
Learn about the life and thought background of Marx Engels

(58) Bakunin saw that Marx's communism would become autocratic state authoritarianism.

Bakunin, the strongest rival of Marcus Engels.

If he were merely an attraction, he could easily have been unseated by the political power of Marx Engels. He has done it time and time again: belittle his enemies, slander them, and isolate them through political maneuvering.

The real threat, however, lay in Bakunin's detection of a crucial weakness in Marx-Engels' thought. Bakunin saw exactly where their ideas were going. One can only be astonished at how astute he was.

Learn about the life and thought background of Marx Engels

(56) Engels retires from management, this time as a securities investor. The contradictions continue...

Engels had used his business acumen to further increase his windfall from his retirement as a business executive. He was now to reap enormous profits as a stockbroker. In other words, "the contradiction did not end with the last day he left the factory. Engels, who is the very bourgeois while he vehemently condemns the bourgeois, is the very bourgeois. What did Engels think about this contradiction? He had some surprising words to say about this

Recommended Marx-Engels Biography

List of 12 recommended Marx biographies - to learn more about the life and thought of Marx Engels.

I am not a Marxist.

But I believe that studying Marx is a very important way to learn about religion and human beings.

Why did Marx's thought attract so many people?

How was Marx's thought developed?

Who was Marx in the first place, and under what historical background did he live?

The biographies we will present hereafter will be a great help in learning such things.

Modern Russia and the Russo-Ukrainian War

Pan Kimura, "Putin: An Internal Political Study" - Recommended for understanding why President Putin is supported by the Russian people and how it works!

This piece takes a fairly detailed look at President Putin's domestic politics.

One of the most memorable aspects of the program is the propaganda through media control. It is easy to see why President Putin is so well supported by the people and why he has been able to stay in power for so long.

I also found your analysis of Mr. Nawarinui very interesting.

The second half of the book then examines the problems facing the Putin administration. The book reveals how President Putin, under the banner of "Strong Russia," is increasing pressure on other countries, but is suffering from the side effects of this pressure.

Kafka's City of Prague and Czech Literature

Ten recommended reference books to learn what the "Prague Spring" is all about - and to consider the Russian and Ukrainian invasions.

In this article, we recommend some reference books to learn about the 1968 "Prague Spring" Soviet military invasion (Czech Incident), which we have previously discussed in this blog.

Although the Russian invasion of Ukraine is currently at a critical juncture, the "Prague Spring" incident is also very important for understanding the history of the Soviet Union, Russia, and Eastern Europe.

I think it is very meaningful for us Japanese to learn about the Czech Republic, a country that has spun out a proud culture and history despite being surrounded by major powers.

Modern Russia and the Russo-Ukrainian War

Kazuo Ogawa, "After the Dissolution of the Soviet Union - Economic Reality" - Recommended for understanding the economic situation after the collapse of the Soviet Union.



I would highly recommend this work.

Modern Russia and the Russo-Ukrainian War

Alexievich, "People Who Lived in the "Red Country" in the Era of the Second Hand" - A great book to hear the real voices of people living in Russia after the collapse of the Soviet Union!

How was Putin able to seize power after the chaos that followed the collapse of the Soviet Union? The book also gives a sense of the atmosphere of why the Russian people support Putin.

What are Russians thinking and suffering? What are they angry about and what do they want?

This work is also very helpful in considering the current Russian-Ukrainian issue.
I think it is safe to say that this book is a must read for today's Russia.

Modern Russia and the Russo-Ukrainian War

W. Shabłowski, "Dancing Bears: People Struggling with Regime Change after the Cold War" - Freedom came suddenly to the people of the former communist bloc. Is freedom a burden?

This book is about the "dancing bears" of former communist Bulgaria and looks at the lives of people living in the former communist bloc.

This book is also amazing..!

There are plenty of books on Russia, but books on the former communist bloc and its aftermath are quite rare to begin with.

Moreover, the "bear dance" that has been handed down in the region is an exquisite symbol of the very drama of the transition from the former communist bloc to "freedom.


Russian History and Culture and Dostoevsky

Montefiori's "History of the Romanov Dynasty 1613-1918" - One of the best books to learn about the history of the Russian Romanov dynasty!

For me, Montefiorelli is a historian I can have great confidence in, and this work was of consistent Montefiorelli quality. I can only say one word: "Excellent.

You will learn in a dramatic and fast-paced manner how Russia expanded and grew in power from the beginnings of the Romanov dynasty.

The chapters are also progressed for each emperor, so it is very easy to understand the flow of the times.

This book is a great way to learn about the history of the country of Russia and what it has gone through to get to where it is today.

Learn about the life and thought background of Marx Engels

The Lives of Marx and Engels in Chronological Order - What is their tumultuous life and joint ventures?

Later in this article, we will look at their lives based on biographies about Marx and Engels, but in this article we will first take a quick look at their lives in chronological order.

Marx and Engels are often spoken of separately, but what I felt reading their biographies was how their lives overlapped.

Therefore, rather than looking at the two lives they followed as separate entities, I will use a single chronology in this article.