Ten Years of Solidarity: Poland, Crushed Reforms, and Czechoslovakia" - Recommended for understanding the flow of the Prague Spring.

Kafka's City of Prague and Czech Literature

『「連帯」10年の軌跡 ポーランド・おしつぶされた改革 チェコスロバキア 』概要と感想~プラハの春の流れを知るのにおすすめ!

今回ご紹介するのは『NHKスペシャル 社会主義の20世紀』第三巻所収の『「連帯」10年の軌跡 ポーランド・おしつぶされた改革 チェコスロバキア 』です。

This book is the third volume in a series titled "NHK Special: The 20th Century of Socialism," about the anti-Soviet movement in Poland at the end of the Cold War and the Prague Spring incident in the Czech Republic in 1968.

Let's take a look at the book.

「連帯」10年の軌跡 ポーランド

おしつぶされた改革 チェコスロバキア

日本放送出版協会『NHKスペシャル 社会主義の20世紀』第三巻所収、伊東孝之、南塚信吾、NHK出版、アレクサンドル・ドゥプチェク著『「連帯」10年の軌跡 ポーランド・おしつぶされた改革 チェコスロバキア 』より

I picked up this book because I was looking for something that explained the Prague Spring.

The book is dedicated to the situation in Poland at the end of the Cold War and the Prague Spring, and each is discussed just about halfway through the 270 pages of the book.

There are surprisingly few books that provide more than 100 pages of commentary on the Prague Spring alone, and we were very grateful for such a comprehensive commentary.

And it is easy to understand not just the Prague Spring of 1968, but also the explanations of the preliminary stages leading up to it, and why Prague was trying to move toward a unique socialist system, and why the Soviet Union tried to crush it so thoroughly. It is very good for getting the background of events as it carefully follows the flow of history. The book also covers the road leading up to the Velvet Revolution of 1989, so it covers the period before and after the Prague Spring.

The abundance of photographs makes it easy to visualize what it was like in those days, making this book a perfect overview of the Prague Spring.




以上、「『「連帯」10年の軌跡 ポーランド・おしつぶされた改革 チェコスロバキア 』~プラハの春の流れを知るのにおすすめ」でした。

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