
British and German Literature, History and Culture

K. Rosenkranz, "Biography of Hegel" - The authoritative classic of Hegelian biography.

The book's commentary concludes with the statement, "No biography of Hegel has ever been written that surpasses this one, and none will ever be written in the future. This biography is so highly regarded in Hegel studies that it is stated at the end of the commentary in this book, "No biography of Hegel has ever been written that surpasses this one, nor will there ever be another.

Although this biography was challenging for me, it is a highly regarded biography that is a must-read for any student of Hegel. As a classic of Hegel biography, I would say this book is an important work.

History of the Soviet Union under Lenin and Stalin

Robert Servis, "Lenin" - A masterpiece of Lenin's biography that has received worldwide acclaim.

ヴィクター・セヴェスチェンの『レーニン 権力と愛』と比べると、より硬派で伝記らしい語り口が特徴となっている1冊。

読み物として驚くほど面白かったヴィクター・セヴェスチェンの『レーニン 権力と愛』とはまた少し違った視点から語られるレーニンをこの本では知ることとなりました。

