
KrakowPoland (ed.)

Entering Poland and Walking around Krakow - Old Town and Jewish Quarter Poland Part 1

Krakow is a city in southern Poland, and its old town, centered on St. Mary's Church, is known as a compact and very tourist-friendly city.

Krakow flourished as the capital of the Kingdom of Poland from the middle of the 11th century until the end of the 16th century, and was a cultural center along with Prague and Vienna.

And while Warsaw, the capital of Poland, is compared to Tokyo, this Krakow is compared to Kyoto.

While Warsaw was destroyed by the Nazis in World War II, Krakow miraculously escaped destruction. As a result, the old townscape from the Middle Ages still remains today.

JerusalemIsrael ed.

Leaving Israel and the infamous Ben Gurion Airport - Finishing up in Israel ㉒

The airport we will be using is Ben Gurion Airport. This airport is notorious for having the strictest passport control in the world.

The first requirement is that you must arrive at the airport at least three hours before departure, whereas at most airports you only need to arrive about two hours before departure.

He said he would be extremely angry if he did not make it on time.

This is no wonder, as the inspection was so thorough, with multiple layers of checks and even opening bags to check the contents of all luggage.

And what were you doing in Israel? and who packed that luggage? and many other questions.

There was also the rather unsettling information that if they were even slightly suspicious, they would be sent to another room.

We will now head to Ben Gurion Airport.

Tel AvivIsrael ed.

The best sunset I saw in Tel Aviv, a beach resort in the Middle East! Israel Part 2

We will now leave the city of Jerusalem for Tel Aviv, the capital of Israel.

Tel Aviv is a city that made big news in Japan due to the capital relocation issue.

And if you do your research beforehand, you will find that here in Tel Aviv is a major beach resort with the most European feel in the Middle East.

The Middle East is a desert. I had this image of the Middle East as a desert, but it seems that Tel Aviv is a major beach resort facing the Mediterranean Sea.

Jerusalem, the holy city of religion, and the deserts of the Middle East.

Perhaps there is a world here that overturns such an image.

Holocaust Memorial HallIsrael ed.

Visiting the Jerusalem Holocaust Memorial (Yad Vashem), Israel ⑭

From the Old City of Jerusalem, we will take a streetcar to the outskirts of the city. We will visit Yad Vashem, the Holocaust Memorial Museum. Actually, I had not planned to visit Yad Vashem before coming to Jerusalem.

However, as I saw various things here in Jerusalem, I began to feel strongly that I should still visit.

Furthermore, my next destination in Israel is Krakow, Poland. Yes, I am going to see Auschwitz after this. In this article I will tell you about my experience at Yad Vashem.