
British and German Literature, History and Culture

Harumi James, "The Scarlet Queen" - Recommended biography to learn about the life of Mary, Queen of Scots, a tragic, too tragic woman.

Tragic, too tragic!

Reading this biography I couldn't stop thinking about it.

I couldn't help but cry, wondering if life could be so tragic.

Mary Stuart as portrayed in this biography is so fascinating that it makes me want to begrudge fate for how such a great person had to suffer so tragically.

I would highly recommend this biography. James Harumi's narration is excellent and I was quickly drawn in. This book will change the way you see England and Scotland. Why not pick up a copy?

Marx Engels Writings and Related Works

Yohei Nakajima, "The Eve of Socialism: Saint-Simon, Owen, and Fourier" - Was Marx's label of imaginary socialists unjustified?

Saint-Simon, Owen, and Fourier were labeled "fantastical socialists" by Marx Engels. This book looks at whether these three men were really fantastical socialists.

As stated in the book introduction above, this is a stimulating work that provides an insight into its reality, which is "neither fanciful nor socialist".

Don Quixote, the beloved itinerant knight.

T. Bulfinch's "A New Translation of King Arthur's Tales" Synopsis and Commentary - The Royal Tale of the English Medieval Knight! And the connection to Don Quixote.

This book will be a work compiled as a guidebook to get a general overview of the vast "Tales of King Arthur".

I would highly recommend this piece. The story is dramatic and enjoyable. I am convinced that this story has had a great influence on modern fantasy and video game productions. The Holy Sword Excalibur and the legend of the Holy Grail are exciting even for those of us living in the modern age. I think this work can be called the royal road of storytelling.

It was also interesting to read it while thinking about the connection to "Don Quixote"!

Don Quixote, the beloved itinerant knight.

M. J. Dougherty, "Illustrated King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table" - A recommended guide to learn the outline and history of the Arthurian story!

When it comes to medieval knightly tales, "The Tales of King Arthur" cannot be missed.

You have probably heard of "The Tales of King Arthur" before, even if you don't know what it is about.

And in fact, the famous "Knights of the Round Table", "Legend of the Holy Grail" and "Holy Sword Excalibur" are mentioned in this story. This is interesting.

It is also visually friendly with numerous illustrations, making it easy to read.

This is a great book for an introduction to King Arthur. This was a much appreciated work.

I highly recommend this guidebook.

Marx Engels Writings and Related Works

Robert Owen, "Owen's Autobiography" - Autobiography by the leading British visionary socialist.

You may think of socialists as revolutionaries, economists, or philosophers in the image of Marx, Engels, and others, but Owen was completely different. He was a merchant and businessman to the core.

The reforms he made at his factory were so humane that they are still appreciated today.

There is something in Owen that clearly does not fit into the idea that capitalists are all greedy and evil people who exploit workers.

In "Owen's Autobiography," you will learn how he came to his ideas and what motivated him. Read it and you will be amazed!

Learn about the life and thought background of Marx Engels

List of "Learning from the Life and Thought Background of Marx Engels" Articles - Is Marx a Religious Phenomenon, Based on Historical Background and Thought Formation?

This article will summarize all 69 articles introduced in the series titled "Learning from the Lives and Thought Backgrounds of Marx and Engels".

These will give you a fairly detailed background on the emergence of Marx's and Engels' ideas. And this will give you a great insight not only into Marx-Engels, but also into religion, thought, culture, politics, and even the nature of human beings themselves.

We hope you will use this article as a table of contents for this series of articles.

Marx Engels Writings and Related Works

Engels' masterpiece "From Imagination to Science" - A best-selling introduction to Marxism! Is Marxism a religious phenomenon?

The difficult and large "The Theory of Capital" and the easy and compact "From Imagination to Science.

It may be said that it was this combination that led to the explosion of Marxism.

I will state my conclusions in this article on the subject of "Is Marx a Religious Phenomenon?" Engels has accomplished something tremendous in this work.

This work is as decisive as "Capitalism" in considering Marx's thought. We hope you will read this article!

Marx Engels Writings and Related Works

Overview and Comments on Engels' "Anti-Dühring Theory" - Engels' masterpiece that had a huge impact on the propagation of Marxism.

The Anti-Dühring Theory has been highly regarded as an important commentary on Marxism. Marx's writings, especially "Capitalism," were too vast and difficult to understand. This book was published as an easy-to-understand explanation of Marxism, extracting the essence of such a book.

Indeed, the book is easy to read.

It is immeasurable how much the existence of the "Anti-Duhring Theory," with such an easy-to-understand and dramatic narrative in contrast to the ultra-obscure "Capitalism," has helped propagate Marxism.

Marx Engels Writings and Related Works

Adam Smith's "The Wealth of Nations" Summary and Comments - Classical economic theory, famous for "The Invisible Hand". Is this book to blame for capitalism run amok?

This book was written about 90 years before Marx wrote Capital. Naturally, Marx had also read the works of Adam Smith.

Marx is often thought of as the creator of original theories on capital and famous terms such as "surplus value," but I learned that he did not suddenly come up with "a new theory that no one in history had ever thought of before," but that these are ideas that he arrived at through the course of the history of economics. I was able to learn that he did not suddenly come up with a new theory that no one in history had ever thought of.

Marx Engels Writings and Related Works

Summary and Comments on Takuo Dome's "Adam Smith" - Recommended reference book to clear up the misunderstanding of the "Invisible Hand".

This work is a reference work on Scottish economist Adam Smith's Theory of Moral Sentiments and The Wealth of Nations.

Adam Smith is famous for "The Invisible Hand of God.

However, the greatest benefit of this book is that this "invisible hand" is misunderstood in the common understanding.

What did Adam Smith really want to say in his "The Wealth of Nations"? That is what we will be looking at closely in this book.