Russo-German War (1941-1945)

Stalin and Hitler's genocide and holocaust

(6) Summary - Why did Ivan fight? The meaning of studying the inner life of a soldier in the extreme conditions of war.

The content in this book is truly shocking. It tells of barbaric acts that make you want to turn away.

But Ivan and others who lived in such a hellish world also shed tears.

The misdeeds committed by Ivan and his colleagues are unforgivable. However, merely impeaching them will not solve anything.

Why did this happen, and what did Ivan and his friends suffer and shed tears over? I felt that it is important to find out the answers to these questions in order to prevent the repetition of the same history.

Stalin and Hitler's genocide and holocaust

(5) Soviet soldiers did not regard their victims as human beings: the psychology of wartime soldiers and the tragedy of sexual violence.

Their goal was Berlin, Hitler's stronghold. Wherever they went, the Soviet soldiers committed acts of tyranny.

The atrocities committed by the invading Nazis were indeed appalling. In response, the Soviet soldiers, eager to be an eye for an eye, repeatedly looted, murdered, and raped their way into the invasion.

I even wondered if I should blog about this content. The same is true of what I will be describing from here on. The book reveals facts that make you want to turn away.

However, I want to caution you against thinking that these acts are only about Soviet soldiers and have nothing to do with us. If we look at it as "the Soviet soldiers are just crazy," then the book has a completely different meaning. We must not forget that in the extreme conditions of war, we all can become like this.

Stalin and Hitler's genocide and holocaust

(4) Stalin's creation of war myths and historical management: How do heroic stories mask reality?

In 1943, the Soviet Union finally gained the upper hand. From here, politicians created war myths to further boost public morale.

Facts were interpreted and myths were created to suit the Soviet government. Anything that did not conform was silenced.

And such historical management would continue throughout the postwar period.

Put a lid on what you don't want to see. This is something we all want to do. This is especially true when it comes to what one has committed under the extreme conditions of war. Stalin took advantage of this human weakness.

Stalin and Hitler's genocide and holocaust

(3) Soviet manpower tactics and deadly assault: What is the "Ullah! on the battlefield

Kill after kill, one after another, they charge at you without fear of death. There is no greater fear than this.

The reckless assault is devastating, and the Soviet soldiers retreat, but to their surprise, the Soviet command now slaughters the retreating soldiers.

In the Soviet army, retreat was not an option. As I will show later, there was an ironclad order to fight to the death. Therefore, soldiers who withdrew and returned were killed as a violation of military regulations.

Soviet soldiers were overrun by Nazi soldiers, and if they fled, they would in turn be killed by Soviet troops.

Thus, the bodies of countless soldiers on the front lines were piled up one after another. With the cry of "Ullah! was the cry of the soldiers as they were being carried out by sea.

Stalin and Hitler's genocide and holocaust

(6) Arendt's Theory of Totalitarianism and the Novels of Grossman, the Red Army Reporter: On his masterpiece discussing the Russo-German War and totalitarianism.

Arendt is famous for her talk about the Holocaust in "The Origins of Totalitarianism" and "Eichmann in Yerusalem - A Report on the Banality of Evil". Hannah Arendt's name is still known all over the world when it comes to the Nazi Holocaust.

And the author Timothy Snyder counterpoints this Arendt with the Soviet writer Vasily Grossman. It was after reading Snyder's eulogy that I decided to read Grossman's work. Grossman is not well known in Japan, but here is a man who is an extraordinary figure in the history of the world. I highly recommend this author.

Stalin and Hitler's genocide and holocaust

(1) 14 million victims of the massacre by the Nazis and the Soviets - a disaster of the Soviet-German war that was so enormous.

In Bloodland: The Truth About Hitler and Stalin's Genocide, we will reveal that the tragedy of the genocide that occurred during the German-Soviet War was made more tragic by the interrelationship between the Nazis and the Soviet Union. Although Nazi atrocities alone tend to be highlighted in world history, they do not provide a complete picture of Nazi actions.

The book is unique in that it looks at the reality of the Holocaust from the larger perspective of the Nazis and the Soviet Union.

The great thing about this book is that it doesn't simply dismiss it as "the Nazis were abnormal, cruel, and bad people," but instead looks at the bigger picture and why humans did what they did.

Stalin and Hitler's genocide and holocaust

Frankl's "Night and Fog" Synopsis and Comments - A masterpiece that questions what it means to live! And a connection to Dostoevsky.

The work is the psychologist Frankl's account of his experiences at Auschwitz and the Dachau camp in Munich.

Whereas Vasily Grossman's "The Hell of Treblinka Camp," which I mentioned in my previous article, described the horrors of the extermination camps, "Night and Fog" tells the story of how people survived in the extreme conditions of concentration camps and the human analysis that was done there.

This book tells the story of how it is possible to survive as a human being in desperate circumstances. It is a book that gives great strength not only to those in the extreme conditions of the camps, but also to those of us who live in the present.

I hope this book will spread to more and more people.

German-Soviet War: The Soviet Union and the Nazis' War of Extermination

S. D. Goldman, "Nomonhan 1939: The Unknown Beginning of World War II" - Why did Japan repeat its tragic defeat? A shocking masterpiece!

First of all, let me say this first. This book is tremendous.

The book reveals that the Nomonhan Incident, a historical event that we all know only by name, had an unimaginably huge impact on the world.

The book also analyzes why Japan suffered repeated disastrous defeats and why the military went out of control and fought recklessly. I think you will be quite shocked when you read it. I myself was stunned many times while reading this book, saying, "No way.... It is that shocking.

German-Soviet War: The Soviet Union and the Nazis' War of Extermination

V. Zaslavsky, "The Kachin Forest: The Elimination of the Polish Leadership Class" - The genocide that the Soviet Union covered up.

Although the Kachin Forest Incident is less well known in Japan than the Auschwitz Holocaust, I found this incident to be a very important event in terms of war and historical issues.

Root out the country's leadership and intellectual class. I learned that this is the standard practice when it comes to violent control of a country. It is a very frightening book. I hope you will pick up a copy.

German-Soviet War: The Soviet Union and the Nazis' War of Extermination

Alexievich, "War has no woman's face" - Listening to the voices of women who experienced the war between Germany and the Soviet Union - a famous book that is now being made into a manga in Japan.

This book is the result of Alexievich's interviews with women who served in or suffered the ravages of the Russo-German War, and is a written record of those interviews. In the huge history of the Russo-German War, individual voices were drowned out, especially those of women. This was especially true for women. War belongs to men, so women should not speak out. Such an atmosphere existed in the country.

Alexievich breaks the unspoken taboo and rises to the occasion. Alexievich interviews each person about his or her life at that time, and extracts memories from the darkness of history.