
Emile Zola, the blog author's favorite author.

Kazuo Ozaki, "Zola: Person and Thought 73" - Recommended biography to learn about Zola's life, characteristics, and the Dreyfus Affair!

I believe that in the history of literature, no one has depicted the workings of modern society as dispassionately as Zola.

This biography is a wonderful book that explains the life and characteristics of Zola in an easy-to-understand manner. As a Zola fan, I strongly, strongly recommend this book. This book is very meaningful for Zola fans, and I highly recommend this book to those who have never heard of Zola. I think you will be surprised to know that there was such a person. And you will want to read Zola's works.

Emile Zola, the blog author's favorite author.

Kimiko Shinseki, "Cézanne and Zola: Their Art and Friendship" - A recommended work that examines whether his best friend Cézanne Zola really abstained!

In this book, the author, who has a deep knowledge of Zola and Cézanne, examines whether Zola and Cézanne, who were close friends, really had an abortive relationship.

This book will tell you some amazing facts about it. I was also astonished when I read this book.

I would highly recommend this work to anyone interested in Impressionist paintings and Zola's novels. It is a wonderful work that connects Impressionism and Zola.

Europe through Classical and Western Art

Velázquez: Life and Works" - Famous for his masterpiece "Las Meninas"! The Spanish master who was acclaimed as "the painter of painters" by the Impressionist painter Manet.

It was very interesting to learn that Velázquez, a Spanish court painter, was influential in the formation of French Impressionism, which later swept the world.

In this book, you can enjoy a great deal of Velazquez's work. The explanations are easy to understand and you can learn about the historical background of the time, so I really appreciated this introductory book.

Taiji KimuraEmile Zola, the blog author's favorite author.

Taiji Kimura, "The Revolution of Impressionism" Zola and French Impressionism: Cézanne, Manet, and Monet

In the previous articles, we have considered various aspects of "why Zola is minor and Dostoevsky is popular in Japan," but this time we will change our perspective a bit and talk about Zola and French Impressionist paintings.

My interest in Zola led me to an interest in Impressionist painting.

On the other hand, it may be that those interested in impressionist paintings will connect with Zola's novel. I highly recommend this article!

productionEmile Zola, the blog author's favorite author.

Zola's "Creation" Synopsis and Impression - The birth pains and madness of a genius painter! If you want to know about Impressionism, this is the book to read!

This story is also Zola's autobiographical novel. The relationship between the protagonist, the painter Claude, and his close friend, the novelist Sandoz, is reminiscent of the relationship between the impressionist painter Cézanne and Zola.

Cézanne is the master of Impressionism. Zola and Cézanne had been schoolmates since Zola was 15 years old, and they remained in close contact with each other even after moving to Paris. Zola wrote many art criticisms for the development of Impressionism, and Zola himself learned a lot from the genius of Cézanne. In a sense, the two were allies in opening up the art world.

It is a great book to know the birth pains of an artist!