
German-Soviet War: The Soviet Union and the Nazis' War of Extermination

List of 16 recommended reference books on the German-Soviet War - The German-Soviet War to learn about now.

This article provides a list of recommended reference books for learning about the German-Soviet war.

The war between Germany and the Soviet Union puts the nature of war before us as never before.

Why did war happen? How does war change people? The Russo-German War provides an amazing insight into why genocide occurs. I myself was very surprised to learn about the Russo-German War and felt fear of war. It is a different kind of fear than I had felt before. It is not the "victim fear" that I have seen in dramas, movies, and documentaries, but the fear of war itself.

Each of these articles introduces the book in more detail, so if you are interested, please refer to the articles as well.

Don Quixote, the beloved itinerant knight.

(3) Torture is used to defeat the enemy and realize ideals - The psychology of not treating victims as people



Stalin and Hitler's genocide and holocaust

C. Meridale, "Ivan's War: A Record of Red Army Soldiers 1939-45" - What did Soviet soldiers believe and why did they keep fighting?

The book reveals what each soldier went through and why he continued to fight.

Each one of them is an ordinary human being just like us.

However, the environment in which they were raised, the Soviet propaganda, the Nazi invasion, the scene of extreme violence that was so tragic, and the extreme circumstances of war that if they did not do it, they would be killed, motivated them.

A person has the potential to be anything. Depending on the circumstances, people can commit atrocities with impunity. Even if you think you are a good person, you never know what you might do. This book makes you think about that.

Stalin and Hitler's genocide and holocaust

(6) Arendt's Theory of Totalitarianism and the Novels of Grossman, the Red Army Reporter: On his masterpiece discussing the Russo-German War and totalitarianism.

Arendt is famous for her talk about the Holocaust in "The Origins of Totalitarianism" and "Eichmann in Yerusalem - A Report on the Banality of Evil". Hannah Arendt's name is still known all over the world when it comes to the Nazi Holocaust.

And the author Timothy Snyder counterpoints this Arendt with the Soviet writer Vasily Grossman. It was after reading Snyder's eulogy that I decided to read Grossman's work. Grossman is not well known in Japan, but here is a man who is an extraordinary figure in the history of the world. I highly recommend this author.

Stalin and Hitler's genocide and holocaust

(2) The Nazis and the Soviet Union, and the Covered-Up Crime Scene - History can only be grasped from a variety of perspectives.

Looking only at the history of one country does not give us a complete picture of the events that took place there.

This is a very important point. The author looks at the individual events of this period from many different angles. Instead of looking at historical events as dots, he looks at them as planes, that is, the complex world situation of the time.

While there are many works that study the Holocaust, few books discuss it from multiple perspectives in the context of the process of the struggle for hegemony with the Soviet Union and international affairs.

No matter how much knowledge you have about a single thing, that alone is not enough to understand history.

This is true not only for the genocide of Stalin and Hitler, but also for history, ideology, culture, religion, and everything else.

I think this point made by the author is a very important one.

Stalin and Hitler's genocide and holocaust

(1) 14 million victims of the massacre by the Nazis and the Soviets - a disaster of the Soviet-German war that was so enormous.

In Bloodland: The Truth About Hitler and Stalin's Genocide, we will reveal that the tragedy of the genocide that occurred during the German-Soviet War was made more tragic by the interrelationship between the Nazis and the Soviet Union. Although Nazi atrocities alone tend to be highlighted in world history, they do not provide a complete picture of Nazi actions.

The book is unique in that it looks at the reality of the Holocaust from the larger perspective of the Nazis and the Soviet Union.

The great thing about this book is that it doesn't simply dismiss it as "the Nazis were abnormal, cruel, and bad people," but instead looks at the bigger picture and why humans did what they did.

Stalin and Hitler's genocide and holocaust

Timothy Snyder, "Bloodland: The Truth About Hitler and Stalin's Massacre" - A shocking book recommended to understand the reality of the German-Soviet war!

Why did Stalin starve or shoot his own people to death in large numbers? It was a great mystery to me why he was able to kill people in such a brutal way that he did not consider them human, even though they were the same Soviets.

The book "Bloodland: The Truth about Hitler and Stalin's Genocide" was the best answer to that question.

There are so many shocking things in this book that the translator would like to say that it is hard to read. But that is why I think it is necessary to read this book to learn about history.

Stalin and Hitler's genocide and holocaust

C. Angrao, "The Nazi Intellectual Corps" - A theory that affirms the genocide: Why were highly educated intellectuals so important to the Nazis?

This book focused on the young intellectuals who went on to commit genocide. We will take a close look at how they carried out the Holocaust and how they justified it. What struck me about the book was how traumatized Germany was by World War I before the war. It was very interesting to see how those fears then manifested themselves as incredible aggression.

Stalin and Hitler's genocide and holocaust

M. Behrenbaum, "The Complete History of the Holocaust" - Recommended reference book to learn more about the history of Nazi Jewish policy.

The book describes in great detail the process of the Nazi Holocaust as it was carried out through trial and error. The book also tells the amazing story of how the U.S. and other allied nations knew of the Holocaust and ignored it.

And above all, what impressed me most about this book were the many photographs in the book.

The book is rich in photographic material. And the photos are quite shocking.

Many of the photographs, such as those of countless skinny, scrawny, unclothed bodies folded over in huge holes, are not often published in other books. It is a straightforward look at the horrors of the Holocaust...

I highly recommend this book to learn more about the Holocaust. It is also outstanding to use as a resource book.