(former) Soviet Union

Modern Russia and the Russo-Ukrainian War

Motohiko Kimura, "Pride: The Trail of Dragan Stojkovic" - Recommended for learning about Mr. Stojkovic, aka Pixie, and the Yugoslav conflict.

I was born in 1990, and when I thought of Mr. Stojkovic, aka Pixie, I had an image of him as a coach, but this book made me realize what a great player he was.

Serbia was unilaterally reported and sanctioned as a bad guy by the whole world. Mr. Stojkovic's life as a representative of Serbia (Yugoslavia) has been a life of hardship and suffering.

I have been learning about the Bosnian conflict, but learning about the Yugoslav conflict from the Serbian side was invaluable reading.

Modern Russia and the Russo-Ukrainian War

Tetsuichi Utsunomiya, "Dinamo Football: State Power and Soccer in Russia and Eastern Europe" - A shocking masterpiece that lets us know the past and present of the former communist bloc from the perspective of soccer!

I knew about teams like Dinamo Zagreb and Dinamo Kiev. But I had no idea that it came from the Ministry of Interior and the Secret Police...!

The Ministry of Internal Affairs is the KGB when it comes to Russia. Although the name has now been changed to FSB, the KGB is an organization known for President Vladimir Putin's service. I was really surprised to learn that the dreaded organization of the Soviet era was the origin of "Dinamo.

This is a great book. I unexpectedly came across a terrific book.

Modern Russia and the Russo-Ukrainian War

Yasuyuki Nagatsuka, "Chronicle of Soccer in Eastern Europe" - A recommended work that also provides information on the "5.13" incident, which sparked the Yugoslav conflict.

This book is a work that looks at the history and culture of Eastern European countries through soccer.

In particular, the first country to be introduced, Croatia, will be discussed in detail about the 1990 "5.13" riots, which are said to have triggered the Yugoslav conflict.

The author goes on to examine in detail this incident that shook Eastern Europe, and also covers the composition of the ethnic conflicts that were raging in the region. The background of the ethnic conflict as seen through soccer was very interesting.

Modern Russia and the Russo-Ukrainian War

J. Montague, "Billionaire Soccer Club" - Recommended to learn about Russian oligarch Abramovich and Chelsea.

Russian oligarchs (emerging conglomerates) that we came to know through the Russo-Ukrainian War.

Among those in the news recently is Abramovich, owner of the prestigious soccer club Chelsea.

I too was shocked by the news that economic sanctions have frozen Abramovich's assets and that Chelsea will not be able to operate as a result.

This book is a work that will give you an insight into who Mr. Abramovich is and why he became the owner of Chelsea.

Modern Russia and the Russo-Ukrainian War

A. Kurkov, "Ukrainian Diary" - Recommended to learn about the 2014 Maidan Revolution, the annexation of Crimea, and the history of the conflict in the east.

The author, Kurkov, lived very close to the square where the Maidan Revolution took place and was one of the closest observers of this revolutionary process. This work is a record of those days of turmoil by such an author.

It is written in a diary style, so the situation at that time feels quite real.

The events described in this book are directly connected to the current Russian-Ukrainian war. I highly recommend this work to learn more about this war.

Modern Russia and the Russo-Ukrainian War

Pan Kimura, "Putin: An Internal Political Study" - Recommended for understanding why President Putin is supported by the Russian people and how it works!

This piece takes a fairly detailed look at President Putin's domestic politics.

One of the most memorable aspects of the program is the propaganda through media control. It is easy to see why President Putin is so well supported by the people and why he has been able to stay in power for so long.

I also found your analysis of Mr. Nawarinui very interesting.

The second half of the book then examines the problems facing the Putin administration. The book reveals how President Putin, under the banner of "Strong Russia," is increasing pressure on other countries, but is suffering from the side effects of this pressure.

Modern Russia and the Russo-Ukrainian War

Satoshi Nakamura, "Heaven, Be with You: Thirty Years of Struggle in Afghanistan" - Recommended to learn about Dr. Nakamura's activities in Afghanistan!

前回の記事で紹介した『アフガニスタンの診療所から』は1993年に刊行された作品で、今回紹介する『天、共に在り アフガニスタン三十年の闘い』はそこから20年を経た中村医師の作品になります。

『アフガニスタンの診療所から』では中村医師がアフガニスタンで診療を始めたきっかけや現地の医療活動について語られていましたが、今作の『天、共に在り アフガニスタン三十年の闘い』は上の本紹介にありますように、干ばつに襲われたアフガンに井戸を掘り、用水路を建設する中村医師の活動を知ることができます。

Modern Russia and the Russo-Ukrainian War

Tetsu Nakamura, "From a Clinic in Afghanistan" Synopsis and Comments - A great book to read now! To learn about the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan and the tragic reality that followed.

This book is one of the best books to read now.

The compact size of the book, about 200 pages in paperback, makes it easy to pick up without hesitation, and we highly recommend this work.


Modern Russia and the Russo-Ukrainian War

R. Braithwaite, "The Afghan Invasion 1979-89: Soviet Military Intervention and Withdrawal" - The quagmire military invasion that contributed to the collapse of the Soviet Union.


