(28) Marx, The Holy Family - Young Hegelian, farewell to Bruno Bauer. First collaboration with Engels.

Learn about the life and thought background of Marx Engels


In the above article, we have provided a brief chronological overview of the lives of Marx and Engels, but in this series, "Learning from the Life and Thought Background of Marx and Engels," we will look at the lives and thought of Marx and Engels in more detail.

I will now refer to the book by Tristram Hunt.'TheEngels, The Man Marx Called General."This is a biography of Engels called.

What makes this book excellent is that it explains in an easy-to-understand manner which ideas influenced Engels and how his writings were produced from them.

It is very easy to understand the flow of history because you can learn along with the historical background of the time and the ideas that were popular at the time. It is easy to understand how the ideas of Engels and Marx were developed. The book also gives me a road map of what to read next to learn more about Marx and Engels. I appreciated this.

And this book made me realize how much Engels had influenced Marx's writings. It is quite amazing.

Although this book is a biography of Engels, it also goes into great detail about Marx. It was such a great biography that I thought I could learn more about Marx by reading this book than by reading a biography or commentary on Marx.

We may use other Marx biographies to supplement some of Marx's life and interesting episodes, but basically we will focus on this book and take a closer look at the lives of Marx and Engels.

For other reference books, see the following articles"List of 12 recommended Marx biographies--to learn more about the life and thought of Marx Engels."Please refer to this page for a summary.

So let's get started.









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Chikuma Shobo, Tristram Hunt, translated by Erika Togo, Engels: The Man Called General by Marx, p. 159-160





Despite its pompous theme, "Critical Criticism" was originally intended as a short satire on Bauer and others, and Engels quickly compiled it into a manuscript for his own use before leaving Paris for Barmen in September of 1844.

'Farewell, dear Karl,' Engels wrote in parting. I have not been able to recapture the good cheer and motivation I experienced during the ten days I spent with you."

He foolishly left the manuscript with dear Karl, where it was instantly rewritten in an unrestrained style recognizable as Marx's. First and foremost, the length was changed. I was more than a little surprised by the fact that you had expanded "Critical Criticism" to nineteen pages. ...... It would seem strange if you left my name in the title. I wrote only one and a half pages," Engels wrote.

In addition, a disproportionate amount of pages were devoted to denouncing political opponents. The exceptional disdain we both feel for the "Literary Gazette" contrasts sharply with the pages devoted to it.

The increased number of pages in this booklet also foreshadowed early on a serious weakness in Marx, who was often distracted from more substantive projects. Please let me finish your book on political economy," he said. Even if you yourself are still unconvinced on many points, it doesn't really matter. My head is ripe, and the iron must be struck while it is hot," Engels pleaded in a familiar phrase that would be repeated with disgust over the next few decades.

Do as I do. By thenIt'll never end.、、、、、、I set myself a deadline of "I'm going to make sure it goes to print right away," he said.

Finally, there was the journalist's unique knack for giving a title that would be well received. In a derisive reference to the Bauer school, Marx renamed the pamphlet "The Holy Family, or A Critique of Critical Criticism, a Refutation of Bruno Bauer and His Friends. The new title will probably put me in a tight spot with my ...... otherwise very angry and pious parents. You couldn't have known that."
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Chikuma Shobo, Tristram Hunt, translated by Erika Togo, Engels: The Man Called General by Marx, p. 160-161


Do as I do. By thenIt'll never end.、、、、、、という期限を自分で設定し、確実にすぐさま印刷にかけられるようにするんだ」




And one more point.






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