
one's share of the spoilsEmile Zola, the blog author's favorite author.

Zola's "Prey's Share" Synopsis and Impressions - 1850s Paris in a land speculation frenzy. A human drama in search of money and power!

In "A Share of the Prey," Aristide, the third son of the Lugon family, hungry for "money and power," sniffs out a prize of a Paris remodeling project and struggles in Paris to get a share of it.

Money, speculative fever, extravagance, lust...

Zola depicts human desire in this way as well.


zoraEmile Zola, the blog author's favorite author.

Zola's "The Birth of the House of Lugon" Synopsis and Impressions - Shockingly interesting! A masterpiece that brings to life the beginning of Napoleon's Second Empire! It all started here!

The Birth of the House of Lugon was published in 1871 as the first volume of Emile Zola's monumental Lugon-Macquart series, which took 24 years to complete.


読んでいて「あぁ~さすがですゾラ先生!」と 何度心の中で うめいたことか!もう言葉のチョイス、文章のリズム、絶妙な位置で入る五感に働きかける表現、ゾラ節全開の作品です。正直、私は『居酒屋』や『ナナ』よりもこの作品の方が好きです。とても面白かったです。

zoraEmile Zola, the blog author's favorite author.

Zola is the best place to learn about French society and culture in the second half of the 19th century! What is Emile Zola's "Lugon-Macquart Series"?



zoraEmile Zola, the blog author's favorite author.

The Impact of "Izakaya! About the French writer Emile Zola, who was too funny.



Zola is a fearsome writer.

This guy is definitely worth reading...

I found myself intensely attracted to the writer Emile Zola.

Zola and DostoevskyEmile Zola, the blog author's favorite author.

French writer Emile Zola and Dostoevsky If you know Zola, you know Dostoevsky!






Shigeru KashimaFrench Literature, History and Culture

Shigeru Kashima, "The Couple Who Invented the Department Store" - The department store began here! France's Second Empire and the "Bon Marché

Department stores are deeply rooted in our lives. We live with department stores as a matter of course, but do you know when and where department stores were born?

In fact, it was this Paris of the French Second Empire.

The birth of the department store revolutionized the world's commercial style.
This book is a condensed version of the world we usually shop in without thinking about it. This is an amazing book. I wish this book could be used as a textbook for social studies. I highly recommend it.

Shigeru KashimaFrench Literature, History and Culture

Shigeru Kashima, "A Wonderful View, Paris World's Fair: Saint-Simon's Iron Dream," Paris World's Fair, which Eiichi Shibusawa also visited - Paris World's Fair as a device to arouse desire.





The Tale of the Crystal PalaceFrench Literature, History and Culture

Masaie Matsumura, "The Tale of the Crystal Palace, World's Fair London 1851" - The connection between the world's first world's fair and Dostoevsky.




この記事では松村昌家著『水晶宮物語 ロンドン万国博覧会1851』を参考にお話を進めていきます。

NapoleonFrench Literature, History and Culture

A quick look at Napoleon III and the six characteristics of France's Second Empire! The unique reforms that shaped modern society.



French Literature, History and Culture

What is the unexpected connection between Napoleon III's French Second Empire and Dostoevsky?

