
Taj MahalThird Indian Expedition - Journey to Places Related to Buddha

(67) Visit to the Taj Mahal, a symbol of India: A tomb like a palace and the tragedy of a captive king who gazes upon it.

When I think of India, I think of the Taj Mahal. I visited this world heritage site, one of the most famous architectural monuments in the world.

The Taj Mahal is like a palace, but it contains the sorrow of a king who lost his beloved wife. In this article, we will talk about the episode of such a sad king.

tangibleThird Indian Expedition - Journey to Places Related to Buddha

(65) To the ancient capital of South India, Thanjavur - It's so huge! This is not even Sri Lanka's fault!

Now, the third expedition to India is about to begin.

My first destination was the ancient capital of South India, Thanjavur.

I was here in Thanjavur to finish up the remainder of my Sri Lankan Buddhist travelogue before visiting the places associated with the Buddha.

What kind of country was the Chola Dynasty, the great power that engulfed Sri Lanka in the 11th century? We visited the capital of the Chola Dynasty.

Second Indian Expedition - Travels to Buddhist sites in India and Sri Lanka

(53) Arrival in Colombo, a major city in Sri Lanka! Impressed by the beautiful seaside scenery! Introducing its cityscape!

Colombo is the largest city in Sri Lanka, with a combined population and urban area of over 2 million. The city, which is also the center of business in Sri Lanka, is developing remarkably, and high-rise buildings are being constructed one after another. I was surprised as soon as I arrived at the city that it is almost as developed and beautiful as Japan's metropolitan area.

kataragamaSecond Indian Expedition - Travels to Buddhist sites in India and Sri Lanka

(51) Buddhistization of the Hindu holy city of Kataragama and nighttime pujas - Amazing difference from India.

Although originally a Hindu deity, Lord Katharagama himself came to be worshipped as the guardian deity of Buddhism in Sri Lankan Buddhism. This is quite similar to the Japanese term "kamibutsu shugyo," which means the union of Shintoism and Buddhism.

Kataragama has been an object of worship for both Hindus and Buddhists, but this began to change in the mid-20th century.

Abhayagiri Avalokitesvara (bodhisattva)Second Indian Expedition - Travels to Buddhist sites in India and Sri Lanka

(49) Why did Mahayana Buddhism die in Sri Lanka - What happened to the Buddhist community in Sri Lanka, which was also a center of esoteric Buddhism?

In my previous article, I talked about the existence of a Mahayana Buddhist tradition in Sri Lanka, and in this article I will give a brief overview of such a Mahayana Buddhist tradition in Sri Lanka.

A very important point about what Buddhism is all about will be discussed in this article. I am sure readers will be surprised.

Second Indian Expedition - Travels to Buddhist sites in India and Sri Lanka

(46) Thinking about the 1971 armed uprising by Marxist students at the University of Peradeniya in Kandy.

I have been in the process of studying Dostoevsky for the past few years, mostly European history. And now I am learning about India and Sri Lanka.

But I wondered, "What do I really know about Europe, India, and Sri Lanka? What do I think I know about Europe, India, and Sri Lanka?" Coming to the University of Peradeniya made me aware of this question once again.