
History of the Soviet Union under Lenin and Stalin

(14) Lenin's view of literature: How he viewed Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, and others.

In considering Lenin's views on literature and art, I found it surprising that he held conservative views. I had an image of revolutionaries = destruction of the existing order. Russian nihilists are especially prone to this. The nihilist youth named Bazarov in Turgenev's "Father and Son" is a typical example.

But Lenin was not, and he had a conservative view of culture.

This article looks at Lenin's views on literature and art.

History of the Soviet Union under Lenin and Stalin

(13) Lenin worship, the beginning of deification and corruption of the Soviet Communist Party bureaucracy

This section will look at something very important in "Learning from Lenin".

It is sometimes said that "Marxism was proven wrong by the collapse of the Soviet Union. At the same time, the counterargument is made that "Marx is still not wrong because Soviet socialism is different from true Marxism.

It is true that the Bolsheviks who came to power after the Russian Revolution were corrupt. But I have to wonder if this is a slightly different dimension from the argument that "Marxism is inevitably so" or, conversely, "true Marxism should not be so".

I thought that this was not a question of principles or systems, but rather "a question of human beings themselves.

History of the Soviet Union under Lenin and Stalin

(12) Relocation of the capital from St. Petersburg to Moscow in 1918 and the food crisis

In March 1918, World War I was still raging and the Germans were closing in on the capital, St. Petersburg (Petrograd).

Lenin therefore decides to move the capital to Moscow.

The food situation in Russia was already dangerous, as World War I and the Revolution had devastated the countryside and disrupted the transportation system. A bad harvest was also threatening the situation. Lenin, who came to power, was already at a critical juncture.

So Lenin took the method of forced food requisitioning.

This article will discuss the policies taken by Lenin in such a predicament.

History of the Soviet Union under Lenin and Stalin

(11) "Everything is permitted to us" - a world of Soviet violence where every means was justified for the sake of the end.

In the present passage, Lenin's view of the revolution is presented in a straightforward manner.

We, the exploited, are allowed to do whatever we want to the bourgeoisie.

Because for the first time in the world, we are not trying to subjugate or oppress anyone, but to yoke everyone.

Because it takes a sword to free you from the ....... Blood? Let blood be spilled, if only it can turn the gray-white-black banner of the piratical Old World into crimson."

However, it is true that Lenin's rise to power eventually led to corruption in the party leadership, starvation among the people to the extent that many people died of starvation despite his claims to equality, and the strengthening of inequality and oppression. And during the Stalin era, the system of oppression was further strengthened.

History of the Soviet Union under Lenin and Stalin

(10) A brief explanation of the Russian October Revolution and Lenin's seizure of power.



It is said that the German people never imagined that Hitler would have so much power.

The scary thing about history is that we never expect it to happen." And there is a danger that it will repeat itself in different forms. We are no strangers to this.

History of the Soviet Union under Lenin and Stalin

(9) World War I and Lenin: German Support and the Seizure of Newspaper Media






History of the Soviet Union under Lenin and Stalin

(8) Lenin's black money source - young gangster, Stalin's dark side


The fact that a group that so brazenly commits robbery and uses it as a source of funds is in the public eye as a political group.

And then there is the future Soviet dictator Stalin, who has been a shadowy gangster since this time.

Lenin argues the logic that since the capitalists were robbing the workers, it is only natural that they should be robbed by us. This is a perfect example of Lenin's idea that the ends justify the means.

History of the Soviet Union under Lenin and Stalin

(7) Is Lenin Marxism a Religion? What is Lenin's greatest skill as a politician?


This is a problem that I, as a monk, cannot ignore. The communist Soviet Union that Lenin gave birth to could be based on religion. It depends on how you define religion, but I think this is a major theme that we need to consider after this.

History of the Soviet Union under Lenin and Stalin

(6) Lenin's lenient Siberian exile - what a difference from the harsh Dostoevsky exile period.

After returning from a trip abroad, Lenin was arrested in December 1895 on charges of revolutionary activity. This was his first arrest.

But it seems that the prison was looser than I had imagined. In fact, it may even have been comfortable. Lenin used this period of imprisonment to read many books and even wrote political works.

They were also free to bring in food, and even exchanged secret messages with each other under surveillance.

This makes me wonder if it would not be more convenient for the government to capture revolutionaries and put them in jail.

The situation is very different from that of 1849, when Dostoevsky was arrested. The difference is quite obvious, since the conditions of detention in those days were so harsh that some people went insane and others even lost their lives.

History of the Soviet Union under Lenin and Stalin

(5) Why you can't beat a man with a strong mouth - Lenin's style of oratory using venom and rhetoric.

Lenin showed unusual strength in debate. The secret to this was his tongue and rhetoric.

To seize power, he had to overwhelmingly defeat his opponents. He could speak with reasoned logic, but most effective of all was his tongue and rhetoric, which would make his opponents squirm.

In this article, I will discuss Lenin's overwhelming oratory.