
Contemporary Society through Dystopian Science Fiction Novels

W. Golding's "Lord of the Flies" Synopsis and Comments - The destruction of the myth of the innocent child! A masterful dystopian novel that explores the essence of human nature!

There is no doubt that this novel is a work of art that will have an unparalleled impact on human nature!

Man can be anything. Rational or bestial.

Why did these children, who were supposed to be good friends at first, end up committing murder? This is a work that exposes the mechanism with the utmost precision.

I hope you will read this work and experience its impact.

Contemporary Society through Dystopian Science Fiction Novels

Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?" Synopsis and Comments - A masterpiece of science fiction that became the basis for "Blade Runner"!

This work is based on the famous science fiction movie "Blade Runner," which is known as a milestone in science fiction movies, and its original novel is also highly recommended. The story of the movie and the original work are quite different, so they can be read as completely different works. And the novel version is also very good! The novel has a different charm from the movie.

Contemporary Society through Dystopian Science Fiction Novels

The trap of "Summary and Explanation (Fast Information)" on TV and the Internet, which is interesting and easy to understand! The world of "451 Degrees Fahrenheit" is now a reality!

We live in a convenient world where we can easily obtain information on the Internet, but we also expose ourselves to great danger.

Today, we are bombarded with "fast information" that is quick, easy, and easy to understand. We think we know a lot of information, but what if there is something terrible going on behind the scenes?

In this article, I will discuss such a frightening current situation!

Contemporary Society through Dystopian Science Fiction Novels

Ray Bradbury's "Fahrenheit 451 Degrees" Synopsis and Comments - Recommended especially for book lovers! How does one live in a world where books are banned?

This book is tremendous...!

I was drawn in all at once. I was so absorbed in reading the book that I was in a state of rage, and when I finished reading it, I was in a state of letting go. It was such a great feeling after reading that I couldn't do anything for a while. It had been a long time since I had such a great feeling after reading a book. That's exactly what it is, pure white. I felt as if I was completely possessed by this work.

Along with "1984" and "A Wonderful New World," it is a masterpiece of science fiction dystopian fiction!

Contemporary Society through Dystopian Science Fiction Novels

Aldous Huxley's "A Wonderful New World" Synopsis and Comments - A masterpiece of dystopian fiction along with "1984".

While "1984" depicts a dark world completed by the construction of a thoroughly controlled society, there is no such darkness in this film. The people who live there are happy.

But the eerie happiness and the way it is constructed will make us, the readers, feel fear and discomfort!

This is the best of the best of science fiction and dystopian fiction! Recommended!

Contemporary Society through Dystopian Science Fiction Novels

Hidenobu Kosai, "Rhetoric and sophistry" - How sophistry works and how to prevent it - The kinder and more serious people should know how to protect their minds from sophistry and pressure.

I am sure that there are many people who have had a difficult time being talked down to by someone with a strong mouth.

And sadly, the kinder and more serious a person is, the more he or she is unable to refute the words of such an opponent, and the more he or she keeps the pain inside himself or herself.

In such a world, this book is a wonderful prescription for such suffering.

Contemporary Society through Dystopian Science Fiction Novels

Orwell's "1984" Synopsis and Impressions - How Totalitarian and Surveillance Societies Work - A Terrifying Work that Questions Our Present

1984" is a very frightening work. But it is hard to find a work as important as this one. I think it is one of the must-reads of our time.

I have been particularly fearful of the Orwellian world since the beginning of the Corona disaster. This is a terrifying work that asks the question, "What kind of world are we living in now? It is a masterpiece that we should cherish especially now!