Theravada Buddhism

Introduction to Sri Lanka Water Conservation ResearchBuddhism in Sri Lanka, Nepal and Southeast Asia

Naoshi Nakamura, "Introduction to Sri Lankan Water Conservation Research" - Sri Lanka as seen through irrigated agriculture. Recommended to learn about the history of advanced flood control that flourished in ancient times.

This book, "Introduction to the Study of Water Use in Sri Lanka - A Historical Study of Irrigated Agriculture," is, as the title suggests, a work that allows the reader to learn about the history of irrigated agriculture in Sri Lanka.

Sri Lanka has had advanced flood control technology for about 2,000 years, and its irrigated agriculture has been of vital importance to the nation's management.

Where there is technology, there is kingship. Where there is a kingdom, there is a religion." Advanced technology and the state that administers it are inseparable, and religion, which guarantees the legitimacy of that authority, is also involved.

So far I have been looking at Sri Lanka from a religious and political perspective, but in this book I will be looking at Sri Lanka from the angle of irrigated agriculture. I found this book very stimulating to see Sri Lanka from a different perspective.

Ancient Medieval Sri LankaBuddhism in Sri Lanka, Nepal and Southeast Asia

Satoko Yabuuchi, "Kingship and Buddhism in Ancient Medieval Sri Lanka" - Religion is not only a religion. Learn about the transition of Sri Lankan Buddhism that walked with the history of the country.

The king protects Buddhism, and Buddhism guarantees the legitimacy of the king.

These interrelationships were particularly strong in Sri Lanka, which will be seen step by step in this book.

This book makes me think that religion is not only about religion. Religion, too, cannot remain unaffected by the political situation of the time. There are things that cannot be seen by simply following ideology and doctrine. This book is very valuable to learn such things carefully.

This book has been difficult to obtain, but I highly recommend it to anyone who wants to learn more about Sri Lankan Buddhism.

What brings the taste of honeyBuddhism in Sri Lanka, Nepal and Southeast Asia

Translated by Shinsuke Oikawa, "What Brings the Taste of Honey: A Collection of Buddhist Discourses from Ancient India and Sri Lanka" - Recommended for learning about popular Buddhism in Sri Lanka.

This book, "What Brings the Taste of Honey: A Collection of Buddhist Discourses from Ancient India and Sri Lanka," is a Buddhist discourse that is still popular in Sri Lanka and other Theravada Buddhist communities.

The Jyataka, the story of Buddha's previous life, is a well-known Buddhist tale, but in this book you will witness a different kind of story.

What Brings This Taste of Honey: A Collection of Buddhist Discourses from Ancient India and Sri Lanka" is clearly not in the same vein as the devotion and compassion of the Jatakas, who think of no reward in return.

Shaku Zong-enBuddhism in Sri Lanka, Nepal and Southeast Asia

Michiyo Nakajima, "Shaku Munen and Meiji ZEN Crossing the Sea for the First Time" - Recommended biography of the famous Zen priest who visited Sri Lanka.

The main character of this book, Shaku Soren, is an amazing Zen monk who was the teacher of big names such as D.T. Suzuki and Kitaro Nishida, and also studied under Yukichi Fukuzawa in his youth.

I am now intensely attracted to Sri Lanka.

A Zen monk visited Sri Lanka 150 years ago.

I am still intrigued by that.

In this book, the life of Shaku Zong-en is dramatically told. We highly recommend this book, which provides a dramatic look at the life of the giant Shaku Zong-en.

A Cultural History of the PsychicBuddhism in Sri Lanka, Nepal and Southeast Asia

Masakazu Yoshimura, "A Cultural History of the Spiritual: The Spiritual British Era" - A book that also provides insight into the Theosophical Society that influenced Sri Lankan Buddhism!

This book is very stimulating to learn about the interesting background of psychicism, which had an occultic and suspicious image, but was actually born out of the industrial revolution and global rationalism. It was also a very gratifying work to learn about Sri Lanka. It was very informative for me as I wanted to know about the Sri Lankan Buddhist Dharmapala and the Theosophical Society.

