "Tannisho" - Listening to Shinran's Words in Poland (7)

Auschwitz was too intense an experience...

I didn't feel like doing anything for a while.

No, perhaps it is more correct to say that nothing was done.

However, there was something that suddenly crossed my mind that seemed to have emptied out.

"If you have a good karma, you should behave in any way you choose.

Yes. It was the words of "Tannisho," which I have previously introduced in an article on Yad Vashem, the Holocaust Memorial Museum in Jerusalem.

Holocaust Memorial HallIsrael ed.

Visiting the Jerusalem Holocaust Memorial (Yad Vashem), Israel ⑭

From the Old City of Jerusalem, we will take a streetcar to the outskirts of the city. We will visit Yad Vashem, the Holocaust Memorial Museum. Actually, I had not planned to visit Yad Vashem before coming to Jerusalem.

However, as I saw various things here in Jerusalem, I began to feel strongly that I should still visit.

Furthermore, my next destination in Israel is Krakow, Poland. Yes, I am going to see Auschwitz after this. In this article I will tell you about my experience at Yad Vashem.