
Contemporary Society through Dystopian Science Fiction Novels

Keisuke Ito's "Harmony" Synopsis and Impressions - Dystopia of an advanced medical society where "life and health are more important than anything else

Keisuke Ito passed away at the young age of 34.

Keisuke Ito wrote his debut work "Slaughterhouse Organ" while battling cancer, and this work was also written under near terminal cancerous conditions.

What is life? What is illness and death?

That is what we will be going through with this work.

When I think of Keisuke Ito's own circumstances, I feel the weight of this work even more.

Contemporary Society through Dystopian Science Fiction Novels

Toshiji Hase's "Metal Gear Solid Snake Eater" Synopsis and Comments - MGS Prehistory. The story of Big Boss starts here.

Naked Snake, the protagonist of this film, will later be known as Big Boss and will play a decisive role in the Metal Gear series.

Who is this person who forms the basis of the Metal Gear series? What is the existence of "Snake" in the first place?

You can also feel the atmosphere of the Cold War era by reading this work.

It is a masterpiece among masterpieces! It's a masterpiece! I recommend it!

Contemporary Society through Dystopian Science Fiction Novels

The trap of "Summary and Explanation (Fast Information)" on TV and the Internet, which is interesting and easy to understand! The world of "451 Degrees Fahrenheit" is now a reality!

We live in a convenient world where we can easily obtain information on the Internet, but we also expose ourselves to great danger.

Today, we are bombarded with "fast information" that is quick, easy, and easy to understand. We think we know a lot of information, but what if there is something terrible going on behind the scenes?

In this article, I will discuss such a frightening current situation!

Contemporary Society through Dystopian Science Fiction Novels

Hidenobu Kosai, "Rhetoric and sophistry" - How sophistry works and how to prevent it - The kinder and more serious people should know how to protect their minds from sophistry and pressure.

I am sure that there are many people who have had a difficult time being talked down to by someone with a strong mouth.

And sadly, the kinder and more serious a person is, the more he or she is unable to refute the words of such an opponent, and the more he or she keeps the pain inside himself or herself.

In such a world, this book is a wonderful prescription for such suffering.

Contemporary Society through Dystopian Science Fiction Novels

Orwell's "Animal Farm" Synopsis and Comments - This is how people are fooled. A masterful satirical allegory of Soviet totalitarianism.

You should beware of those who create enemies and promote hatred, insecurity and fear. That's what "Animal Farm" tells us about what happens after the enemy is defeated.

This short novel of about 150 pages is easy to read, yet contains an amazing amount of essence. It is guaranteed to be a shocking read. I highly recommend this work!

Contemporary Society through Dystopian Science Fiction Novels

Orwell's "1984" Synopsis and Impressions - How Totalitarian and Surveillance Societies Work - A Terrifying Work that Questions Our Present

1984" is a very frightening work. But it is hard to find a work as important as this one. I think it is one of the must-reads of our time.

I have been particularly fearful of the Orwellian world since the beginning of the Corona disaster. This is a terrifying work that asks the question, "What kind of world are we living in now? It is a masterpiece that we should cherish especially now!

Europe through Classical and Western Art

Hino Madoka, "Prokofiev - Music for Whom?" ~ A biography recommended to learn about the suffering and life of the genius musician of the Soviet Union!

Hino Madoka's brush with the Soviet era of oppression from the perspective of a musician is nothing short of astonishing. She does not merely lay out historical facts, but vividly tells the story of his harsh life as a narrative. The "advantages of biography," which allow us to learn about the historical background as well as the people, shine through more than ever. Every time I read Madoka Hino's writings, I am amazed.

Stalin and Hitler's genocide and holocaust

Arendt's "Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil" Summary and Comments - Why did the Holocaust happen? A book about the darkness of humanity.

The book will be the birthplace of Arendt's famous phrase "the banality of evil."

In this work Arendt examines the background of the horrific murder system in the Nazi Holocaust.

Eichmann was not a villain, but a man who could be found anywhere. This shook the world and at the same time caused intense controversy.

Learning from the History, Thought and Literature of the Cold War World

Solzhenitsyn's "A Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich" Synopsis and Comments - Accusations of the Soviet Gulag

This work is set in the Soviet concentration camps after World War II. Through this work, Solzhenitsyn attempted to portray the reality of the Soviet Union itself.

Solzhenitsyn is a Soviet-born writer and Nobel laureate in literature. The "A Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich," introduced here, is one of his best-known works, and he is also famous for "The Gulag Archipelago.

Learning from the History, Thought and Literature of the Cold War World

The Iron Curtain: The Ruin of Eastern Europe, 1944-56 - Recommended for learning about Eastern Europe under the postwar Soviet regime!

What surprised me when I read this book was that Soviet domination was not completed in an instant after the war, but proceeded through various processes in a cursory manner.

It was not a simple matter of the Soviet Union gaining effective control over Eastern Europe and completing the Iron Curtain.

I had no idea that the governance had taken so many twists and turns. The book brings up a series of very interesting facts.

This is a wonderful book to learn about how the Soviet Union brought other countries under its control. I highly recommend it.