
Marx Engels Writings and Related Works

Daniel Kahneman, "Fast & Slow" Summary and Comments - A recommended film to learn that humans are irrational beings!

Human behavior is mixed with uncertainty. It does not work according to logic.

Understanding such things anew and knowing the mechanism of such things may reduce misunderstandings and illusions. We may also be able to have more tolerance for others.

I think this book will be very beneficial in that aspect. It is a very interesting and stimulating work. I recommend this book for learning behavioral economics.

Marx Engels Writings and Related Works

R. Saylor, "Behavioral Economics Strikes Back" Summary and Comments - Recommended work to learn what makes behavioral economics different from conventional economics.

Thinking everything rationally, understanding the economy through mathematical formulas, and trying to apply it in practice does not work so well. If it were possible, shouldn't the economy run better? If it doesn't work, then maybe the premise was wrong in the first place.

So you can learn about the author's years of research and the path taken by a group of behavioral economists.

It has given me a very interesting perspective on Marx that I have been updating on my blog. This was a much appreciated piece.

Indian thought, culture and history

Satish Kumar, "You Are, Therefore I Am" - A Jain Perspective on the Philosophy of Coexistence and Symbiosis in Life

Satish Kumar's philosophy is characterized by a broad perspective that sees the world in terms of various connections. You will understand this as soon as you read it. It is not a difficult book to read. In fact, you will be surprised at how easy it is to read. But that does not mean that the teachings are shallow or light. The depth of the teachings is sure to leave you bowled over.

This is a tremendous classic. I highly recommend this book.

Indian thought, culture and history

Schumacher, "Small is Beautiful" - Advocates Buddhist economics! A work that sounds a warning about the modern state of supremacy of economic growth.

Schumacher was a British-based economist who warned against endlessly expanding economies and advocated a shift to an economy based on coexistence with nature.

In this book, Schumacher proposes a "Buddhist economics" that seeks a sustainable economy through a Buddhist view of the world. In this book, Schumacher proposes a "Buddhist Economics" that seeks a sustainable economy through a Buddhist way of looking at the world.

In these days when there still seems to be a strong tendency to "idealize" Western Europe in its entirety, I think this book is very valuable in raising these issues. I highly recommend this book.

Marx Engels Writings and Related Works

Malthus' "The Theory of Population" Summary and Comments - What is Malthus' Theory of Population, which had a great influence on Ricard and Marx?


It was a gratifying experience for me to read the source of the famous "Malthusian Laws". It was also sobering for me to think that Marx and Engels were studying these works of economics so hard.

Marx Engels Writings and Related Works

Rickardow, "Principles of Economics and Taxation," successor to Adam Smith - major influence on Marx!





Marx Engels Writings and Related Works

Summary and Comments on Takuo Dome's "Adam Smith" - Recommended reference book to clear up the misunderstanding of the "Invisible Hand".





Recommended Marx-Engels Biography

Ulrike Hermann, "Smith, Marx, and Keynes: A Revived Prescription for Crisis" - Recommended for an introduction to the flow of classical economics!

What is the difference between pre-Marx and Marx? What is the difference between post-Marx and Marx?

This book is very easy to understand because you can compare and see such things. After all, some things can only be seen by comparing them.

This book is a wonderful way to look at Marx in the context of history and the historical background. It is a gem written from a very broad perspective.

This is a book that I would highly, highly recommend. I recommend it to anyone who wants to learn not only Marx, but also Adam Smith and Keynes.