
Life of TurgenevTurgenev, the great Russian writer

Seiro Sato, "The Life of Turgenev" - Recommended reference book to learn about the life and characteristics of the great writer!

The book looks back on Turgenev's entire life and delves into the connections between the events and his works in an easy-to-understand and in-depth manner.

It does not merely trace his life, nor does it merely explain his works. He connects the life and the works and explains very clearly what influences Turgenev's work.

I have introduced many of Turgenev's works on this blog, and I have quoted many of them there.

The connection between real life and the work is told in a narrative manner, rather than in difficult theoretical terms, so that the work can be understood without elbowing the reader.

smokeTurgenev, the great Russian writer

Turgenev's "Smoke" Synopsis and Comments - Set in Baden-Baden, a German holiday resort! If you want to know about art in literature, this book is for you!

This work was not well-received by the Russian literary circles at the time, but how was it for me, living in modern Japan, to read it... to be honest, it was not interesting.

So is the novel not worth reading?

No, that's not it.

In fact, for me, the novel "Smoke" became one of the most impressive of Turgenev's works.

I personally highly recommend this work. I think this work is of immense significance in understanding what art is in literature.

ViardotTurgenev, the great Russian writer

Turgenev and Madame Viardot's Fateful Love: The Opera Actress Who Decided Turgenev's Fate

Turgenev was the son of a wealthy landowner and a good-looking man. He was a star in the literary world, and in social circles, he was known as a dandy with his witty wit and outstanding intellect. There was no way he could not be popular. It is interesting to compare him with Dostoevsky. He is the exact opposite of popular. Turgenev was a man in love from his youth.

However, although he was such a man, he never married for the rest of his life.

He had one woman whom he loved all his life.

It was an opera diva named Pauline Viardot.

In this article I will talk about Turgenev's love. It is also interesting to compare him with Dostoevsky.

Turgenev, the great Russian writer

The relationship between Turgenev and Dostoevsky's "Evil Spirits" - What a chic move by the artist Turgenev!

Dostoevsky was to be peppered with satirical portrayals of Turgenev in his own work, "Evil Spirits," in the form of a character named Karmazinov.

It must have been quite a blow to Turgenev to be satirized in this way.

But he loves art beyond personal relationships.

I have fallen out with Dostoevsky, but I fully appreciate the value of his work. And to be fair, he even introduced him to French writers. I think this is a respectful act done out of love for art.

Turgenev, the great Russian writer

What are Slavic and Western Schools? The difference between Dostoevsky's and Turgenev's positions - if you understand this, Russian literature will be clear!





Masafumi JonoRussian History and Culture and Dostoevsky

Masashi Jinno, Sekai Shishi Gekijo - The World History Theater: How the Sino-Japanese and Russo-Japanese Wars Occurred, Why did the Russo-Japanese War Break Out - Vladivostok and the Trans-Siberian Railway

The book first describes how the sleeping lion Qing Dynasty prospered and then declined, and how Joseon and Japan moved along with it.

At that time, Japan was at the very end of the Edo period. The pressure from foreign powers was increasing, and the decision to open the country to the outside world or to expel the barbarians was being tossed around.

Dr. Jinno explains the confusion in Japan at that time and the situation in China, Korea, and Europe at that time in an easy-to-understand manner. It is a very enjoyable read with some quite surprising discoveries.

Listening to Dr. Jinno's talk, I am reminded that the world is a complex place, and that nothing is simple.

Masafumi JonoBritish and German Literature, History and Culture

Masashi Jinno, "World History Theater: The Plot of Genius Bismarck," recommended to consider the Franco-Prussian War and its influence on Emile Zola and Dostoevsky!

Dr. Jinno carefully explains from the history of international relations the true nature of war, why wars happen, and why peace is never achieved, which is difficult to learn about in ordinary life.

This book will change the way you look at the world.

At the same time, it also makes us think about the situation we, as Japanese, are in in the world today.

The book also mentions the Russo-Japanese War, and it was obvious how events in distant Europe had a powerful impact on Japan.

group (gang) of robbersBritish and German Literature, History and Culture

Schiller's "The Robbers" Synopsis and Impressions - Schiller's masterpiece, which had a strong influence on "The Brothers Karamazov"!

This work was written when Schiller was 22 years old, and it is the work that catapulted him to the top of the literary world.

It is said that when Dostoevsky was 10 years old, he saw "The Robber Baron" in a theater performance and was struck by it in a way he would never forget.

This is a masterpiece. It is definitely worth reading if you are interested in The Brothers Karamazov, but even if you are not, Schiller's work is definitely worth reading. It is an interesting work. I recommend it.

Writer's DiaryDostoevsky's works

The Diary of a Writer" Synopsis and Impressions - If you want to get to know Dostoevsky's personality, this is the film for you!

The Diary of a Writer is full of tender looks at the oppressed, including children and women.

I myself felt Dostoevsky's personality and gentle gaze for the first time when I read "Diary of a Writer.

This is a great book to learn about Dostoevsky's personality.

Although the work is quite voluminous, I highly recommend it to anyone interested in Dostoevsky.