
The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire, the Vatican, and Roman Catholicism

Pen BOOKS The Origins of Beauty, Ancient Greece and Rome - A recommended introduction to the origins of European art.

I have been learning about the Roman Empire for the past month and a half. I am very grateful for this book that gives me an overview of ancient Greek and Roman art.

The book is just full of pictures and is a very visual and easy to understand work.

The development of the history of ancient Greece and Rome will also be explained, albeit briefly, and you can learn about the historical background and even the lives of the people of those times.

This will make you feel familiar with ancient Greek and Roman art. It will also make you want to see the real thing.

I highly recommend this book as an introductory book.

The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire, the Vatican, and Roman Catholicism

Ovidius, "The Metamorphosis Story" Synopsis and Comments - A short story about ancient Greek and Roman mythology that had a huge impact on European art!



Tolstoy, the Russian Giant

Homer's "The Odyssey" Synopsis and Impressions - A tale of the homecoming adventures of Odysseus, a hero of the Trojan War and a man of great wisdom and length and breadth.

While "The Iliad" tells the story of countless heroes and gods on an overwhelming scale, "The Odyssey" focuses on Odysseus and follows the movements of the main characters closely. Therefore, the story is very easy to read, and there is little confusion as to who is who.

The plot is very exhilarating as the thugs who hang out in his hometown are defeated by trickery and brute force. It is the best of the royal roads of storytelling.


Tolstoy, the Russian Giant

Homer's "The Iliad" Synopsis and Commentary - A masterpiece of Greek mythology. Huge influence on Tolstoy's War and Peace!





Tolstoy, the Russian Giant

Atouda Takashi, "To Enjoy Homer" - A recommended introduction to the Greek myths "The Iliad" and "The Odyssey"!

I highly recommend this book. It is just interesting and easy to understand! Moreover, it takes you to a deeper level. The content is quite authentic. The commentary by Michiko Satonaka at the end of the book also praised it highly.

If you read this, you will get a pretty solid grasp of the flow of "The Iliad" and "The Odyssey". Conversely, if I had not read this book, I might have fallen behind as I did with "Julius Caesar". I am deeply grateful for this book.

I would highly recommend this work.

The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire, the Vatican, and Roman Catholicism

Toshiro Nakajima, "The English Way of Travel: From Grand Tours to Garden Culture" - A recommended work explaining world travel as an essential culture for aristocrats!

Reading this book, I felt as if I could see clearly why Mendelssohn went on his Grand Tour. Mendelssohn was a man of culture, who cultivated his own culture, developed a "precise and sensitive" sensibility through practice, and at the same time, expanded his network of contacts in various parts of the world. It is clear that Mendelssohn traveled as the golden pattern for the leading children of his time.

Very interesting book to learn about the travel culture and aesthetics of Western Europe! Recommended!

The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire, the Vatican, and Roman Catholicism

Nansei Shiono and Masumi Ishinabe, "Vatican Stories" - A recommended guidebook for learning the history and beauty secrets of the Vatican!

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