
Nietzsche and Dostoevsky

Did Nietzsche become famous because he went mad - Falsification by his sister and the idolization of Nietzsche

Nietzsche is a great thinker. The works he left behind continue to shine brightly and are read by many people to this day. However, as is often the case with great philosophers and writers, Nietzsche was not well understood by the public during his lifetime.

And he went insane in 1889 with little publicity. It was the year he turned 45.

Ironically, however, Nietzsche quickly became famous after he went insane. He attracted public attention as a philosopher who speculated until he went insane. Nietzsche never recovered from his severe mental illness and died in 1900. He died in 1900 without ever recovering from his severe mental illness, meaning that he did not even know that his writings were selling. Even more astonishingly, it was his own sister who marketed Nietzsche.

Nietzsche and Dostoevsky

Chizuko Hashimoto, "Nihilism and Nothingness - Intercultural Clarification of Schopenhauer/Nietzsche and Indian Thought" - recommended for learning the connection between nihilism and Buddhist thought.

Chizuko Hashimoto, "Nihilism and Nothingness - Schopenhauer/Nietzsche and the Intercultural Elucidation of Indian Thought" Summary and Comments - Recommended for studying the connections between the nihilism of Schopenhauer and Nietzsche and Buddhist thought! Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900)...

Shakespeare, a treasure trove of masterpieces

Tsunsen Fukuda, "Ningen, Kono Dramatic Naru Mono" - A famous book by the playwright famous for his translation of Shakespeare! Don't believe in individuality, for human beings seek the inevitable.

The author, Tsunsen Fukuda, is famous for his translations of Shakespeare's works and I have always been a big fan of his work. I like the Shinchosha version of Shakespeare and am always impressed by the cool lines and language.

This book was first published in 1956 and is still in heavy print. Even today, it does not feel old at all.

What is self, what is individuality, what is freedom?

I recommend this book to get to the root of what we are all about. I highly recommend it! I hope you will pick up a copy.

Nietzsche and Dostoevsky

What is culture - is it something that can be obtained through reading and the amount of knowledge?

The world could be said to be in a "culture boom" right now.

There are tons of books and information available on "culture for business" and "culture for life" in an easy-to-understand manner.

However, if you think you are an educated person by acquiring a lot of knowledge and start to look down on others, that would be the end of the story. I felt that education is a question of how you live as a person, what you do, and how you live your life.

Nietzsche and Dostoevsky

The Complete Works of Kanji Nishio, Volume 5: Light and Cliff - Nietzsche in His Final Years" - A recommended work that explains Nietzsche's thoughts just before he went insane.

One of the personal surprises in this book was his relationship with Dostoevsky. Other reference books had stated that it was unclear whether Nietzsche had read Dostoevsky's later works, but according to Nishio, the influence of "Evil Spirits" and "The Moron" is clearly reflected in "Antichrist" and is well supported by the material.

If you are interested in learning more about "Twilight of the Idols," "Antichrist," and "Behold This Man," you will find this book very useful. It will give you a clear picture of the meaning behind these works and the background of their creation.

Another fascinating aspect of the book is its detailed explanation of Nietzsche's problematic "Will to Power". The book details how "The Will to Power" was formed and what its problems are.

Nietzsche and Dostoevsky

Kanji Nishio, "Nietzsche Part II" - A recommended work that provides an unexpected glimpse into Nietzsche as a university professor, nurse-soldier, and high school teacher!

In Kanji Nishio's "Nietzsche, Part II," we learn more and more about the various Nietzsche figures. It details Nietzsche's life as a university professor, his fateful encounter with Wagner, and the formation process of his debut work, "The Birth of Tragedy. This article has only a small part of the story, but it is full of interesting facts.

I highly recommend this book. It is a work that will change your view of Nietzsche. I hope you will pick up a copy.

Nietzsche and Dostoevsky

Kanji Nishio, "Nietzsche Part I" - Recommended biography to learn about the young Nietzsche before he became a philosopher.

The book will quite carefully recount the historical background of the time and Nietzsche's life.

The book is quite large, 367 pages in all, but it describes Nietzsche as a young man, before he became a scholar, up to 1865. In other words, we will spend an entire book looking closely at Nietzsche up to the age of 21.

It was a reading experience where we not only learn about Nietzsche's life, but also experience what we think from it. It is an intellectually exciting book. I highly recommend this work.

Nietzsche and Dostoevsky

Hugh MacDonald, "Encountering Talents: Musicians 1853" - Describes a miraculous year in which Wagner, Brahms, and other musical geniuses crossed paths.

I have been looking at European history and culture from a "literary perspective" in the process of studying Dostoevsky.

However, this book allowed me to learn about Europe at that time from the "music point of view.

If you think about it, literature and music are not separate from each other, but exist in relation to each other. It was a great experience for me to see what Europe was like in the mid-19th century from the aspect of music.

I highly recommend this work not only to those interested in music, but also to those interested in literature and Europe itself.