
Holocaust Memorial HallIsrael ed.

Visiting the Jerusalem Holocaust Memorial (Yad Vashem), Israel ⑭

From the Old City of Jerusalem, we will take a streetcar to the outskirts of the city. We will visit Yad Vashem, the Holocaust Memorial Museum. Actually, I had not planned to visit Yad Vashem before coming to Jerusalem.

However, as I saw various things here in Jerusalem, I began to feel strongly that I should still visit.

Furthermore, my next destination in Israel is Krakow, Poland. Yes, I am going to see Auschwitz after this. In this article I will tell you about my experience at Yad Vashem.

Masada FortressIsrael ed.

The History of Masada Fortress, a World Heritage Site in Israel - The Tragedy of the Persecution of the Jews and the Story of Their Martyrdom Israel Chapter 11

This article introduces the Masada Fortress, a World Heritage Site in the Israeli desert.

Masada Fortress is a fortress located south of Jerusalem, less than an hour and a half drive from Jerusalem. Nearby is the Dead Sea, and the road from Jerusalem follows this Dead Sea.

This Masada fortress, a sacred site for the Jewish faith, is also a very important place in the history of the Jewish people and the Roman Empire.