Don't underestimate it as merely occult. A very real problem looms before you. This is interesting.

paniwalBuddhism in Sri Lanka, Nepal and Southeast Asia

D. G. Dissanayaka, "Paniwalal - Nippon as seen by the Sri Lankan Ambassador to Japan" - What is Japan as seen by Sri Lankans!

This work is an exciting book that provides an insight into Japan as seen by Sri Lankans.

I am reading and learning a lot about Sri Lanka and thinking about many things, but the reverse is also true. Japan is being looked at from the Sri Lankan side as well.

Sri Lankans and Japanese, who are also Buddhists, have completely different Buddhist styles and lifestyles. It is an interesting theme to see what Japan is like as seen by Sri Lankans, who are also Buddhists but very different from each other.

To get to know Sri LankaBuddhism in Sri Lanka, Nepal and Southeast Asia

58 Chapters to Know Sri Lanka" - A recommended reference book that looks at politics, religion, life, and modern Sri Lanka from a variety of perspectives!

This book is highly recommended to get a general overview of modern Sri Lanka. Not only does it provide an overview of the country's political economy and history at the national level, but it also details the pattern of life of the local people. By looking at both, rather than just one or the other, you will get a better picture of Sri Lanka. It is also very helpful to learn about Sri Lanka's unique religious situation in a way that is easy to understand and intertwined with daily life.

The book also discusses local social issues and future challenges, but these are not only Sri Lankan issues, but also questions about what we Japanese should be like. It makes us think about ourselves through the eyes of Sri Lanka.

This book is an excellent introduction to modern Sri Lanka. And although it is an introductory book, it takes us quite deep into the country.

lotus-shaped pathBuddhism in Sri Lanka, Nepal and Southeast Asia

M. Wickramasinghe's "The Lotus Path" Synopsis and Impressions - A delicate, too delicate masterpiece of Sri Lankan literature.

What came to me as I read this piece was, "Oh...! Literature! I thought to myself, "This is literature.

It's literature, THE literature.

I guess it depends on what one considers literature to be literature, but I felt it in this too sensitive and timid protagonist who did not fit in with the world.

Well - that's a bit of a bummer! Why don't you just take a step forward? I want to blast him, but that's a promise. The protagonist is stuck and continues to be troubled.

You are too sensitive and have values that are too far removed from the world, but you cannot abandon the world either. He understands this about himself, and yet, somewhere along the way, he still has a little bit of hope for the world. He is very sensitive. He is a very naïve protagonist.

A Changing VillageBuddhism in Sri Lanka, Nepal and Southeast Asia

M. Wickramasinghe's "The Changing Village" Synopsis and Impressions - A masterful feature film from Sri Lanka! Also related to Dostoevsky and Chekhov!

It is a wonderful novel that is not well known in Japan, but is highly acclaimed around the world. I have actually read it and enjoyed its excellence.

It is an immersive novel, as if life in Sri Lanka appears before your eyes. This work is especially fitting for those who like Dostoevsky and Chekhov.

I will be reading the entire trilogy from now on, but this was one of those books that I felt had overwhelming quality from the start.

Radio's War ResponsibilityBuddhism in Sri Lanka, Nepal and Southeast Asia

Shinichi Sakamoto, "Radio's War Responsibility" - Nationalism fueled by the media. Highly recommended for learning about the mechanisms of war!

It was surprising to learn that Buddhist scholars, orators, and preaching masters used to speak about Buddhism on the radio in Japan and had a strong influence on many people.

In this book, you will also discover amazing facts about Konosuke Matsushita, the overwhelming oratorical abilities of politician Yosuke Matsuoka, and the achievements of Hiroshi Shimomura, the man behind the Gyokuon-broadcasting that brought the war to an end.

Anyway, please read it. And do it as soon as possible! It is not every day you come across a book like this. It is one of the best books to read at a time when the world is very unstable.