
Modern Russia and the Russo-Ukrainian War

J. Montague, ULTRAS: The World's Deadliest Goal Behind Journey - A shocking book that gives a different perspective on the situation in Ukraine!

This book is a must for anyone who enjoys good documentaries and is interested not only in soccer, but also in the connections between sports, politics, economics, and cultural theory. (It is a book for those who enjoy good documentaries and those who are interested in the connections between sports, politics, economics, and culture.

I agree exactly.

I found this work very stimulating, questioning the why of society and history through its radical supporters. There are many quite surprising things in the book. I highly recommend this work!

Modern Russia and the Russo-Ukrainian War

Motohiko Kimura, "Osim: The Endless Struggle" - Recommended to learn what is happening in Bosnia, where ethnic conflict continues after the conflict.

In 2007, at the age of 66, Osim suffered a stroke and retired as Japan's national coach. However, he has made a remarkable recovery, and despite the aftereffects of his illness, he has been working energetically for reconciliation in his homeland. This book provides an insight into Bosnia 20 years after the conflict through the activities of Osim after his return to Japan.

Modern Russia and the Russo-Ukrainian War

Motohiko Kimura, "Osim's Words" - Recommended to learn about the life of the famous general from Sarajevo and the Yugoslav conflict.

So far, the "Yugoslav Soccer Trilogy" has discussed Mr. Stojkovic and the Yugoslav conflict, and the final work will take a closer look at Sarajevo-born Osim and the Bosnian conflict.

This trilogy will give you a fairly broad perspective on the Yugoslav conflict.

This is a book that simply overwhelms me with the greatness of coach Osim. It is truly regrettable that Osim fell ill.

I recommend this work to all, not just soccer fans!

Modern Russia and the Russo-Ukrainian War

Motohiko Kimura, "The Bad Guy Comes to Yugoslavia: Yugoslavia Soccer War Story" - A shocking work that questions the pros and cons of NATO air strikes.

I will say this first. This book is terrific. I just want you to read it. And do it now! As soon as possible!

This is an important book at a time when we are being rocked by the Russia-Ukraine war.

What is said in this book is so shocking. There are many places I would like to cite, but since there is a limit to the amount of space available, this article will focus on some of the most memorable parts of the book.

Modern Russia and the Russo-Ukrainian War

Motohiko Kimura, "Pride: The Trail of Dragan Stojkovic" - Recommended for learning about Mr. Stojkovic, aka Pixie, and the Yugoslav conflict.

I was born in 1990, and when I thought of Mr. Stojkovic, aka Pixie, I had an image of him as a coach, but this book made me realize what a great player he was.

Serbia was unilaterally reported and sanctioned as a bad guy by the whole world. Mr. Stojkovic's life as a representative of Serbia (Yugoslavia) has been a life of hardship and suffering.

I have been learning about the Bosnian conflict, but learning about the Yugoslav conflict from the Serbian side was invaluable reading.

Modern Russia and the Russo-Ukrainian War

Tetsuichi Utsunomiya, "Dinamo Football: State Power and Soccer in Russia and Eastern Europe" - A shocking masterpiece that lets us know the past and present of the former communist bloc from the perspective of soccer!

I knew about teams like Dinamo Zagreb and Dinamo Kiev. But I had no idea that it came from the Ministry of Interior and the Secret Police...!

The Ministry of Internal Affairs is the KGB when it comes to Russia. Although the name has now been changed to FSB, the KGB is an organization known for President Vladimir Putin's service. I was really surprised to learn that the dreaded organization of the Soviet era was the origin of "Dinamo.

This is a great book. I unexpectedly came across a terrific book.

Modern Russia and the Russo-Ukrainian War

Yasuyuki Nagatsuka, "Chronicle of Soccer in Eastern Europe" - A recommended work that also provides information on the "5.13" incident, which sparked the Yugoslav conflict.

This book is a work that looks at the history and culture of Eastern European countries through soccer.

In particular, the first country to be introduced, Croatia, will be discussed in detail about the 1990 "5.13" riots, which are said to have triggered the Yugoslav conflict.

The author goes on to examine in detail this incident that shook Eastern Europe, and also covers the composition of the ethnic conflicts that were raging in the region. The background of the ethnic conflict as seen through soccer was very interesting.

Modern Russia and the Russo-Ukrainian War

J. Montague, "Billionaire Soccer Club" - Recommended to learn about Russian oligarch Abramovich and Chelsea.

Russian oligarchs (emerging conglomerates) that we came to know through the Russo-Ukrainian War.

Among those in the news recently is Abramovich, owner of the prestigious soccer club Chelsea.

I too was shocked by the news that economic sanctions have frozen Abramovich's assets and that Chelsea will not be able to operate as a result.

This book is a work that will give you an insight into who Mr. Abramovich is and why he became the owner of Chelsea.