
Nietzsche and Dostoevsky

Recommended 10 Nietzsche Commentaries - To learn about who Nietzsche is and his thought.

In this article I will recommend 10 commentaries on Nietzsche.

You may be surprised to see the books we are about to introduce, but they are certainly different from the books that are generally recommended by searching for "introduction to Nietzsche. You may think it is a bit difficult for those who are looking for an introductory book on Nietzsche, but as you will see when you actually read the books, they are all very detailed and easy-to-understand explanations.

Nietzsche and Dostoevsky

References to Dostoevsky in Nietzsche's Letters - What is the connection between Nietzsche and Dostoevsky?

In the "Nietzsche Letters" introduced in the previous article, there are a number of passages written about Dostoevsky. In this article, we would like to introduce the passages in which Nietzsche's references to Dostoevsky are written.

There was some very interesting content there in our attempt to consider Dostoevsky in relation to Nietzsche.

The Nietzsche Letters is a very interesting work for learning about the true face of Nietzsche, but it is also a highly recommended book for learning about his relationship with Dostoevsky.

I hope you will pick up this book. It is very easy to read (unlike Nietzsche's philosophy books).

Nietzsche and Dostoevsky

The Nietzsche Letters I & II" - The image of Nietzsche changes drastically! Recommended to know the true face of Nietzsche!

In "Letters I," we can see the process of Nietzsche's development from a young Nietzsche to a philosopher Nietzsche. It was very interesting to see the true face of Nietzsche, which cannot be found in philosophy books.

Then, in "Letters II," we will look at Nietzsche's last years, 1884-1889. Finally, Nietzsche is on the road to madness. It is terrifying to see the process of his descent into madness gradually becoming visible in the letters. The style and language clearly change from the past.

I highly recommend this collection of letters to get a true picture of Nietzsche. I am sure it will change your image of Nietzsche. I strongly recommend you to read this book. To be honest, I would recommend it more than the philosophical works themselves.

Nietzsche and Dostoevsky

Nietzsche's main work? The Will to Power - A phantom posthumous book fabricated by his sister

In fact, reading this "Will to Power" was quite tough. First of all, there was no flow, so I could not get into the rhythm of reading. Moreover, since it is a list of words that "didn't make it into a work of art," it is less moving than other works....

However, reading this with the knowledge of how this work was created and what it means has been a great lesson in literature, philosophy, and history. The kind of thing that happened in the making of this book could probably happen in any genre. It was a thought-provoking read about such things as well.

In that sense, I think it was significant to read this book.

Nietzsche and Dostoevsky

Nietzsche's autobiographical work "Behold This Man" - Nietzsche's last work written just before he went mad.

According to the commentary at the end of the book, Nietzsche began writing this work on October 15, Nietzsche's birthday, and finished the manuscript on November 4, 1889, an astonishingly fast pace. This work is a book that gives us a glimpse of Nietzsche's last moments before he went mad.

In fact, when you read the text, the words continue to oscillate between sanity and madness. Nietzsche's words are so unnerving that they are almost frightening to read. Words written in a state of mind that could almost be described as insanity have a tremendous strength. I feel the same with Dostoevsky, and it made me think that the state of mind of a genius is very different from that of a normal person.

Nietzsche and Dostoevsky

Nietzsche's "The Antichrist (Antichrist)" Synopsis and Comments - on Dostoevsky's "The Grand Inquisitor's Chapters" and its connection to Buddhism

The Antichrist, as Kanji Nishio states, seems to me to be one of the best of Nietzsche's works. Above all, it is easy to read! And the intensity of its ideas! This book is my favorite of all Nietzsche's works. I recommend this book especially to those who like Dostoevsky.

Another interesting aspect of this work that I personally found interesting was its connection to Buddhism. In this work, Nietzsche unleashes a merciless attack on Christianity, but is quite favorable to Buddhism. In this work, we can learn why Nietzsche was so favorable to Buddhism.

Nietzsche and Dostoevsky

Nietzsche's "Twilight of the Idols" Synopsis and Comments - What are the connections to Dostoevsky and Frankl's "Night and Fog"?

The Twilight of the Idols is a book of value shifts, a series of strong words that shake our values.

And what is said here is directly related to the work "Antichrist," which will be published shortly after this.

In this work, Nietzsche attempts to bring down the hammer on the moral system that has shaped the history of Christianity.

Also, in 1887, just before this work was written, Nietzsche encountered the works of Dostoevsky and was shocked.

This article will also consider Nietzsche through such a connection with Dostoevsky.

Nietzsche and Dostoevsky

Nietzsche's "The Shore of Good and Evil" and "The Genealogy of Morals" Synopsis and Comments - An analysis of the origins of morality and the formation of Christian ethics.

The Shore of Good and Evil" contains the famous words, "If you look into the abyss, the abyss will also look into you.

And in The Genealogy of Morals, Nietzsche analyzes and examines the history of morality in the Christian world.

What is a good person and what is an evil person? What is good and evil in the first place? It depends on one's position.

No, Christian morality is an unprecedented attempt to turn evil into good. Nietzsche makes the astonishing argument that the weak have dragged down the strong through feelings of resentment (lusantiman).

The Genealogy of Morals is one of the most memorable of Nietzsche's works for me. It is also a highly recommended work for understanding Nietzsche's thought.

Nietzsche and Dostoevsky

Feel the loneliness of Nietzsche's solitude in "Zarathustra" - his famous masterpiece "God is Dead".

Until now, I had thought of this work as a demonstration of Nietzsche's aggression and his pride in being a solitary philosopher.

However, reading Nietzsche's biography and rereading it after learning more about his life and person, I have a different emotional reaction than before.

Wasn't Nietzsche suffering from the loneliness of not being understood by anyone? He must have suffered from the reality of being surrounded by people who did not want to understand him. I began to think that these offensive words might be an expression of the bitterness of his loneliness and loneliness. In this article, I would like to consider Nietzsche's loneliness while also looking at his letters and other writings.

Nietzsche and Dostoevsky

Overview and Impressions of Nietzsche's debut novel "The Birth of Tragedy" - Recommended to learn about the characteristics of the philosopher Nietzsche.

Nietzsche was originally a classical bibliographer. Nietzsche attempted to look at ancient Greek literature from a perspective completely different from the academic wisdom of the time. The crystallization of his attempt is this work, "The Birth of Tragedy.

The famous concept of "Apollonian and Dionysian" is the result of such an attempt.

This is where Nietzsche, a philosopher who could not be confined to the framework of a bibliographer, began his career in earnest.

This work is also very important in understanding the beginnings of such Nietzschean philosophy.

Moreover, in my personal opinion, I feel that the text is easier to understand than in "Zarathustra" and other later works in the group. I think it is one of the easiest to read among Nietzsche's works.